04-30-2002, 09:43 AM
This is one of the best fanfictions that I have read on Final Fantasy ever.

I'm not joking.

It's not by me - I have not written this at all. However, the person who has written it has given me permission to post this (he can't be bothered to do it himself!)

Read and enjoy, and feel free to post what you think.

There are no original FF characters in it, but it is set in the FF world..

This is the first part, it runs into quite a few. I'll post the others if I get enough interest...

These are his notes...

Just a few notes about this story before I start:

(1) This story has the characteristics mainly of FF8 and FF10. What that means is that the characters have their own abilities and skills acorrding to their class and not materia like FF 7.

(2) The characters will each have their own Aeon. Aeons are the same as Guardian Forces and Summons.

(3) I debated whether or not to have the cure magic present. Why? Because it would be all too easy if everyone was cured after every battle and there is no sense of danger. So cure is there BUT it is a double-edged thing. It can either help a wound or make it worse. Oh and no potions or phoenix downs either.

Part 1: "Battle of the Aeons"

Bray raced through the forest, side-stepping past trees and ducking under branches as he went. The wind rushed to meet his face as he accelerated and jumped over a small rock in his path. His sword trailed behind him as he ran, slightly scraping against the ground now and again. Up ahead he could make out a clearing and the trees suddenly thinned. He began to slow and then cautiously walked out to the edge of the clearing.

It was mid-day and the sun was slowly making its way west. It gave out a warm glow as few clouds floated by. Bray walked forward and slowly went over to the edge of the hill. He crouched and looked down. He could see for miles from here. Far below he could make out a city. It looked almost lifeless, deserted. Not far from the city he could see some monsters roaming around in the fields searching for a meal.

A flicker of darkness blocked out the light of the sun momentarily and he looked up. Bray tensed. A huge winged dragon was flying high above, it had passed directly under the sun, and flew downwards scanning the fields. It was a magnificent creature. Its wingspan was huge and it had a deadly air about it.

So, this is what has been terrorising the villagers.

Bray watched the dragon as it spotted the monsters and then scooped down low. It landed a few feet away from them and roared. The roar resounded around the whole area and Bray was amazed that he could hear it from way up here. The monsters circled the dragon, sizing it up. One was a Zuu. A large cumbersome bird with a large beak and the other was a Blazer Beetle.

The Blazer Beetle was the first to strike. It reached out with its claws to attack. The dragon easily evaded it by taking to the air. The Zuu followed. The Dragon breathed deeply and then flames began to flicker around its mouth. It released a stream of fire frying the bird. The Zuu let out a huge cry of pain and then fell to the ground. The dragon quickly swooped down and picked up the Blazer Beetle with its feet. It flew up high, dispersing several clouds as it went, and then let it go.

The monster screamed an otherworldly cry as it fell through the sky. As it hit the ground it crushed sending blood and guts outwards. The dragon roared a victory cry. As Bray watched he noticed that something was different about this creature. It just looked and felt different than any monster that he had encountered before.

Bray shook his head. He had been tracking it for several days now and was not sure if he could take him on. The dragon was very powerful and armed only with a sword Bray was not sure that he could win. But then again the dragon was not causing anyone harm. It just flew through the countryside and battled a few monsters as it went.

But the villagers would not accept just letting it be. They were frightened. Scared that it would one day attack and kill them all like the other monsters populating this world. They said that it was just biding its time. That�s why they had hired him. Bray was a mercenary. Willing to be hired to clear away a few monsters or aid in a short war ... but for a price.

The villagers were offering him 3000 gold coins plus food and water. It was an offer that he could not resist. But now, as he watched the monster, he wondered if he should do it. Suddenly Bray spotted something out of the corner of his eye. He turned and saw a small figure standing out in a few fields away from the monster. Bray strained his eyes and could make out that it was a woman.

The dragon had also spotted the woman and flew towards her. Bray's heart stopped. It's going to attack her! Jumping, Bray slid down the side of the hill, he reached the bottom and rolled out of it. Getting straight back up he ran as fast as he could towards them.

As he got nearer Bray saw that the dragon landed a mile away from the woman. He watched as the woman calmly held what looked like a short spear outwards horizontally in one hand. Closer still he could make out her face. She was beautiful, with soft delicate features and thin lips, and her hair was in Zulu knots. She wore a feathery coat that was blue and a chain of sorts around her neck.

The dragon did not move. It just stared strangely at her. Almost out of breath, Bray reached the field. The woman saw him but then turned back her attention to the dragon. The dragon ignored him also.

Where is he?

Bray heard a voice as it pounded deep in his head. It was very loud and clear but looking around Bray did not see anyone else who could have spoken.

"You want to fight?" Asked the woman calmly. "Why?"

It's in my nature. I must fight. Prove yourself to me and I will become your Aeon.

Bray stared at the dragon. He was not sure how but it was the dragon that he was hearing in his very thoughts. He turned to the woman but she was still calm.

Aeon? Bray had heard that word before but was shocked at the thought of it. He then watched as her features turned hard and the image of a strong woman appeared.

"Then so be it, Bahamut."

She took a step back and the dragon took to the sky. She closed her eyes and then held the spear aloft. Green orbs appeared and floated around her.


The orbs disappeared as fast as it had arrived. Suddenly a soft blue aura appeared underneath her and grew to form a blazing symbol on the grass. Four blue lights erupted from the symbol and shot up to the sky. There was a cry and a huge bird-type creature appeared from out of the clouds. The creature landed beside the woman and stared at Bahamut.

Bray looked on in shock. "A � An Aeon?!"

Valefor had huge curved wings. It looked somehow bird-like and had a long flowing head dress and tail. Two curved apertures stood out from its chest and a small bell hung from one of them. The woman smiled and patted the Aeon.

Aeons. Bray knew only a little about them. They were creatures that abide in an altered state to this world venturing into our own now and again. They would sometimes allow themselves to help certain humans if they liked them or if they were worthy enough. It seemed that this woman, whoever she was, could summon Aeons. Bray looked at the dragon. He must be an Aeon too.

Show me what you've got!

With a flap of its wings the dragon jetted towards Valefor. Valefor took to the air also and calmly waited. Bahamut quickly bridged the gap between them with incredible speed and was almost upon them when the woman shouted.

"Now, Valefor!"

A soft blue light began to emit from Valefor. He drew back his wings and then shot them forward with all his might. A huge sonic gust of air shot outwards. It hit Bahamut square on and sent him off course. Bahamut shook his head and circled, he prepared for another charge. Valefor charged also. Bahamut waited until the last second and then flew slightly upwards. He grabbed Valefor with his claws and then drove him into the ground.

Valefor cried out in pain. He slowly tried to get up. Bahamut did not give him the chance. He rose up high and then energy began to gather around his mouth.

"Oh no!" Shouted the woman. "Mega Flare! Valefor get up!"

The energy continued to gather until it was almost blinding to look at. A screeching sound invaded their ears and they tried to cover them. The woman ran towards Bray and grabbed his hand as she passed by.


Bahamut released the energy. A powerful stream of blue energy shot down from his mouth and towards Valefor. It hit him and a huge explosion filled the entire surrounding area. Bray and the woman were hurled to the ground by the shock wave. They slowly turned to see Bahamut roaring. The woman ran over to where Valefor last was. Bray followed.

As the smoke cleared Bray almost fell. A huge crater had been marked into the field. In its centre was a bruised and bloodied Valefor. She ran down the side of the crater and to her Aeon.


She quickly knelt beside him and examined his injuries. He was hurt really badly. She calmed herself and then held out her hands, hovering just above his chest.


A soft green light began to emit from her hands and a glow surrounded the Aeon. She felt her energy flow out to the creature. Bray saw the Aeon slowly open its eyes as some of its energy returned.

"You're a white mage?" Asked Bray.

She nodded but kept her full attention on Valefor. After a moment she pulled away and the glow faded. She slumped, her energy drained.

"It worked! You need to rest Valefor. But you are going to be ok. You fought well."

Valefor roared and then began to fade. It disappeared into thin air.

They both turned as Bahamut roared. That was too easy. I have not fought a proper battle in a long time. Is no creature worthy of my time. He turned towards them. Or maybe a human would offer up a better challenge.

They both looked at each other. Bahamut flew towards them and landed just in front of them in the crater.

"Stand back." Bray warned the woman. "I'll have to fight him."

The dragon laughed. You? Ha ha haa! Neither one of you have the power to come up against me!

Bray raised his sword. "If you come any closer then I will try!"

Bray began to shake. He shuddered as he watched the powerful Aeon look at him weirdly. He shook the feeling off and got into his battle stance. A smile appeared on the dragon's lips.

Hhhmm. I sense something strange about you. Maybe you are the one? He glared hard at Bray. I will become your Aeon.

"You will?!" Bray answered in shock.

Yes. This should prove very interesting. He roared again and then began to fade and disappeared. When you need help summon me and I will appear.

Bray relaxed and put down his sword. He wiped the sweat from his forehead. He suddenly remembered and turned around to the woman. She was watching him with some interesting and then smiled.

"Wow. Such courage. He could have killed us both instantly if he wanted to."

Bray smiled back. "Thank god he didn't ... I can't believe it. Aeons! I though that they were only legend until now. And you can summon one." Bray shook his head. "Amazing. And a white mage to boot. I'm Bray, by the way."

The woman took his hand and they shaked. "Hi. I'm Amber."

"Amber? That�s a beautiful name."

She smiled. Bray looked around nervously. "D � Do you live far from here. I could walk you home if you'd like. Its not safe."

"I can take care of myself." She turned and started to walk. "But it�s a long walk. I could do with the company."

Bray smiled and jogged up to her. They climbed out of the crater and headed towards the city that Bray had spotted earlier. They talked about many things. He listened as Amber told him of her struggle to help the people in the city lead a normal life. Of the effect that the virus and the monsters had had on her life, and the death of some of her close friends.


A young man watched from the distance. He held in his hand a strange sword. The hilt was circular and without the usually T-handle and it had a long but thick blade. The blade was adorned with strange symbols. He watched as a man in a white robe walked into a cave with blue-robes right behind.

The man in the white robe held a torch up high. It lit the entire area and cast flickering lights off of the tunnel's walls. He walked forward and several blue robed men followed after him. They travelled deep into the cave with the torch lighting their way. The tunnel soon opened up and they came to a big cavern. In the centre of the cavern was a stone alter with a body on top of it.

"The day is finally drawing near."

They turned to see a woman enter the cavern from a side tunnel. She had purple hair and was dressed all in blue. In her arms she held a baby. The man turned and they all bowed to her.

"Supreme Mother. You grace us with your presence."

She smiled a cruel wicked smile. "Thank you Guardian." She turned to look at the body on the alter. "I can not wait! Zoot will soon rise up again and lay claim to this world! He will be reunited with me ... and with his daughter, Brady."

"Zoot be praised! Zoot be praised!" The chosen cried out.

The Guardian went up and knelt beside the alter. "It's just a matter of time. Zoot will rise again!"

See - I told you it was good!

:D :D :D

04-30-2002, 08:53 PM
Yes indeed it was great:D :D :D :D

05-02-2002, 11:26 AM
Would anyone be interested in the next few parts? I'll just let this drop if no-one is...

:D :D :D

05-02-2002, 02:57 PM
I would like to see another part:D

05-03-2002, 09:31 AM
I B****Y Would... So DO IT!!!!!!!:D :D :D

05-03-2002, 11:57 AM
Ok then, here's the next part. Let me know what you think!

Part 2: "Hidden Pasts."
Bray stopped and followed Amber's gaze. They had been walking along a narrow but well-worn path leading to the city. It had been a long walk, but they had not encountered any monsters along the way, when Amber suddenly pulled him aside to some bushes. They made their way slowly forward and Bray could see the city straight ahead. He was about to speak but then saw two armed guards in blue robes standing to attention by the city gates.

He gave Amber a puzzled look but she remained silent and motioned for them to move back out of earshot. They made their way back through the bushes and a little away from the path. Amber turned around to look at Bray.

"They are the people that I told you about." She said. "They call themselves the Chosen. They have taken over the city and worship someone called Zoot."

"Zoot?!" Memories flashed before Bray's eyes.

"Do you know of him?" Asked Amber.

Bray looked away. "It was a long time ago."

Amber felt that he was holding something back but did not pursue it. She scanned the area and then found what she was looking for. She knelt down to the ground and then began moving away some of the undergrowth and branches. Bray soon saw a grill imbedded into the ground.

"This is the sewer system. It leads all around the city. Its how we can move freely without being detected. And how we can leave the city if needs be."


"Yes. I am a part of a resistance group. We are called the Ecos. I am one of their leaders. We are trying to rally against the Chosen and their rule. But its been hard going. And we've lost a lot of good people."

Amber turned and put her hands through the grill. She then grabbed on to the bars and lifted it up, placing it to one side. Bray peered down. It was dark and he could only see down a few metres. But he could smell. It was disgusting, it drifted up to him, and he almost choked. He saw a ladder to the side of the tunnel that led down.

"Don't tell me that your base is in the sewers!"

Amber smiled. "No. But we need to go through them to get into the city and to my base. And as for the smell ... well, you get used to it."

She continued to smile and then began to descend the ladder. Bray took a deep breath and then followed. As he moved onto the ladder he picked up the grill and put it back into place. It was very dark but the light partially coming through the holes in the grill was enough to see the rings of the ladders. They cautiously made their way down and then came to the bottom.

Bray looked around. He could see that they were in a junction. The sewer's tunnels split off into various directions. Amber went over to a wall and began feeling around with her fingers. Her fingers stopped and she removed a loose rock. She reached into the gap and pulled out a torch and a lighter. Soon the fire was lit and they could see the entire tunnel.

"Follow me."

He went after Amber as she chose one of the tunnels to the right.

"The Ecos and I have been fighting the Chosen for a while now. The leader of the Chosen is this insane b*tch called The Supreme Mother. If anyone crosses her she sentences them to death." Amber looked into Bray's eyes. "She is evil Bray! They all are! They are completely insane and want to enslave everyone with their weird religion based on Zoot."

Bray kept quiet.

"Do you know who this Zoot is?" She asked.

"Yes, I do. But I don't like to talk about it."

Amber just nodded. They continued down the tunnel.



Trudy screamed for the guards and instantly two blue robed chosen entered into her personal chambers. She stood staring at them with cold unnerving eyes.

"Yes, Supreme Mother!" They stood to attention.

"Do you believe in Zoot?"

She said it quietly and calmly a sudden contrast to her scream a minute ago and it took the guards aback. They looked at each other puzzled.

"Of course Supreme Mother! Power and Chaos!"

Trudy slowly walked around them like a lion to its prey. She leaned over to one of the guards and began in a whisper.

"That�s good to hear ..." She walked forward. Suddenly she spun around and screamed at them. They jumped back. "Then where is my food! Do you know how important this ceremony is?! It will take a whole load of energy! Energy that I need to conserve and rest upon. Energy which you are denying me!!!"

She almost spat as she enthasised the last sentence. The guards saw the anger rising uncontrollably in her.

"S � Sorry Supreme Mother! W � We will bring you food right away. It will never happen again! I � I just forgot."

Trudy's face developed a twisted smile. The other guard saw the look and slowly moved out of the way.

"You ... forgot." She whispered. "You! Forgot!"

A dark black light began to glow from her. Trudy raised up her hand and pointed towards the guard.


The guard turned to run but suddenly he screamed out in agony as he was set ablaze. His clothes caught fire followed by his flesh as he was burned alive. He continued to scream as the smell of burnt flesh filled the air. Trudy watched in satisfaction as his skin blackened and peeled and he wriggled about on the floor. The other guard looked on is shock, not able to move.

"See what you made me do. You've gone and wasted more of my precious energy needed for the ceremony." She turned to the other guard. "I take it that you can get me what I need." It was a statement more than a question.

The guard slowly nodded and then hurried to get out of the room. Trudy sighed and then went over to Brady in her cot. She picked her up and carried her over to the burnt carcass of the guard.

"Do not worry my baby. Your father will soon return to us. Tonight at midnight all the stars will be in allignment. That is when the window of opportunity will present itself. Then, then we can leave these pathetic fools and rule this world!"


The grill slowly lifted up. Bray pushed it over to one side and looked around. He could see a rubbish filled alley and no one was in sight. He nodded to Amber and then climbed out of the sewers. Offering his hand to hers he helped her up. Amber replaced the grill and then looked around.

"Ok, looks like the coast is clear. Our base is just around the corner."

They quickly moved off down the alley. They came to the end and then slowed. They took a look around the corner. Nothing. They stepped forward and almost ran down the deserted street.

"Hey you!"

They turned and saw that a few Chosen guards had spotted them. The guards looked at them suspiciously.

"Where are you off to in such a hurry?" The lead guard walked forward to get a better look at the two. Amber lowered her head. "Huh? ... wait, I know you! You're Amber - the leader of that rebel group! Get them!"

The guards rushed forward and quickly surrounded them. There was no where to run. Bray surveyed the situation and then drew his sword. Amber held her spear with both hands.

"Lets see if you're as good a mercenary as you've made it out to be." She said.

Amber suddenly sprung forward and used the blunt end of her spear to hit into a guards side. The guard doubled up and then she whacked it around his face. The guard fell back. A guard from her left raised his staff and lashed downwards. Amber held her spear up high and blocked the attack. They both took a step back. Another guard from her right attacked. Amber quickly dodged out of the way and stuck out her leg, tripping him.

Bray watched her fight for a while. She was amazing. She had this soft caring side to her, but when she was fighting another side appeared. It was her strong side. She battled fiercely but with fluid motions. He could tell that she was a survivor and had been trained well. He suddenly turned and saw the guards approaching him.

"Ok then. Let's battle!"

Bray rushed forward and swung his sword in a wide arc. The guards jumped back narrowly avoiding the swing. Bray pressed forward and swung to his right he caught a guard on the arm causing him to drop his staff. Another swing and he cut through the guard's stomach. Bray got knocked to the side. A guard had lashed out with his staff and it had connected with him. Bray balanced himself and let out a kick. The guard fell back pulling others down aswell.

Taking a step back Bray swung downwards. The guard tried to block it with his staff but it was broken in half. Bray sliced through the guard and then moved out of the way, a staff hitting the ground where he just was a moment ago. Out of the corner of his eye Bray saw that more chosen were arriving to the scene. They were fast becoming outnumbered.


Amber held her spear up high above her and then drove it into the ground. Suddenly a blue aura formed around her and quickly grew. Bray saw the event and quickly ran towards her the guards right behind. As he got near a small opening appeared in the barrier and Bray stepped through. It closed behind him. He turned to see the guards slow.

One of them stepped forward and held out his hand. The air directly in front of him turned solid and the blue aura pushed him back. He raised his staff and hit the barrier. He was pushed slightly back but the barrier held.

"Quickly." He called out to the others. "Hit the barrier from all sides! That should weaken it providing a gap to go through!"

They nodded and formed a circle around the barrier. They then began attacking, hitting against it again and again. Bray watched as Amber held onto her spear that was dug into the ground. She was trying to hold on to the barrier.

"I don't know how long I can hold on to it Bray!" She said straining all her concentration onto her magic.

"Ok, Amber. Can you extend it for just a second before you let it go. It should give us space to attack."

Amber nodded and prepared to do it. Bray held out his sword. It caught the reflection of the sun and sparkled. He concentrated and a soft blue light appeared around him.

Fire blade!

A flicker of flame suddenly appeared on his sword. It grew and soon the blade changed to a blade of pure fire. There was a sudden noise and Bray looked up. It sounded like a wolf call. From off to their left a man with a hand weapon that looked like claws burst through the chosen attacking left and right. Behind him others helped him attack the chosen.

"Ecos attack!"

Amber grunted and then pulled her spear out from the ground. The barrier shot out and expanded. It hit the guards and sent them falling to the ground. The Ecos took the chance and attacked the guards. The man who had first attacked ran up towards them and went straight over to Amber.

"Amber? Are you alright?!"

Amber looked up and nodded. "Pride! I'm so glad that you're here!"

Pride smiled and turned to Bray. "Who are you?"

"We can save the introductions for later." Said Bray. Pride nodded and they turned back to the battle.

With his sword of fire Bray's attacks were twice as strong. Each slash of his sword sent the victim's wounds ablaze. The chosen guards faltered when they saw him. He continued to attack driving them back. After another attack Bray suddenly felt his energy diminshing. He could not keep up his skill any longer and the sword turned back to normal steel.

"Damn!" Cursed Bray. "I should have trained my skill more!"

The guards saw the turn of events and they slowly re-approached. Bray turned and saw Pride attacking with his claws, coming to his side. He nodded to Bray and they both fought side by side. The claws were efficient weapons causing huge gashes to the guards. The chosen eventually retreated.

The Ecos cheered. Bray and Pride ran over to Amber.

"I am ok." Said Amber. "Looks like we've scored one against them for once!"

Pride smiled. "Yeah. And there will be more of that! We are getting more people to join our cause everyday." He looked around. "We should get out of here and back to base."

They all gathered and quickly left the scene. The bodies of the chosen left on the ground. They ran around a corner and came to a thick wall.

"It's a dead end." Said Bray.

"Look closely."

Pride went up to the wall and pressed a secret switch. A hidden hatch on the floor opened up and they went through it. Bray saw some stairs. He went down them and soon the tunnel opened up into a large underground room. This was the base for the Ecos.

"Welcome to our home." Said Amber as she entered the room. She put down her staff and checked over her tribe bandaging cuts and wounds as she did.

An Eco went into a side door and came back with water. He poured it into cups and shared it out amongst them. Bray could not help watching Amber. She was special. He knew that as soon as he had met her. He wanted to stay here. Wanted to help her and her cause.

Oh man. Bray remembered the village. They had his gold coins. If he did not show up to collect it they might think the he did not take care of the dragon. The dragon. Bray looked around. He wondered if he was near. Waiting for the call to come into battle.

The sound of footsteps brought Bray out of his reverie and they all turned. The Ecos quickly picked back up their weapons and waited by the door. Bray drew his sword. The door swung open and a young man entered. The Ecos instantly surrounded him.

"Who are you?" Asked Pride. "How did you find here! Were you following us?!"

The man was wearing a long blue coat with a red belt and blue trousers. He carried in his hand a strange sword. He looked around at those in the room and then stopped when he saw Bray.

"My name is Athwyn. I was looking for Bray."

Pride and some of the others in the room turned towards Bray. "Y - You're Bray!" Shouted some of them. Amber looked at them puzzled. What was the big deal? Bray stepped forward and moved to Athwyn.

"What do you want?"

"You're Bray?" Repeated Pride.

"Can somebody tell me what is the big deal?" Asked Amber.

Pride turned to Amber. "Don't you know who Bray is? I thought everyone knew! Bray - the only one who could defeat the almighty Zoot!"

Amber turned to him shocked. "You mean, you killed Zoot!"

Bray sighed. "Like I said. It was a long time ago ..."


... Bray stood staring up at Zoot. He was standing on a stone pedestal and evil spirits were roaming through the air. They circled around Zoot and slowly began to merge into him. He could feel the darkness enter Zoot. He was growing more powerful, more evil, with ever spirit that entered him.

"Martin! Stop this! I won't let you do this!"

Zoot's eyes flashed anger and Bray was repelled back. "No one! But no one calls me Martin! Martin was weak, pathetic, he is dead! I am Zoot! Leader of the Locos!"

Bray slowly got up. "Mar - Zoot. Why are you doing this? You have changed so much! You are siding with the monsters? Why? Just to destroy this world!"

Zoot smiled. "Yes. To destroy this world! To destroy everyone in it! To destroy you!!!"

Bray shook his head. "Martin. We are brothers. I - I care about you. I promised to look after you! Don't do this!"

Zoot raised his large broadsword up. "Brothers? We are not brothers! We are enemies! Now move away or I will cut you down."

"I can not do that! This world is all we've got. Yes it's screwed up! Monsters roam free and our parents are dead! But, it's all we've got! We have to make do with it, have to make it something!"

Zoot laughed. He stepped down off the pedestal and the spirits stopped merging with him. "Think you can take me?"

They stood staring at each other. The air was tensed and electrified. Bray made his one almost fatal mistake. He blinked and saw that Zoot had disappeared. Quickly looking around Bray scanned the area but there was no sign of him.

An intense pain suddenly erupted down Bray's back and he cried out in pain. He fell to the ground clutching his back. Turning his head he saw Zoot standing above him.

"Ha ha ha haa! Is that all you've got, brother!" The blood dripped from off of the large broadsword. Zoot's head suddenly turned and he looked back towards the pedestal. "Yes. I understand. I will complete the merger."

Bray saw his only chance. He gathered all his strength and slowly got off of the ground. An energy deep inside him rose up. The blade of his sword began to phase out and fade. It suddenly burst into flame. Bray looked at the sight, not believing the new found power he had just discovered.

Fire blade!

Everything switched to slow motion. Zoot's head slowly turned back to look at him as Bray held the sword of fire with both hands and lashed out to Zoot's unprotected body.


Bray cut deep. The flames expanded the wound burning deep inside him. Blood erupted out of his chest and Zoot dropped his sword. He stared at Bray, unbelieving. He began to cough up blood collapsing onto the floor. Bray fell back, his own injuries serious.

"Uggh ..." Zoot coughed up more blood. "Bray?"

Bray slowly moved and had to crawl over to where Zoot lay. "Martin! I - I'm here!"

Zoot closed his eyes and shook violently. "T - Tell Trudy. I - I love her. And I - I am s - sor - I ..."

His head slumped and he spoke no more.

"Zoot! Martin!" Bray cried. "Nnnooooooo!" ...


"And that was how it happened." Said Bray. "I had no choice, I had to kill my brother. It was the only way to stop him ... that was a year ago." He turned towards Amber. "This Supreme Mother that you mentioned. It must be Trudy. I knew her also."

The room went silent for a moment. Athwyn stepped forward.

"Look, Bray. I have been watching the chosen movements for a while now. They are up to something. A few days ago I saw them load something into a black truck and followed it. It led to this secluded cave. The place is crawling with guards so I could not get a closer look."

"Whatever it is it can't be good." Said Pride.

Bray looked up suddenly.

"What is it Bray?" Asked Amber.

"I think ... I think that tomorrow marks the anniversary of Zoot's death!"

"That can't be good." Athwyn concluded. "Then that means that whatever they are planning it could take place from midnight tonight!"

Post what you think! Please! The person who writes this would LOVE to know!

:D :D :D

05-13-2002, 08:53 AM
kool! More now more! I NEED MORE!!!!

05-14-2002, 07:50 AM