Dr. Lucien Sanchez
04-29-2002, 08:58 PM
Has anyone played Dungeons and Dragons, I have once and I thought it was the biggest pile of shite there is.
I think the only way of playing it sensibly is getting high, everything comes to life when your high.

example of this dumbass game:-
It my turn to roll the dice, wow I can now kill three goblins with my lvl 12 elf.

You have to agree that it's aload of bollocks. :rolleyes:

04-29-2002, 09:03 PM
yeah, it sounds pretty dumb, but i know peeps who really love it.

i heard of people who go to conventions where its live action D and D :eek:

04-29-2002, 09:16 PM
That's about the poorest example of D&D I've ever heard. I'm sure that if it consisted of rolling a die and killing 3 goblins with a level 12 elf and nothing else, it'd be a very boring game, but you seem to have missed the point. The fun of it comes from the ability to create any type of persona you want and play as that character in what attempts to be the most accurate way possible. Certainly it's a geeky game to play, but it's not "the biggest pile of shite" just because you didn't like it. Be a little accepting of us geeky people.

04-29-2002, 09:40 PM
HEY! :mad: D and D is fun. Just because your simple minded and don't have the capablity to play it. Personally "the biggest pile of shite" really does apply to people who can't accept a good game there to dumb to play. *Cough* You! *cough*


04-29-2002, 09:59 PM
Although, personally, I've never played it I do think it looks fun. Like TK said, the ability to make your own character and own story is better, in my opinion, then playing Final Fantasy, or any other RPG, cause the story never gets old.

shadow dragin
04-29-2002, 10:26 PM
D&D is a great game.
You two to make it intersting you have to play with people that make it interesting.
The people I play with make it very interesting.
I've been playing for two and half years.
Thats how interesting we make it.

Neo Xzhan
04-29-2002, 11:01 PM
I love D&D i'm still playing it and it really is a great game. The rules maybe weird or vague but the game is unbeatable.

04-29-2002, 11:07 PM
I never played it but I've heard a lot about it. Yea, it may seem corny now, but when it first came out (like, over 20 years ago) it was revolutionary. I don't think it can hold my attention for long though.

Neo Xzhan
04-29-2002, 11:10 PM
U should give it a try it is really worth it.

04-29-2002, 11:21 PM
I used to play it with my best friend, his parents and their friends. Yeah, everyone except me and my friend were smokin' dope. I believe the game is way too complicated, not to mention boring...it was alright for awhile, but really, who makes it into an obsession?

So yeah, I big pile of bullocks.

04-29-2002, 11:32 PM
Hopefully I'm not the only one who plays D and D on a first date.

*glances around*

....ok, maybe I am.

I like D and D, anyway. Its good for strategy and such. *plus, if you get bored you can make out for the rest of the time (re: see above comment)*

Neo Xzhan
04-29-2002, 11:44 PM
Ur not allone on my first date i played it as well and i'm still a fanatic player.

Kool Ranch
04-30-2002, 12:17 AM
I've never actually played it before, but it sounds like it might be fun to me. I like open ended games liek that.

04-30-2002, 01:03 AM
I found that statement very offensive and completely untrue. For one, your example is NOTHING like the game. I play each and every saturday night, with my friends, and personally, i find it MUCH more fun than any other game ive ever played. The rules are actually quite simple and use common sense if you read them.

You have to agree that it's aload of bollocks.

It makes more sense than you do.

04-30-2002, 01:50 AM
^^^^hey, take it easy. This topic is just opinions. "I think the game is crap, too, what are you gonna do":D. Things likethat might be said just to rile you up.

04-30-2002, 05:52 AM
Originally posted by TheUltimate
^^^^hey, take it easy. This topic is just opinions. "I think the game is crap, too, what are you gonna do":D. Things likethat might be said just to rile you up.

I -was- taking it easy on him. D&D is THE RPG to end all RPGS

04-30-2002, 02:55 PM
bollocks! XD

I dont know, the one time I played it was quite fun. I can see how playing it hundreds of times could devalue it, but basicaly Its like creat-a-game, its only as good as your imagination can make it.

-shouldnt this be in GG?

04-30-2002, 03:25 PM
I'm agreeing with mint this should be in GG. Anyway to answer the topic i've played it and it's not bad but Final Fantasy is the RPG that will end all RPGs my friend and you should never forget that.

04-30-2002, 04:33 PM
I have never played D&D, but I will just assume that your statement was about all pen and paper rpgs... and then I have to disagree...

If you play it properly, it is fun. Of course there are people who cannot do a good role play... like that boy who just ran around and wanted to attack all people and beings... as an elf... witha huge armour, yeah yeah, children.

If you play well, stick in your role as a thief, an elf, a stoic dark elf... it is a lot of fun. And exciting, too.

04-30-2002, 04:48 PM
Originally posted by greever
I'm agreeing with mint this should be in GG.

RPGs, actually..

I don't agree wity you, Radiohead. I have played a bit of AD&D (which is practually the same, right? o_O) and Vampire: The Masquarade.. I don't find it boring at all, I just suck at roleplaying XD
If you just did the playing, following the story, etc.. then it is boring. The roleplaying you do yourself makes it more fun.
My brother and his friends play Vampire or D&D every saturday, and you don't want to be here when they do o_O;

04-30-2002, 07:51 PM
Well, I don't find that offensive. After all, people are allowed their own opinion (no matter how stupid it is)
Anyway, I play D&D 3rd edition. Or more fittingly, WOULD play, but I know no one aorund me who plays, so I am stuck learning rules and such with no outlet. But hey, when you are as much of a geek as I am, it doesnt matter if you play the game (well, it does, just not too much), just knowing that people put effort into creating such an immersive fantasy world that they could easily share with others makes it worth knowing about.
By the way, I DO take offense from the person commenting on Elfs with armor (J/K, btw)(I play Aramil Galanodel, an elf warrior)

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
04-30-2002, 08:32 PM
I feel like I have to say sorry to all i've offended, actually reading my post now I think I sound like a jerk. It was just my opinion anyway and i'm just one person thats got only one opinion.

I hope I have'nt made anyone hate my fucking guts so much that I die. But Tal I don't think D and D is the end to all great RPG's (though I don't find it great) Dand D was only the beggining.

Though I might of found it boring because I was thrown in the deep end, and started playing Advanced rules, and the others were in the middle of a story anyway. But it is quite repetitive.

Bahamut ZERO
05-01-2002, 12:25 AM
I play D&D with my housemate as a Dungeon Master, and with another as one of the characters, plus two of his mates as characters. I tend to be the deliberately stupid one, offering such ideas as "shoot the taxman" and "let's attack the big dragon." Surprisingly, I get outvoted on such matters. I wonder why...

I haven't really got addicted to the game. I play along for fun at the moment. Life itself is quite boring as we speak, so anything to break up the monotomy is a GOOD thing. That includes D&D.

05-01-2002, 06:39 PM
It could be that you just have a bad DM.....good DMs change things up quite a bit. This is the only game ive found im willing to spend $300+ on (yes, ive spent around that much so far).

05-01-2002, 11:27 PM
I've never played D&D but my friend told me about it. Sounds to complicated and very boring but it might be fun.