04-29-2002, 08:40 PM
I finished this about two weeks ago, and is actually not finished yet.
On this piccie are Wufei, Heero and Duo. I drew Quatre and Trowa as well, but I haven't colored them yet, so I erased that part XD

Oh, and don't pay too much attention to the not-so-straightness of the picture XD
I was going to draw something else first, but changed my mind ^^;
Um..Whatcha think? =O

04-29-2002, 09:00 PM
Cool, I love GW, and the characters look realy good. Your skillz with paint are getting better realy fast.

Keep it up.

04-29-2002, 10:22 PM
I agree with what someone posted in DF, the eyes are kinda off. Heero's eyes are a bit too far apart. But that rest of the drawing is really nice. ^__^ And the whole Quatre/Trowa thing being erased really explains why it's not coloured there.

04-29-2002, 11:30 PM
*Looks above at the other 2 posts* Iunno, but this is awfully good! Especially considered you used paint, and not PhotoShop! XD What a way to cheat art, I say...


Nahhh :p But really, it's very good, as your other drawings are. I really do look forward to seeing more. ^_^

05-07-2002, 06:11 PM
Good Gawd! That's some amazing use of watercolor Nymph. You have very good control with the brush. You should continue to use it more, watercolor is one of my favorite medians.

05-08-2002, 01:58 AM
the color placement is done well. the actual coloring has an odd look to it, a bit unlike watercolor, or how I recognize it. seems like it was "colored" with watercolor paint instead of taking advantage of watercolors usefulness. I hope that made sense.

How much do you spend on supplies by the way? I put up about $30 for each water color painting(large high quality paper, replacement paint and new brushes) so I don't get to do them often, since the art store is right next to gamestop, and you can guess where I'll put my money first.

+ if I mess up once, thats it. :(

05-08-2002, 07:07 AM
I usally get a book of pressed paper with 15 9" by 12" sheets in it for 25 bucks, if anything you could use it for practise.

05-08-2002, 09:46 AM
Originally posted by rezo
the color placement is done well. the actual coloring has an odd look to it, a bit unlike watercolor, or how I recognize it. seems like it was "colored" with watercolor paint instead of taking advantage of watercolors usefulness. I hope that made sense.

<font face="tahoma" size="-1" color="#545C7C">
I know what you mean.. that was kind of my goal. I wanted to color things like a lot of doujinshi artists do =O

How much do you spend on supplies by the way?

Honestly, I have no idea. I get paper, pencils, paint.. but my parents always pay for it. Supposedly to "stimulate my creativity" :uh?:

And thanks, Zod :) I'll probably finish up the rest of the picture in a bit.. After finals I'll have enough time for it.
The entire picture doesnt fit in the scanner, though.. X_x;

05-14-2002, 07:38 AM
which watercolour technique are you using? looks almost like a dry application technique. i find that dry-on-wet with gray shading works really well with anime art. give it a try...it may compliment your painting style.:)

05-14-2002, 12:57 PM
Originally posted by wally_the_cat
which watercolour technique are you using? looks almost like a dry application technique.

That's exactly what I used ^_^ Mainly 'cause that first picture I did was regular sketchbook paper, so would've wrinkled when painted on in any other way than 'dry' ^^'
I just sticked with that on this picture..

Hm. I'll try that other technique you mentioned.. Thanks ^_^

Divine Strike
05-14-2002, 01:16 PM
DAMN!!!, I wish I could create art like that.....maybe I should take an art class or something because I would like to become good at drawing and stuff like that..
**gives Nymph a jealous look**

Damn good just damn good.

Note: Maybe I should visit this forum more often.

05-15-2002, 04:52 AM
take a course in life drawing and I bet you'll come out draw 3 times better.