Bus Driver
02-14-2008, 04:00 AM
Simple rules, take any line from any FF game and replace it with what you think should have been said. Post the original line first, then your replacement.


Squall: Rinoa! I want to hear your voice!!!


Squall: Rinoa! I want to read your text box!!!!


Barret: The planet's dyin' Cloud!

Cloud: It's not my problem.


Barret: The planet's dyin' Cloud!

Cloud: It's not my problem.

Barret: Not your problem...so your fuckin' tellin' me it's not your problem if the planet your livin' on dies?

Cloud: What can I possibly do about it..I'm in it for the money.

Barret: What the hell kinda money you gon' spend when the fuckin' planet ain't here...bitch.

Cloud: It's not my problem...I just want my money...I hold no significance in this so called dying of the planet problem.

Barret: Fuck you.

Cloud: Cool with me.

02-14-2008, 05:24 AM
Sephiroth: Only death awaits you all.
Sephiroth: Only a surprise birthday party awaits you all.
Cloud: ....
Sephiroth: What?
Cloud: You just told us you were gonna throw a surprise birthday party.
Sephiroth: What's wrong with that?
Cloud: You TOLD us that you were gonna throw a surprise birthday party.
Sephiroth: I don't see your... OH SHIT!

Cloud: Soldier, 1st class.
Cloud: I am Biggles, a WWI British fighter pilot.

02-14-2008, 07:20 AM
sephiroth: what do you cherish the most? give me the pleasure of taking it away..
cloud: theres not a thing i dont cherish.
sephiroth: what do you not cherish?
cloud: haha i dont cherish yuffie..take her away..