Omega Flare
04-29-2002, 01:25 PM
you know, when you're leaving ipsen's castle you have these four mirror things. and the first when is at dougourarou or something, the place with al these old books where you don't know where to start because there are so many. but to go back on the subject, I don't what to do.(help me:( )

04-29-2002, 02:21 PM
Are you having trouble finding the four shrines? Sounds like you are.... let me know if that's not what the problem is, though. This is a pretty long explaination... but here goes.

First, remember the talk that Zidane and the gang had right outside of Ipsen's castle and on the bridge of the Hilde Guarde. They'll mention that they need to find FOUR SHRINES, and attack them simultaneously in order to break the seal to Terra.

Don't worry about choosing your teams after this, because it's already decided by the game.

YOu can always go back onto the bridge (press the triangle) and talk to the sailor on the lower left if you need him reminders about where to go. He'll show you a picture/map of the shrine locations. You also need to go to the shrines IN ORDER.

Okay, here's what to do:

1) Find the water shrine. This is located between the islands near Daguerro. You'll need to look for the whirlpool. Drop off Dagger and Eiko there.

2) Find the Fire Shrine. This is located just north of Mout Gulug/Esto Gaza. Look for the big volcano and smoke will be coming from the mountain. Freya and Amarant need to be dropped off there.

3) Find the Wind Shrine. This is located on the southeastern side of the Forgotten Continent, a little southeast of Oilevert. Drop Steiner and Vivi off there.

4) Finally, Zid and Quina will fly off to the Earth Snrine, which is on the Outer Continent, a little southwest of Kuja's desert palace. You'll be flying near there and it will sound like there's an earthquake. You'll see the Earth shrine.

From there, the game will continue with one of the most interesting fight scenes I can recall, between all four Terran guardians and the eight players.

You and Quina wil be fighting the Earth guardian, so you might want to equip yourself with auto-float and any earth-damage absorbing armor. I sometimes end up with Quina KOd, but Zid can usually handle the guardian on his own.

Hope this helps! ^_^

04-29-2002, 04:00 PM
But i think you must do also it at daguerro

or isn't it

Omega Flare
04-29-2002, 05:25 PM
thanx man, I'm gonna try it right away, gotta scoot

04-29-2002, 10:17 PM
I'm not sure what you're asking about Dagurerro. Are you asking if you even need to start there before continuing?

As far as I know, going to Dagurerro is completely optional. I know I didn't even know the library existed when I first played the game, not until I transported out of Memoria at the end to run around and get more Chocobo stuff done...

So you don't need to go there to continue the game. :)

04-30-2002, 07:27 PM
Originally posted by kurohime
I'm not sure what you're asking about Dagurerro. Are you asking if you even need to start there before continuing?

As far as I know, going to Dagurerro is completely optional. I know I didn't even know the library existed when I first played the game, not until I transported out of Memoria at the end to run around and get more Chocobo stuff done...

So you don't need to go there to continue the game. :)

ok u got me lost first dagurerro then memorica.memorica is way after when u r at dagurerro right:confused:

04-30-2002, 08:02 PM
Memoria is the last place in the game, where you go to fight the last bosses. Daguerreo is a place south of Oelivert, in a mountain on an island and its completely optional to the game. You can visit it as soon as you have the Hilda Garde 3.

zidane tribal
05-02-2002, 04:06 PM
this is way too confusing..... im not even going to add to it......go to for the walkthrough.....:D