02-12-2008, 04:35 AM
Xbox 360 is a great console. Whether PS3 is a better console or not is not what I want to write about here. Rather, I am only giving an advise to those who want to buy a new one.

After the first release of the console, users encountered two major manufacturing problems. The first one was CD/DVD scratching. At first, Microsoft denied that the console could do such a thing and blamed the users (saying that they changed the position of the console while the CD/DVD is playing). After a while the company released an official note saying that the console could do so and it will replace units damaging/scratching CDs. New units (starting from the second half of 2006) had improved drivers. Newer units released with the falcon Motherboard have BenQ DVD drivers, which are quiter, and till now, are not reported to cause the problem.

The second problem was the RRoD. Lots of articles attributed this general hardware failure to over heating. At a certain point, 33% of units sold were reported as dead. With MS denying the problem and with their slow support, User were mad. Those dedicated bought a second and some times a third console (ehm, Me??!!). Assuming that the main problem is overheating, MS supplied the mother board with an extra heat sink. It also replaced the old GPU with another one (FALCON) that released lesser amount of heat.

Now, If you want to buy a new 360, you want one that has the new falcon motherboard, or at least the old board with the extended heat sink. Here are few tips that hopefully will help you.

-Release Date: the first falcon units landed in the market some time after the middle of August 2007. So, getting one manufactured after that date is a wise decision.

-Developing team/Lot numbner: Team CSON with Lot numbers 734: some of those have the new board while others don't. Lot numbers of 738 and higher are for sure equipped with the new board. Team FDOU is strongly associated with the Falcon chips, specially with lot numbers above 734. I have no idea regarding other teams developing the new chip.

-Voltage power: Some websites say that the new packages with the falcon chip on board are equipped with 175w adapters instead of the old 203w. I have read in several other websites that some packages equipped with the falcon come with 203w; specially in the area of Asia.

-Look for the heat sink: I think this the best thing to do if you can. You will be at least sure that you have the new heat sink but you wont be able to tell about the mother board. You can find the method on a lot of websites. Just google "checking 360 heat sink without voiding the warranty".

Release date/Lot #/Developing team/Voltage power can be found on a sticker on the side of the package. As for inspecting the new heat sink, you will have to open the package to check it. Its a lot of work to get a console I know, but its better than spending your money on a console that might work for a few hours before it dies. Specially if you live somewhere where you don't have access for MS support (again, me!!!)..

I hope that you will find this topic helpful. If you find any extra information related to this topic please share them. And if you see anything wrong in what I have written then please inform me to correct it. I have read over a 100 article about it. I went to the guy who import the units to my country and had a long conversation with him. I also went and had long conversations with those guys in the market here who work in fixing broken/malfunctioning consoles to check my info.

Thank you

02-12-2008, 04:58 AM
I'm not trying to make this into another console war,

But the point is that consumers shouldn't have to go through all that trouble.
When people buy anything - aside from anything that needs to be serviced regularly like a car, they expect it to work perfectly without any glitches, having to call a support desk, or having to go through a thorough inspection - which is why companies have quality inspection teams. If a company fails to meet that, then why should people trust their product - or company - ever again?

02-12-2008, 05:18 AM
It is Microsoft we're talking about here.

I bought my elite sometime in September of 2007. Some days, it stays on for 12+ (about 18 this past Saturday) hours and I haven't bought that external fan system (I'm a cheap bastard). And guess what, IT HASN'T DIED AND NO PROBLEMS AT ALL.

Marshall Lee
02-12-2008, 05:30 AM
It is Microsoft we're talking about here.

I bought my elite sometime in September of 2007. Some days, it stays on for 12+ (about 18 this past Saturday) hours and I haven't bought that external fan system (I'm a cheap bastard). And guess what, IT HASN'T DIED AND NO PROBLEMS AT ALL.

The second coming :D There IS hope after all.

02-12-2008, 05:51 AM
It is Microsoft we're talking about here.

I bought my elite sometime in September of 2007. Some days, it stays on for 12+ (about 18 this past Saturday) hours and I haven't bought that external fan system (I'm a cheap bastard). And guess what, IT HASN'T DIED AND NO PROBLEMS AT ALL.Why good for you! *clap* *clap* *clap*
Good Job! *thumbs up!*

You're one of the majority.
My point is that people shouldn't have to worry about it period.
Why the hell should someone spend money on a machine that "MIGHT" overheat.
And if it does, why the hell should they shell out for an extra add on to prevent it from happening.

02-12-2008, 06:10 AM
Vastalis is right. I do not follow the news on the next gen consoles as much as you guys, so I did not know that the overheating problem was that serious. Now, I'm certainly not going to buy a 360.

Especially with the impressions Sony and Nintendo gave me over the years. To this day, none of their consoles caused me any problems (and we are talking about a 10year old Game Boy and Playstation 1).

execrable gumwrapper
02-12-2008, 08:51 AM
It is Microsoft we're talking about here.

I bought my elite sometime in September of 2007. Some days, it stays on for 12+ (about 18 this past Saturday) hours and I haven't bought that external fan system (I'm a cheap bastard). And guess what, IT HASN'T DIED AND NO PROBLEMS AT ALL.

Yeah but I bet it sounds like a fucking jet engine!

02-12-2008, 09:16 AM
Vastalis is right. I do not follow the news on the next gen consoles as much as you guys, so I did not know that the overheating problem was that serious. Now, I'm certainly not going to buy a 360.

Especially with the impressions Sony and Nintendo gave me over the years. To this day, none of their consoles caused me any problems (and we are talking about a 10year old Game Boy and Playstation 1).

Well, from what you're saying, I'm guessing you've never had a problems with a PS2, but they've definitely had no shortage of problems. ;)

If you really wanted a 360, it seems silly to me not to buy one because of the red ring of death thing. It was a pretty big issue right at launch, but to the best of my knowledge, it hasn't been a major problem since then. If you were iffy about it anyways, feel free to disregard this post.

02-12-2008, 09:24 AM
Yeah but I bet it sounds like a fucking jet engine!
Nope. Sounds like my PS2 when it's on (I have slimline). A lot of people were actually surprised because they said that the elite is usually a lot louder.

My thing is that you should just fork over the extra money and buy an elite. I mean mine is working perfectly. It's about 2:30am right now (playing DMC4 as I type) and it's been on since about 4 or 5pm so I'm sure that the elite will outlast any other 360. But I got mine for my own reasons....it was black :D.

02-12-2008, 02:17 PM
Well.. first things first...
I wrote this out of anger. I have the three consoles (wii, Ps3 and 360).. I never intended to write what I did to compare the systems. I consider Wii out of the comparison since it has its own genres of games. I respect sony for at least, not giving me a headache when I bought their console. As for the 360, this is my third console.. And for those saying that the elite version out stands the others, I like to inform you that it is not the case. My second console was elite and the RRoD was there on the second day of my purchase.

If you were like me, a guy who just love to game, and love the three consoles regardless of which you consider the best one, and you already spent near 650$ on 360 just to be able to play some games you like, you want to make sure that your next purchase is gonna last. This was just a tip for those who want to be on the safe side.

Some people had 360 from the first release and it is still working. Mine as I said died on the second day. I researched like hell before buying the last one and I truly hope that with all the modifications MS has made we will not have the same problem again. Mr. IDx Rider wrote that its Microsoft we are speaking about, so please tell me: What has MS told me when I sent them that 2 of my consoles died? They said that my country does not have support, and that I have to take my console to another country where there is support, give them the console, wait for a period that last at least 6 weeks (in that country) and they will fix it. I lost every tiny bit of respect I had for them. Still, I bought their console again, because simply I love to game.

I agree on one thing: I want to play, and its a lot of headache to buy a 360.. I KNOW. It should not be like this. You should open the package and leave the console 24/7 without worrying. But this is not the case, and I truly regret it.

02-12-2008, 02:36 PM
One thing about extra fanning the 360. There has been a lot of add ons in the market for that purpose, and I never tried any. AND I WILL NEVER DO. I believe that the console should be able to handle itself. Maybe next time we will have to buy the main GPU as an add on!!! NYKO released one of the best fanning systems for the console, and after a while it was hammered bu users that the fan melted and blocked the original device fan!!!.. the company replied that this happen only in 1% only!!!.. Damn, if my console is gonna die on me, at least I am not going to be responsible by adding something extra on it.

One last thing: There are still RRoD going to MS support, and they're all from the old boards.None of the new models have been reported with RRoD.

02-12-2008, 03:35 PM
What I meant about when I said it's Microsoft we're talking about, I mean that they are nothing but money grubbing slobs. All they want is more money and to be on top. Hence why the 360 was released before all the bugs were worked out and they BLAMED the consumers for the defects was to be the first ones out there and gain popularity. Or maybe a bigger example. I'm going to use the original Xbox for this one: "Yes, the Xbox can play DVDs. BUT! Because we at MS know you'll love it...we're going to make you pay $29.99 plus tax to buy a remote for it first! So basically, you're going to have to pay 30 bucks to play DVDs on our system instead of the PS2 or your own DVD player! Pretty sweet huh!?"

Ya...MS can go fuck themselves.

mr buttrot
02-12-2008, 05:11 PM
Vastalis is right. I do not follow the news on the next gen consoles as much as you guys, so I did not know that the overheating problem was that serious. Now, I'm certainly not going to buy a 360.

Especially with the impressions Sony and Nintendo gave me over the years. To this day, none of their consoles caused me any problems (and we are talking about a 10year old Game Boy and Playstation 1).

1. The fan add-ons are a crock of shit, you don't need to buy them.
2. The whole point of this topic is that the problem has been fixed, all newly manufactured XBoxes are free of problems.
3. I've had my 360 for a year and a half and it never overheated, you just have to place it in a well-ventilated area.
4. Microsoft will replace your XBox for free for 3 years after purchaseif it does overheat.
5. I've had 3 PS2s break on me... and Sony never replaced them. I don't know anyone who didn't have to upgrade to a slim after their PS2 stopped working. But you have to go where the games are.

I own a PS3 and a 360, and I use the PS3 almost exclusively for movies. The games are on 360, and the multiplatform games run better on 360.

mr buttrot
02-12-2008, 05:13 PM
What I meant about when I said it's Microsoft we're talking about, I mean that they are nothing but money grubbing slobs. All they want is more money and to be on top. Hence why the 360 was released before all the bugs were worked out and they BLAMED the consumers for the defects was to be the first ones out there and gain popularity. Or maybe a bigger example. I'm going to use the original Xbox for this one: "Yes, the Xbox can play DVDs. BUT! Because we at MS know you'll love it...we're going to make you pay $29.99 plus tax to buy a remote for it first! So basically, you're going to have to pay 30 bucks to play DVDs on our system instead of the PS2 or your own DVD player! Pretty sweet huh!?"

Ya...MS can go fuck themselves.

That's because the DVD forum charges royalties for anyone who allows DVD playback, so they were trying to recoup that lost. Considering the extremely expensive hardware they packed into a machine for the same price as PS2, I'd say it's a bargain.

If you wanted to play with 4 people on PS2 you had to buy a fucking multi tap, and EVERYONE had to pay $30 for a measly 8MB memory card when XBox users had an 8GB hard drive for free. I'd rather have those basic gaming features for free instead of for $55 or so, and then have to pay an extra $20 for BETTER non-gaming DVD playback than PS2.

execrable gumwrapper
02-12-2008, 08:24 PM
I own a PS3 and a 360, and I use the PS3 almost exclusively for movies. The games are on 360, and the multiplatform games run better on 360.

The reason being is most developers are lazy at porting. Except for CoD4, IW stated they had their best programmers working the PS3 version.

Also I wouldn't want a system that scratches your games for no reason. Gotta love M$...

02-12-2008, 09:48 PM
Hehe Swami.. Scratching problem is funny if you think about it. You put a brand new game inside and you take it out "cooked" and "painted",, My first Xbox did that but I did not care since most of my Xbox games are copies. But at least MS admitted that their unit could do it, unlike the overheating problem. Anyway; Dvd/Cd scratching problem is completely solved long time ago as far as I know.

Mr buttrot, believe me, even when placing the 360 in a well ventilated platform, if its from those with manufacturing problems, its gonna over heat no matter what you do. Ask me about it. Ventilation in my opinion plays a very small role. From what I read,, overheating occurred due to: 1-the design itself, air is hard to get sucked from inside the unit even with the fan pumping 2- small fan 3- the use of a very cheap thermal paste to glue the heat sink above the processor. If you have the time to review some of the articles written about the topic, you will see some people showing very minimal amount of paste, thus, the heat sink was not absorbing the produced heat. I do agree with you on the quality of the hardware in the 360. And I agree with you about the gaming vs. Dvd playback features concept.

execrable gumwrapper
02-12-2008, 11:25 PM
That's because the DVD forum charges royalties for anyone who allows DVD playback, so they were trying to recoup that lost. Considering the extremely expensive hardware they packed into a machine for the same price as PS2, I'd say it's a bargain.

If you wanted to play with 4 people on PS2 you had to buy a fucking multi tap, and EVERYONE had to pay $30 for a measly 8MB memory card when XBox users had an 8GB hard drive for free. I'd rather have those basic gaming features for free instead of for $55 or so, and then have to pay an extra $20 for BETTER non-gaming DVD playback than PS2.

Sure, because lugging a 50lb Xbox to your friends is more convenient than a memory card.


02-12-2008, 11:52 PM
That's because the DVD forum charges royalties for anyone who allows DVD playback, so they were trying to recoup that lost. Considering the extremely expensive hardware they packed into a machine for the same price as PS2, I'd say it's a bargain.

If you wanted to play with 4 people on PS2 you had to buy a fucking multi tap, and EVERYONE had to pay $30 for a measly 8MB memory card when XBox users had an 8GB hard drive for free. I'd rather have those basic gaming features for free instead of for $55 or so, and then have to pay an extra $20 for BETTER non-gaming DVD playback than PS2.
Um, no. Bill Gates said himself in some kind of conference (it had a picture of him in front of people with a mic) that the reason was because he thought it was silly to use the game controller. He also said something that if a date come over and you guys wanted to watch movies, it would look funny to use the gamepad and not the DVD remote.

And the Xbox had a memory unit for about the same price as a PS2 memory card. So if you had one, you didn't need to carry the system to a buddies house or whatever.

02-12-2008, 11:56 PM
That's because the DVD forum charges royalties for anyone who allows DVD playback, so they were trying to recoup that lost. Considering the extremely expensive hardware they packed into a machine for the same price as PS2, I'd say it's a bargain.

If you wanted to play with 4 people on PS2 you had to buy a fucking multi tap, and EVERYONE had to pay $30 for a measly 8MB memory card when XBox users had an 8GB hard drive for free. I'd rather have those basic gaming features for free instead of for $55 or so, and then have to pay an extra $20 for BETTER non-gaming DVD playback than PS2.

Better DVD playback? I beg to differ. The X-Box player made all the blacks on screen more gray-ish. While the PS2 kept the blacks the way they were supposed to be. Other then that, They're about the same. So because of that one flaw from the X-Box, The PS2 was indeed better.

But I guess it's useless to argue with a X-Box fanboy.

execrable gumwrapper
02-13-2008, 03:34 AM
Um, no. Bill Gates said himself in some kind of conference (it had a picture of him in front of people with a mic) that the reason was because he thought it was silly to use the game controller. He also said something that if a date come over and you guys wanted to watch movies, it would look funny to use the gamepad and not the DVD remote.

Sure, and the date wouldn't notice your DVD player takes up half the living room.


02-13-2008, 04:31 AM
3 year warranty to avoid a massive recall.

Yeah, NICE!

02-14-2008, 11:03 PM
Although I don't like to compare, here is a nice article.


16.3 compared to 3% is a real difference I presume..


02-28-2008, 12:13 AM
Just to keep you up to date with "the news":

Have a good time

Marshall Lee
02-28-2008, 01:07 AM
Well.. first things first...
I wrote this out of anger. I have the three consoles (wii, Ps3 and 360).. I never intended to write what I did to compare the systems. I consider Wii out of the comparison since it has its own genres of games. I respect sony for at least, not giving me a headache when I bought their console. As for the 360, this is my third console.. And for those saying that the elite version out stands the others, I like to inform you that it is not the case. My second console was elite and the RRoD was there on the second day of my purchase.

If you were like me, a guy who just love to game, and love the three consoles regardless of which you consider the best one, and you already spent near 650$ on 360 just to be able to play some games you like, you want to make sure that your next purchase is gonna last. This was just a tip for those who want to be on the safe side.

Some people had 360 from the first release and it is still working. Mine as I said died on the second day. I researched like hell before buying the last one and I truly hope that with all the modifications MS has made we will not have the same problem again. Mr. IDx Rider wrote that its Microsoft we are speaking about, so please tell me: What has MS told me when I sent them that 2 of my consoles died? They said that my country does not have support, and that I have to take my console to another country where there is support, give them the console, wait for a period that last at least 6 weeks (in that country) and they will fix it. I lost every tiny bit of respect I had for them. Still, I bought their console again, because simply I love to game.

I agree on one thing: I want to play, and its a lot of headache to buy a 360.. I KNOW. It should not be like this. You should open the package and leave the console 24/7 without worrying. But this is not the case, and I truly regret it.

What are you, the fucking spokesperson for Microsoft or Bill Gates? A Wii is what i have had in mind, and possibly a PS3 if and when more games are released for it. But for now my DS serves just fine.

02-28-2008, 02:30 AM
Because HDDVD is basically becoming extinct and I plan on getting an HDTV, I plan to purchase a PS3 for the Blu-Ray player AND games that will be released for it in the future (such as MGS4 <3 and FFXIII and Versus XIII). As far as the Wii, I've never been that much interested. I don't find anything wrong with it, but it's just not for me.

02-28-2008, 08:03 PM
What are you, the fucking spokesperson for Microsoft or Bill Gates? A Wii is what i have had in mind, and possibly a PS3 if and when more games are released for it. But for now my DS serves just fine.

I expected some stupid replies, but yours exceeded any expectation I had. I am confronted each day by monkeys, but days always prove that there is a new breed out there. And reading your reply, I have just discovered a new one.

If you can read, I EXCLUDED Wii and PS3. I said Wii is out of the comparison. I said that I bought 3 fuckin Xbox consoles. Spokesman?!! Goddamn ignorance. I have put links in the same page that proves the superiority of the PS3 over fucking block of M$.

The first thing I said was, that I never intended this thread to be a comparison. I only wrote it to give some kind of advise to some GAMERs who are thinking of getting a new console. I never stated my own opinion in any of the systems regarding superiority "gaming-wise" on this thread. AAAh.. Again, another saru reminds me that "The capacity of humans to do stupid things is only surpassed by their capacity to say stupid things"..

02-28-2008, 08:24 PM
I am only posting in this thread to comment on a pet peeve of mine. Don't try to draw me into an argument over which console is better or any crap like that, because I will simply mock you and move on.

Anyone, and I do mean ANYONE, who uses that stupid "M$" abbreviation instantly loses any and all credibility I might have once regarded them with in terms of console discussions. The use of the term "Xbot" also has that effect, but that's beside the point here.

Yes, Microsoft does care about the almighty dollar. We all know that, and you know what, the desire to make money is a key facet of the thing called capitalism. Sony believes in it too, and has screwed their customers just as hard as MS, if not harder. Anyone remember the infamous PS2 disc read errors that Sony completely refused to support? Or perhaps someone has had to fight their way through Sony's notoriously poor customer service to get a defective product replaced? Yet for some reason, I never see people referring to Sony as "$ony" or something of that sort, not even the Xbox fans, even though it's an obvious sort of jab. This crap makes Sony fans look really bad.

02-28-2008, 08:36 PM
People Will compare M$ and $ony (sorry, but your credibility is something I am not looking to obtain). Because people will always try to prove they're right and others are wrong. Do I love M$ more than Sony? Do I Love sony more? I Doubt you care to know the answer.

I love games, and if I know that there is a console made in Mars by aliens with good games on it, I am going to have it. And if it breaks down on me, I am going to get another one as long there are good games to play. The same thing applies for $ony, M$ and Nintendo (damn they don't have an S).

02-28-2008, 08:40 PM
Nice rant that has almost nothing to do with what I said. And anyway, I'm not talking to you alone.

02-28-2008, 08:49 PM
Kay, at least it was nice. And it was only for you!!

execrable gumwrapper
02-28-2008, 08:53 PM
M$ $UX @$$!


*waits for flaming to commence*

02-28-2008, 08:57 PM
Hey, the OP was just trying to help people out if they're set on getting a 360. Simple as that.

02-28-2008, 09:03 PM
Hey, the OP was just trying to help people out if they're set on getting a 360. Simple as that.

I keep saying that....

02-28-2008, 09:03 PM
No, he was ranting about his own bad experience. Most of what he put in his posts was not even remotely constructive. Of course, there's no problem with that at all, but people need to understand that measures have been taken to kill the RRoD issue and the new models perform better.

02-28-2008, 09:17 PM
No, he was ranting about his own bad experience. Most of what he put in his posts was not even remotely constructive. Of course, there's no problem with that at all, but people need to understand that measures have been taken to kill the RRoD issue and the new models perform better.

And I was trying to tell people those "measures" and how to find them.. But again, people LOVE to argue and fight.
I don't give a dry camel's shit about what people think of my posts. I write what I like (although till now I haven't said which console I like more), and I know saru-san and his friends will jump around and try to make an appearance. And I just enjoy watching the new breeds..

execrable gumwrapper
02-28-2008, 09:21 PM
Aye, ya know if you stopped replying to Prak the argument would have died long ago.

Let it go.

02-28-2008, 09:25 PM
And I was trying to tell people those "measures" and how to find them.. But again, people LOVE to argue and fight.
I don't give a dry camel's shit about what people think of my posts. I write what I like (although till now I haven't said which console I like more), and I know saru-san and his friends will jump around and try to make an appearance. And I just enjoy watching the new breeds..

1. We argue about everything here. Endlessly.

2. You certainly seem to care. If you really didn't, you wouldn't keep echoing it.

3. In the end, I don't really give a shit. I've already said my piece and don't really have anything more to contribute.

02-28-2008, 09:28 PM
Aye, ya know if you stopped replying to Prak the argument would have died long ago.

Let it go.

Ok. Thanx, will do.

02-29-2008, 02:26 AM
I've just said that if someone were looking for a new 360, I'd suggest to go for the Elite because that thing is built like a TANK! Well, performance-wise on my end.

02-29-2008, 02:57 AM
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http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a202/nine_fenrir/robot%20faces/16x16_robot-tongue.gif Prak, you know I love you, dawg.