04-29-2002, 10:24 AM
Hello,the name's Vrizardmon.Pleased to meetcha guys.

Anyway, what's the most complicated magic in FFIX?

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
04-29-2002, 07:05 PM
Hi, Vrizardmon. In answer to your question, i'm not sure how you mean Complicated, the most powerful would be Flare or if your careful Doomsday.
But I don't know what you mean by complicated.

zidane tribal
05-02-2002, 04:10 PM
yea likle complicated to use or get or what???? good q though....and welcome~!!!!!!:D

05-03-2002, 06:07 AM
Originally posted by zidane tribal
yea likle complicated to use or get or what???? good q though....and welcome~!!!!!!:D
Like Quina's Frog Drop:
Damage=Number of Frogs caught x Level
so if Quina's level is 78 and s/he caught only 2 frogs, the damage will be 156.

Got the point?

zidane tribal
05-08-2002, 04:51 PM
yea totally..... the most trouble i have is when i use reflect on me and then use doomsdayX2 on me so it hits the boss.....its a bit hard to get it perfectly right.... thats pretty complicated.... :D