02-11-2008, 08:50 AM
Just to reaffirm the fact that the White Engine runs exclusively on the Playstation 3 but it may have been further developed by other teams at Square-Enix to work on multiple platforms. This in no way means that either FFXIII or Versus are going multiplatform. Had to say that because it seems any mention of "FFXIII" and "development" cause a "Final Fantasy XIII going to 360!" rumor.

quoted from

sooo what you guys think? i think its a great chance for ps3 to redeem itself!

Marshall Lee
02-11-2008, 09:02 AM
I think I still want to know more about this latest installment :D

02-11-2008, 09:56 AM
I think I still want to know more about this latest installment :D

Lightning's muscles and such make an impression, don't they? She is muscular, but attractive.

Nomura: In drawing Lightning, the most essential thing was that she is a "cool character." You can't have a cool character without sex appeal.

What kind of "cool" is she?

Nomura: Serious, and unforgiving, yeah, she is a relentless character, isn't she? Maybe she is harsh on herself too, but she is not the type to coddle people. When she meets other people, she's not the kind who changes according to them, but instead you can see that she is a kind of individualistic person who gives off the image of someone who unswervingly follows the guidelines within herself.

Was that harshness more than was intended in the design?

Nomura: I was asked to make her strong and beautiful, but when I read the scenario, I thought "Is that all?" They were saying that she is a soldier, and her personality was certainly of one. She is not a "whiner." Actually, before we decided on the type we have for her now, there were a variety of different Lightnings. There were some by other staff members, too, and in the beginning, she didn't have the same image as she does now.

Like what, for example?

Nomura: She was Asian. The final Lightning is considerably more chiseled. Her eyes are more deeply set in than a typical heroine. Also, her cheekbones are more prominent than other female characters. In these ways, Lightning's design changed considerably. Other things are hidden, so you can't tell, but her legs are lean and her abdominal muscles are defined. Toriyama was particular about her having an athlete's body. However, if the heroine was too "macho," it would be difficult for players to associate emotionally with her, and so, while serving the director's intentions for her, I tried to make her a bit sweet. That intent appears in things like her hairstyle and hair color.

�(stuff about Aya from Parasite Eve goes here)�

Then, about the yet unnamed protagonist of Versus XIII, his outfit is temporary, isn�t it?

Nomura: We intend to completely redo his design. The concept for him is that his hairstyle will give a different impression when viewed from the front than from the back. From the front, his hair is calm and tame, but from the back, it is quite intense and violent-looking. Because his design is temporary, we�re having him face the back as much as possible, like on the cover. (Haha)

I see. There are a lot of things that are unclear, aren�t there?

Nomura: The Versus protagonist is not a character with a Squall-like or Cloud-like personality like everyone is thinking now. He is a type that has not been seen in the generations of the series yet. For a long time now, I have wanted to try making a character like him, but I hesitated because he is a type of character that might fall close to �out of bounds.�

Are you really that critical of him!?

Nomura: Yes. (Haha) There are probably people who dislike his type. Usually, protagonists do not have strong personalities to avoid having the personality interfere with the player�s empathy, and so very distinctive characters are relegated to side-roles, but not this time. He has a bit of an overabundance of p idiosyncrasy. I think that when he speaks, the impression of him will change considerably.

Will his voice be so high that we�re surprised? (haha)

Nomura: (Haha) The concept for his voice has not yet been finalized. People who thought �That�s great!� to his current impression will probably think �What did they do!?� upon seeing him. So, as much as possible, please try not to hold any preconceptions about him! He is not the least bit a silent, gloomy little boy.

He can show an apathetic face to the world, but is he the type that can adjust and let his guard down?

Nomura: There is that type in reality, too, and there it depends on whether or not their friends accept them, doesn�t it?

Will this be a story of male camaraderie, similar to Crisis Core?

Nomura: No, for instance, someone [important] dies, and you must take revenge, well it won�t be a soppy story like that. It will adopt a more general �road movie� (a specific type of journey genre, not a road trip movie. >__>; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Road_movie) sense. As to why I chose a story about men, well, for example, among school friends, when they go traveling, it�s normal to see any combination of fellows in groups of all one gender. That�s all. We can look back on when we were students, and remember enjoying horsing around with our peers with no particular aim in mind.

And a member of a royal family just happens to be one of their number?

Nomura: That�s right. They have not banded together for any purpose or destiny. This lot, who are always horsing around find themselves at the heart of the story by chance. I wonder if one was a student, would one feel the story even more familiar? Of course, if one was an adult, they might feel nostalgic and enjoy remembering how they horsed around like that, I think. Talking about girls, for instance. In thinking about how to make it more familiar, it turned out this way. Next time we give information, we will reveal his name. It doesn�t have much to do with anything else, though.

We�re looking forward to it. Will it be a name associated with the weather or the skies, following Cloud, Squall, Tidus, etc.?

Nomura: I thought �should we stop with the weather names, already?� but the FFXIII team named heirs Lightning, and so Versus XIII will follow suit.

Lightning�s name was quite a surprise, wasn�t it?

Nomura: Lightning�s name also surprised me, even though I was already familiar with her. If they started to use another name at this late date, I wouldn�t be able to get used to it, though.


this is the newest info soo far!!!

lol that versus guy will not be the usual depress boy and for that i will love him!

02-11-2008, 06:51 PM
But what they didn't tell you is that FFXIII is being remade for the atari.

02-11-2008, 08:33 PM
fingers crossed it will be on the 360, personally.

execrable gumwrapper
02-11-2008, 09:11 PM
I wouldn't hold my breath, E-meter.

02-11-2008, 09:56 PM
The Atari 5200 more specifically...

02-11-2008, 09:57 PM
Oh god.

Get AIDs and die.

02-11-2008, 10:06 PM
No thank you, sir. It's not like anyone really cares on what console its released on since the fanboys will buy that console just so they own all Final Fantasy games... I'm not gonna ... though if they do release FFXIII on PS3 and only on PS3, all I can say is I'm sorry to the people who have an Xbox 360...

02-11-2008, 10:56 PM
I'm getting my PS3 during next month, so I don't really care.

As far as I know, the white engine was created to exploit the cell architecture (i.e. to use its many SPEs). They bought the Unreal 3 engine for their multi-platform plans. But FF XIII will be using the White Engine, and Nomura stated in an interview that his team is waiting for the updated version of the White Engine to begin producing FFXIII's graphics.

At this point in the production, it is rather stupid to even think about S-E going multi-platform with those 2 games.

02-12-2008, 09:07 PM
Oh god.

Get AIDs and die.

that was childish and unnecessary.

I think they are going to pull it out on all 3 current systems, or just do PS3 exclusive. but who knows.

02-12-2008, 10:32 PM
there's no good that i can find in guessing and predicting which system a game will be coming out on-only bad if you're dumb enough to say atari...or something like that. (and be serious about it)

besides, if it's a final fantasy game, it uh...SHOULD be coming out. there's not much that can stop it.

the only way i can see a FF release losing steam is if it's only out on an xbox system, and there's been a halo game that same year...since halo's 90% of any xbox.

02-12-2008, 10:35 PM
there's no good that i can find in guessing and predicting which system a game will be coming out on-only bad if you're dumb enough to say atari...or something like that. (and be serious about it)

besides, if it's a final fantasy game, it uh...SHOULD be coming out. there's not much that can stop it.

the only way i can see a FF release losing steam is if it's only out on an xbox system, and there's been a halo game that same year...since halo's 90% of any xbox.

Right. I don't think Squenix would put it on Xbox only. I would't say 'halo' is 90% of xbox, but FPS's are definitely 90% of xbox

02-12-2008, 10:38 PM
I would't say 'halo' is 90% of xbox, but FPS's are definitely 90% of xbox

In fact, Call of Duty 4 is actually beating Halo 3 on that system.

execrable gumwrapper
02-12-2008, 11:16 PM
That's because Halo 3 SUCKS.

Halo 2.5 amirite?

02-14-2008, 08:12 PM
ooo wat do you think the will be named?ffv13

Dot Centaur
03-22-2008, 07:05 AM
Frankly I don't care whether or not FFXIII will be on X Box 360. Besides I've always been more of a PS fan than X Box and for sure I'll more than likely be getting the PS3 before XBox 360. Besides all the more reason is that I think RE5 will only be on PS3 as far as I've heard...

jewess crabcake
03-22-2008, 07:16 AM
Oh god.

Get AIDs and die.

I'm not just sure XIII is a PS3 exclusive, I'm HIV positive.

Marshall Lee
03-22-2008, 07:33 AM
FFXIII will make my epilepsy better :D

execrable gumwrapper
03-22-2008, 10:53 PM
Frankly I don't care whether or not FFXIII will be on X Box 360. Besides I've always been more of a PS fan than X Box and for sure I'll more than likely be getting the PS3 before XBox 360. Besides all the more reason is that I think RE5 will only be on PS3 as far as I've heard...

Where the hell do you get your information? RE5 has been confirmed for 360 and PS3 since its announcement.

03-28-2008, 04:00 PM
Who cares, by the time these games reach America the PS3 probably won't be nearly as ridiculously expensive as it is now. I'm just gonna wait until then to get the system.

execrable gumwrapper
03-28-2008, 04:56 PM
If you're going to buy the system just for one game, I think you kind of missed the point of owning a console. In essense you'd be paying roughly $475 (if you went with the 40GB) for one game.

03-28-2008, 05:56 PM
If you're going to buy the system just for one game, I think you kind of missed the point of owning a console. In essense you'd be paying roughly $475 (if you went with the 40GB) for one game.

Of course I'm not gonna buy it just for one game, I'll probably catch up and play some older PS3 games afterwards and continue getting more as they come out, but is there anything wrong with using the game's release date as a point to wait to get the console? Didn't think so.

I waited for a certain game to come out before getting a PS2 and now I've got like 25 PS2 games.

03-29-2008, 07:23 AM
sorry to burst you bubles guys but square enix did give a statement that plans for Final Fantasy on the xbox are currently a blank page. Maybe next time ehh?

execrable gumwrapper
03-29-2008, 08:38 AM

03-29-2008, 09:03 AM
Chill dude, don't take things personal man.

execrable gumwrapper
03-29-2008, 11:47 AM
Who said I took anything personal?

Dot Centaur
03-29-2008, 08:25 PM
Chill dude, don't take things personal man.

It's okay. Noskillbassist is just like that ;). Yeah I know it's you Swami bwaha :naughty: .

03-29-2008, 09:10 PM
FFXIII will not go on the 360.

execrable gumwrapper
03-30-2008, 12:21 AM
It's okay. Noskillbassist is just like that ;). Yeah I know it's you Swami bwaha :naughty: .


07-10-2008, 03:18 AM
Unless S-E makes an official announcement than all predictions and debates are henceforth null and void. What's the use in arguing about something that's out of our hands?

I suppose however that since there's already a debate in progress here are my thoughts. I doubt Square is pulling out the stops and going multi-platform with their debut into the next generation. Then again... it seems that S-E is in it for the money anymore.-Shrugs-

07-10-2008, 04:04 AM
Just to elaborate on a previous post.

"Square Enix has held a presentation at the Game Developers Conference 2008 in San Francisco, titled “The Technology of Final Fantasy”. The presentation was held by Taku Murata, the General Manager of Square Enix’s Research & Development division.

At the presentation it was revealed that the “White Engine” has now been renamed to “Crystal Tools”. The companywide technology platform is designed for use with the PS3, XBox 360 and PC. This technology is going to be used for both Final Fantasy 13 and Final Fantasy Versus 13. Murata also said that a scaled down version of “Crystal Tools” will be implemented for the Wii.

Square then showed a previously seen trailer for Final Fantasy 13.

Even though “Crystal Tools” has been designed for use with more than one platform, at the end of the Final Fantasy 13 trailer the words “For PlayStation 3″ were displayed. This still confirming that Final Fantasy 13 is exclusive for the PlayStation 3 console.

To finish off the presentation, Murata said that “Crystal Tools” will be used with the development of a new MMO that they are currently working on. Square Enix have previously announced a new MMO a while ago. It is uncertain if this new MMO is the same as the previously announced one."

Source: http://www.finalfantasyxiii.us/

So "Crystal Tools" has been developed for multi-platform use, but again this DOES NOT mean that Final Fantasy XIII or Versus XIII has gone multi-platform. There is no confirmation and as stated in the quote at the end of the trailer "For Playstation 3" appear.

07-10-2008, 08:05 AM
Just to elaborate on a previous post.

"Square Enix has held a presentation at the Game Developers Conference 2008 in San Francisco, titled �The Technology of Final Fantasy�. The presentation was held by Taku Murata, the General Manager of Square Enix�s Research & Development division.

At the presentation it was revealed that the �White Engine� has now been renamed to �Crystal Tools�. The companywide technology platform is designed for use with the PS3, XBox 360 and PC. This technology is going to be used for both Final Fantasy 13 and Final Fantasy Versus 13. Murata also said that a scaled down version of �Crystal Tools� will be implemented for the Wii.

Square then showed a previously seen trailer for Final Fantasy 13.

Even though �Crystal Tools� has been designed for use with more than one platform, at the end of the Final Fantasy 13 trailer the words �For PlayStation 3″ were displayed. This still confirming that Final Fantasy 13 is exclusive for the PlayStation 3 console.

To finish off the presentation, Murata said that �Crystal Tools� will be used with the development of a new MMO that they are currently working on. Square Enix have previously announced a new MMO a while ago. It is uncertain if this new MMO is the same as the previously announced one."

Source: http://www.finalfantasyxiii.us/

So "Crystal Tools" has been developed for multi-platform use, but again this DOES NOT mean that Final Fantasy XIII or Versus XIII has gone multi-platform. There is no confirmation and as stated in the quote at the end of the trailer "For Playstation 3" appear.

yeshhh wat Jo said is totally true ......anywayyy...the name of the prince any1?

07-15-2008, 07:44 PM
I'm not an X360 fanboy or anything but I'm sure you guys heard Final Fantasy 13 was announced for the Xbox 360 yesterday.


07-15-2008, 07:48 PM

07-15-2008, 07:53 PM
lol tis thread is wrong.

jewess crabcake
07-15-2008, 08:03 PM

07-16-2008, 03:04 PM
FFXIII will not go on the 360.


07-16-2008, 03:43 PM
lmao Cidolfus, wow, that would explain him in the other thread.

AND SOMEONE LOCK THIS. But first, let me take a picture of the two threads on top of each other. Classic.

07-16-2008, 03:49 PM
"FF 13 and ffv13 is 100% ps3 exclusive"

This is why PS3 fanboys shouldn't count their eggs before they hatch. Now we would safely assume PS3 fanboys will start ranting about how Versus XIII isn't coming to the X360.

We shall see.

All Seeing Eye
07-17-2008, 12:27 AM
If XIII sells well it will. In other words, It WILL.

07-18-2008, 01:49 PM
Hold on... that statement isn't entirely false. Square is porting XIII to the 360 in North America and Europe, however it remains PS3 exclusive in Japan. So there's that. I had my doubts, but I also had a sneaky suspicion. Doesn't matter to me as I have said PS3 owners get their copy first, and the game is going to be the same whether it's multi-platform or not.

07-18-2008, 01:59 PM
lmao Cidolfus, wow, that would explain him in the other thread.

How would that explain me on the other thread? All I said on this thread was that it wouldn't go on the 360 which is what I thought when I posted it.