02-10-2008, 05:04 AM
2 great series,. but which one is better to you.

for me its silenthill. better storylines. and its scary (unlike re imo) and the gameplay is decent

what do you think

02-10-2008, 05:47 AM
I was convinced that Silent Hill was better, but then I played RE4. Now I don't really want to decide ;)

02-10-2008, 05:57 PM
RE stopped being scary after the first game. 2, 3, and 4 are nowhere near scary (although Mr. X's random wall-bursting appearances did make me jump from time to time, as did the licker that busts through the interrogation room wall - that one STILL gets me).

Silent Hill never really scared me... it was less horror than a sort of "WTF?" experience.

02-10-2008, 06:25 PM
That's a hard one for me to decide on also.

But I've always found the atmosphere in the Silent Hill games decidedly creepier (though have yet to see/play Resident Evil 4). For that reason I like them better.

02-10-2008, 09:13 PM
Resident Evil 4 is only creepy in a few select parts, imo. Otherwise, it's just nervewracking because you are paranoid that you are going to die--before you have infinite weapons, at any rate :p

1 and 2 have nice atmosphere, but Silent Hill as a series trumps it, in spades, for my money. RE4 has the best gameplay of any survival-horror game that I've played. Even though I am the kind of person to defend the wonky combat mechanics of the genre, RE4 is just a flat-out joy to play, even on your first playthrough.

execrable gumwrapper
02-10-2008, 09:25 PM
SH1 scared me during daytime. (that fucking static)

RE not so much. Although RE4 is fun as hell!

Now Fatal Frame... returned the same day because it scared the piss out of me not even halfway through the first level. :(

02-10-2008, 10:37 PM
hahahahah. the same day.

the first time i played silent hill 1 i was a little creeped out when playing at day with my bro in the room lol.

my vote will always go to silent hill

02-10-2008, 10:38 PM
ignore this post

02-11-2008, 06:49 AM
ignore this post

I cannot. This post will dominate my dreams, and make every waking moment a living nightmare.

...I gotta hunt down all the RE games... I sold 'em all to EB Games, so all I have is the remake for Gamecube and RE4.

02-11-2008, 06:53 AM
i was thinking that silent hill was way more thrilling than resident evil....but when i played RE:umbrella chronicles... i dont know..

02-11-2008, 07:23 AM
I take it Umbrella Chronicles is good, then? Isn't it like the first three games in rail-shooter mode, or something like that?

Dot Centaur
02-11-2008, 07:23 AM
This has always been a tough choice for me because I'm a huge fan of both the game series' :D.

Two years ago I would have said Resident Evil because I started playing the Resident Evil series first about 10 months before I started playing Silent Hill.

I can't really answer because I think they're both better than the other in different ways.

I would say I like the characters in Resident Evil better than the ones in Silent Hill (though I like a lot of the characters in that series too. However Silent Hill is also better at being scarier than Resident Evil imo (the sound effects SH makes) so in that way Silent Hill is better.

I would say I like the monsters from each series both equally.

As for the plot, I would say I prefer the Resident Evil plot to the Silent Hill plot since it all seems to come together better.

So ever since I've started playing the Silent Hill series, it's never been one or the other. I've always liked them both 50/50 so I can't really say which one is better XD.

02-11-2008, 08:00 AM
when i play horror i look for HORROR lol.

silent hill takes my vote

02-12-2008, 12:59 PM
when i play horror i look for HORROR lol.

silent hill takes my vote

RESIDENT EVIL made the survival horror genre for video games. Silent Hill was ultimatly influenced by RE's design.

02-12-2008, 03:13 PM
Resident Evil has a more cohesive storyline/plot. Silent Hill 1 came around, then Silent Hill 2 had nothing to do with it (except for a few vague references), then Silent Hill 3 was a direct sequel to 1, then Silent Hill 4 again, not related to any other (except, again, for some references). At least all the Resident Evils take place in relation to each other.

That said... neither of them really scares me. But they're both great series.

02-12-2008, 07:34 PM
RESIDENT EVIL made the survival horror genre for video games. Silent Hill was ultimatly influenced by RE's design.

The point is not what started it, but which one is considered better. After all, the original Silent Hill is different in many ways from the original Resident Evil, and was heavily influenced by horror movies and books.
When it comes to horror, Silent Hill amazes me. Its one of those games that I consider art. The excellent music, the terrifying atmosphere and the unusual plot is what makes the SH games to shine for me.

On the other hand, RE has a more interesting and progressing story. Unlike SH, the games are connected and we get to see what happens to the different characters throughout the series. In SH, we never really get a clear answer (apart from Harry). What really happened to James or Heather? The multiple endings make it confusing. After all, the only endings that actually link the games are the UFO ones ;)
Furthermore, the SH story can become tiring at times.

Both series are great, but also very different. So they are both equal to me.

02-12-2008, 07:36 PM
Yeah, i think RE4 clinches it for me. A great game, But i do like the Silent Hill series. But my vote goes for Resident Evil

Also, In Resident Evil 1 (directors cut, i dont know if it was in the original) when you are walking through the corridor on the bottom right of the manor, near the beggining. The part where the dogs jump through the windows.. that scared the hell out of me...

02-12-2008, 07:42 PM
It was also in the original, and surprised me quite a bit the first time!

02-12-2008, 11:25 PM
who cares if it influenced it.

and re may have a more flowing story. but its always the same shit. ok virus. kill bad guy. escape from island/lab cause its gona blow (how does a island blow?????). how exciting over and over again.

silent hill really gets to me. the random noises. the wierd enviorments. dark backgournds.

who remembers the prison from sh2

02-12-2008, 11:36 PM
I remember it. But have to say the thing that always stands out the most in my mind about SH2 is that first encounter with Pyramid Head. Maybe I'm one who's easily creeped out, but I just found that kitchen scene between him and the mannequin creature totally freaky.

02-12-2008, 11:38 PM
yes and quite sexy too lol

02-12-2008, 11:50 PM
lol, guess your perspective's somewhat different to mine on that one.

Have to say though, just the way Pyramid Head appeared in that dark corridor on the other side of that gate (shortly before that scene takes place) gave me the chills. It was just something about the way he was standing there all motionless like that. Obviously unable to see James. But not any the less unaware of his presence. It just gave me that sense of being sized up, as a predator does to his prey. I had to remind myself that it was only a game I was playing, not something really happening lol.

I've generally found that there's at least been one or two occasions I've been affected to that degree when playing a Silent Hill game. But though some of the scenes/parts in the Resident Evil games have been enough to make me jump, nothing about them has ever disturbed me in the same way - so far anyway.

02-13-2008, 12:24 AM
Yeah, each series goes for a different "scare" tactic.

Resident Evil goes down the OHSHITWHATTHECHRISTWASTHAT path. Silent Hill goes down the deeply psychologically disturbing path.

02-13-2008, 12:31 AM
yes lol.

the thing about resident evil was they always ave away what they were going to do (camera angle) you could always tell it was comming. silenthill gave no warning

02-13-2008, 12:52 AM
The point is not what started it, but which one is considered better. After all, the original Silent Hill is different in many ways from the original Resident Evil, and was heavily influenced by horror movies and books.
When it comes to horror, Silent Hill amazes me. Its one of those games that I consider art. The excellent music, the terrifying atmosphere and the unusual plot is what makes the SH games to shine for me.

On the other hand, RE has a more interesting and progressing story. Unlike SH, the games are connected and we get to see what happens to the different characters throughout the series. In SH, we never really get a clear answer (apart from Harry). What really happened to James or Heather? The multiple endings make it confusing. After all, the only endings that actually link the games are the UFO ones ;)
Furthermore, the SH story can become tiring at times.

Both series are great, but also very different. So they are both equal to me.

I never meant to imply that was the point of this thread. Those are your own conclusions. I mearly was suggesting that Silent Hill would not exist at it's capacity if Resident Evil had never existed.

02-13-2008, 01:17 AM
I take it Umbrella Chronicles is good, then? Isn't it like the first three games in rail-shooter mode, or something like that?

i think so.

02-13-2008, 02:20 AM
yes it looked quite good. not like survivor hah

02-13-2008, 01:39 PM
Sillent Hill is scarier than R.E. series(except maybe from 3:Nemesis,which,in my opinion,is the best ResEv ever released),but Resident Evil games have better graphics,better music and,of course,better storyline without plot mistakes or extremely crazy-sh!t stuff that Silent Hill has.Sooooo,I'll vote for Resident Evil.
But even scarier than these two are Project Zero(1,2,3) and Forbidden Siren!

02-13-2008, 02:04 PM
re may have a more flowing story. but its always the same shit. ok virus. kill bad guy. escape from island/lab cause its gona blow (how does a island blow?????). how exciting over and over again.
I disagree!Don't forget that in SH it is always like "I lose someone I love,I've got to find them,I see their spirits(they NEVER talk to me,but they ALWAYS run away)" or in less words "Find someone or something and get the hell out of here"!!!Never "Find out what is happening"!

02-13-2008, 02:12 PM
Yeah, each series goes for a different "scare" tactic.

Resident Evil goes down the OHSHITWHATTHECHRISTWASTHAT path. Silent Hill goes down the deeply psychologically disturbing path.

Totaly!But,also,The R.E. goes like "oh,something terrible happened and EVERYONE LEFT IN A HURRY!Now everything is EMPTY...MOTIONLESS...CREEPY...!"
Also with the fixed cameras,it gives you the sense that someone is observing your progress and nothing is really over!This fills your soul with desperation,imo...

02-13-2008, 02:18 PM
the thing about resident evil was they always ave away what they were going to do (camera angle) you could always tell it was comming. silenthill gave no warning

Are you sure???And what was the pocket radio,about?Wasn't the "school-bell like" ringing a warning of something was coming???

02-13-2008, 02:48 PM
The pocket radio would emit static whenever an enemy was near. The church bells went off whenever the world changed to evil mode.

02-13-2008, 03:18 PM
I'm a fan of both series, but I think that RE has started to lose its scariness as the games progressed. My vote goes to SH on this one with the first as the best (it was a bitch to track down and lucked out by getting it for $20 on ebay :D).

But to me, Fatal Frame is the scariest series of them all. When I first played it, I couldn't finish it because it was too scary. A few years later, I sucked it up and tried again. I beat it, but damn. Scary as shit though. Now I need to beat the second and third.

02-13-2008, 03:40 PM
The pocket radio would emit static whenever an enemy was near. The church bells went off whenever the world changed to evil mode.

WHAT?There is always something to alert you in SH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

02-13-2008, 04:09 PM
I believe the screen gets a little distorted when an enemy is nearby as well. As well as the church bell thing, I never hear them. I hear the sirens though.

02-13-2008, 04:25 PM
My vote goes to SH on this one with the first as the best (it was a bitch to track down and lucked out by getting it for $20 on ebay :D).

I had to part with a Ullyses, though it was essentially mint-in-box. I still can't let go of Heather, but I agree that the original is fantasmagoric ;)

02-13-2008, 04:44 PM
The pocket radio would emit static whenever an enemy was near. The church bells went off whenever the world changed to evil mode.

Just a correction, its an Air Raid Siren, not Church bells :P

02-13-2008, 06:46 PM
Ah yes, that's what I meant. He just had said church bells, so I said it too... lol

That being said, the sirens only go off at certain points in the game... it's not a random occurrence, so it really doesn't catch you off-guard.

02-13-2008, 07:14 PM
I had to part with a Ullyses, though it was essentially mint-in-box. I still can't let go of Heather, but I agree that the original is fantasmagoric ;)
I think the third is one of the best as well. But I liked the whole story line of the first one. And it creeped me out when I was a kid.

02-13-2008, 08:42 PM
yeah great triple post man...

in silent hill its not the enemies that scare. unlike re it dosnt depend of on the enemies to scare you.
its every thing eles. the things you dont fight are scary.

still in reit gives it away before hand with a camer angle. perhaps the only scary one was the first one. but because it played it when i was little. nothing more

02-15-2008, 12:28 PM
BTW,guys...R.E. games are not horror games...there is no horror included!And you don't get scared by the monsters,the whole thing is about the atmosphere in the game...The "Someone left in a hurry","Nothing unusual(when EVERYTHING is unusual)",the "Files are scattered on the floor","The boxes are stained with blood",the bed sheets that are full blood-stained,the creepy music and sound effects...THIS is what R.E. games are about(except 4,Umbrella Chronicles is by far more scaring and "Oh,pure humans" style!).../Why the hell is my signature not visible?????

Dot Centaur
02-15-2008, 09:20 PM
Um actually chased, the Lickers, Hunters, Zombies, and Tyrant projects scared me.

They're pretty scary looking if you ask me.

02-16-2008, 03:51 PM
BTW,guys...R.E. games are not horror games...there is no horror included!And you don't get scared by the monsters,the whole thing is about the atmosphere in the game...The "Someone left in a hurry","Nothing unusual(when EVERYTHING is unusual)",the "Files are scattered on the floor","The boxes are stained with blood",the bed sheets that are full blood-stained,the creepy music and sound effects...THIS is what R.E. games are about(except 4,Umbrella Chronicles is by far more scaring and "Oh,pure humans" style!).../Why the hell is my signature not visible?????

You don't make any sense, at all.

1. Resident Evil's genre is survival horror. If it wasn't a horror game as you stated then why would a thread exist comparing two unlike genres?

2. I don't understand your quotations-- rather, how your comparison differs from the Silent Hill universe.

3. What is "Oh, pure human style"? Use game terminology. Don't know game terminology? Then stop pretending to know what you're talking about.

4. Your signature isn't visible because you are young, impatient, and possibly retarded.

02-18-2008, 07:35 PM
You don't make any sense, at all.

1. Resident Evil's genre is survival horror. If it wasn't a horror game as you stated then why would a thread exist comparing two unlike genres?

2. I don't understand your quotations-- rather, how your comparison differs from the Silent Hill universe.

3. What is "Oh, pure human style"? Use game terminology. Don't know game terminology? Then stop pretending to know what you're talking about.

4. Your signature isn't visible because you are young, impatient, and possibly retarded.

1.Survival Horror is what the game SUPPOSED to be.BUT,it is not!Just because CAPCOM says R.E. games' genre is Survival Horror doesn't mean that it is that way!


3.I think you understand what I mean...And so does everyone in here!!!!!!!

4.F.O. and L.M.AL.!(Use your imagination,if you have any!...)

02-18-2008, 07:42 PM
I'm not saying that the monsters are not creepy and scary in R.E. games,Tifa!All I'm saying is that this is NOT the most powerfull "weapon" Resident Evil games have!/Is this ok with you,Big087???

execrable gumwrapper
02-18-2008, 10:23 PM
Stop multiposting fucktard.

02-19-2008, 03:02 AM
When I was in high school I preferred Resident Evil because something in the story captured me. I'm not sure if it was all of the angsty teenage emotions or what-- I played Silent Hill 2 at the end of my seinor year in high school and it was my introduction to the Silent Hill universe. Something about the Silent Hill games seemed more mature, well, more plausible. I don't know if I felt this way because I was getting older and more mature myself-- I can say now, years later, after college, that I prefer Silent Hill to Resident Evil.

I still get nostalgic over Resident Evil because it represents some of the last points of my childhood. Games do that for me-- remind me of periods of my life. Anyway, I think I graduated to Silent Hill for its character and story depth. Resident Evil can always offer another scenario of events; but, it never seems to rival the richness of Silent Hill's general character psyche.

I'm a game developer myself now, and that affords me the respect of the Silent Hill developers who produced such a compelling title-- because they really raised the bar, especially graphically.

But as I've mentioned several times in this thread, Silent Hill would not be the same if Resident Evil hadn't been it's predecessor. You gotta honor your roots.

Marshall Lee
02-19-2008, 03:37 AM
Silent Hill, I mean can you see a big pyramid thing rape a mannequin in Resident Evil? I don't think so ;)

execrable gumwrapper
02-19-2008, 03:47 AM
Pyramid head owns.

02-19-2008, 04:40 AM
Are we talking about which series actually has better games, or just scarier ones? There is a difference.

I've only played through the original Silent Hill, and it was far scarier than any of the RE's. From what I've read, the other SH's follow suit.

Since I haven't played the other SH's, I can't say which series actually has better games. I suppose that my sticking with RE after playing the first SH speaks for itself, though.

02-19-2008, 06:07 PM
Resi > Hill. No contest to be honest; Silent Hill was a fun game. But 'fun' or 'good' is about the limit of positive words I would apply to that game. Resi Evil produced some classy games though.