Dot Centaur
02-09-2008, 08:39 PM
Well I didn't see any new threads like this so here it goes.

I really miss the anime Ranma 1/2. It's classic, funny, and it's cute :D.

Besides Sailor Moon, Mermaids Scar, and Iczer One, Ranma was one of my very first animes, but one of my very first favorites since day one of my anime fandom. The series is too fun for words and imo this is one of the best works of Takahashi.

I still have the very first season (Digital Dojo) on VHS and also the entire collection of the third season (Hard Battle) on VHS. After all these years I still haven't had the oppurtunity to see all the episodes. I've seen some of Anything Goes Martial Arts, Outta Control, Martial Mayhem, Random Rhapsody, and Forever, but not all the episodes of those seasons. My favorite characters are Dr. Tofu, Ukyo, Shampoo, and Kasumi.

Pimp Daddy McSnake
02-09-2008, 10:03 PM
Can't say I really miss it since it never left me to begin with. ~

02-11-2008, 02:50 PM
Seasons 1-5 are out on DVD right now in cheap box sets. There's really no reason not to pick them up.

02-11-2008, 07:16 PM
hey, thanks for posting it. i almost forgot about this anime. and yes, this was one of the first anime's. which comes first ranma or sailor moon? i remember one character, the one who transforms into pig. what's his name?

02-11-2008, 07:21 PM
hey, thanks for posting it. i almost forgot about this anime. and yes, this was one of the first anime's. which comes first ranma or sailor moon? i remember one character, the one who transforms into pig. what's his name?

Ryoga Hibiki.

I've been watching the series, I've read the manga 4 times, need to reread it again soon.
Season 4 and Season 5 were let downs for me but 6 started to redeem itself halfway in. Never seen 7 yet though.
Nor the OVAs and movies.

Dot Centaur
02-11-2008, 08:21 PM
Seasons 1-5 are out on DVD right now in cheap box sets. There's really no reason not to pick them up.

You mean like cheap as in poor quality or cheap as in lower priced? If lower priced, all the more reason for me to pick it up, lol XD.

If you mean poor quality, I see what you mean.

02-11-2008, 08:51 PM
Cheap as in low price.

The quality is the best you could hope for in such an old show.

02-11-2008, 09:22 PM
boxsets are fucking win! i love boxsets. thanks for the info prak. it'll be the perfect gift for my sis who is a big fan.

Dot Centaur
02-11-2008, 09:45 PM
I love boxsets too :D. Anime boxsets ftw. I've actually been meaning to get those Ranma box sets for forever, but it never happened because most of my money goes to college and cosplay.

02-20-2008, 09:46 PM
Ranma was one of the first manga i read, i really enjoyed it.

I haven't seen the anime though, is it good?

02-22-2008, 09:15 PM
oh, i haven't read the manga but i watched the anime.

yes, it's really good. why don't you check it.

just what Prak said Ranma's dvd is available, why not buy?

02-25-2008, 08:46 PM
Hmm good idea, i'll have to keep an eye out for it.

02-27-2008, 08:26 PM
I love Ranma 1/2 too. It's pretty great. I have one season boxset of the anime and I'm slowly collecting all the manga.

impudent urinal
04-01-2008, 11:59 AM
Ahhh. Any chance I can get to say how much I like Ranma 1/2. I got rather irritated when I went to Anime Expo and I tried to talk to people about Ranma. The majority of people I asked had no idea what I was talking about, but had no problem extolling the virtues of Inuyasha. Then told me I was crazy for having not watched so and so anime.
Anyway, my favorite characters have to be Genma and Kuno. I also found Ryoga
both pitiful and sympathetic.

04-02-2008, 10:08 AM
Can't say I really miss it since it never left me to begin with. ~

What the hell is zondag?

Marshall Lee
04-02-2008, 10:32 AM
"Gimmie-gimmie, gimmie-gimmie, shoes..."

kagemaru jigoku
04-10-2008, 12:25 AM
I liked it...
But not enough for me to go buy it...