02-08-2008, 07:40 PM
Anyone else a huge fan of the BBC show Life on Mars? Ever since I caught the first episode back in 2006 I was completely sucked in.

Anyone who doesn't know about it go here (

Also, seeing as the sequel just started we can also chat about that here and stuff. For anyone who has yet to see the first episode of Ashes to ashes, try here (

Anyway, spoiler alert and all that.

When I first heard that Life on Mars was to get a sequel series set in the 80s without the inclusion of John Simm (Sam Tyler) I was a little disappointed. I felt that for the short two series that LoM was with us it became a classic. But with the news about AtA I worried about where they could possibly bring the story.

Anyway, I watched it last night and some scenes gave me shivers. Even though I felt that some scenes were too much of an 80s parody I think they captured the feel of the era perfectly. Of course this time it's Alex Drake, a single mother living in 2008, who wakes up in the past. And even though I think they needed a new main character I miss the presence of Sam Tyler. Then again, I'm sure he'll pop up eventually as they haven't found his body after an apparent robbery arrest gone wrong. I also can't help feel that the mystery of the show is gone. Granted we don't fully know where both Tyler and Drake are but we know enough to make some educated guesses.

All in all I'm pretty impressed. The first episode was pretty enjoyable but the new characters and era will take some getting used to. And with Philip Glenister saying that this season we'll find out "what" Gene hunt really is I'm getting ready for a nice "I'm an angel/god" kind of a reveal.

Can't wait. More nonce bashing, then!.

Also also, here we can also chat about the imminent American remake. You know, talk smack about it and how they'll milk it like they did with their version of The Office.

02-08-2008, 10:10 PM
I wouldn't go as far as calling myself a huge fan. But from what I've seen of Life on Mars so far I've really liked the storyline and particularly enjoyed the performances by John Simms and Philip Glenister. I've still yet to get around to watching the second series, though I'm aware of how things turn out by the end.

I heard about this new series recently. Much as I've got certain doubts about it at this point, sounds as if it could well be worth a look.