04-28-2002, 10:45 PM
For the Playstation2 when you purchase the Modem, it will be a versatille one, meaning it will be compattible with both Dial-up AND DSL/Cable. as for how to save the INFO....ON your memory card. THat's right. MEMRY CARD. the price should be aroun 40 $ US. as for a date on the Harddrive....soon after, say 3 months. and it will be COnsiderably larger than the X-box's drive. my sources inform me it will be a 60 gig drive.....YOWZA. and for 100 or less? I'm sold. of course, SOny may decide to release a smaller drive, and only sell the larger one with it's Linux kit. just thought you might want to know what I have heard. as always, I am most likely a day late and a few dollars short. my point is....A better modem, Larger Drive....for 14- or less More than the X-box, and no $$$ going to Bill Gates? I'm sold, esp when it means I can play with a nicer Controller.

04-29-2002, 06:37 AM
All this info just reminds me that FFXI is gonna' suck beyond words.

If I can remember from screen shots, it looks too much like Phantasy Star Online, which sucked horribly. The characters look terrible. As for music, I'm sure that'll be the only thing that won't let us down (THANK YOU NOBUO!:D ). All in all, I think it's bull crap that they're putting it online. FFXI will suck.

04-29-2002, 07:41 PM
I dought FFXI will be that bad. I can understand saying it sucks because of the amount of money you have to spend to play it. But I am thinking about getting Everquest when that comes out as well as FFXI, so it won't go to waste on just FFXI.

How many servers are there going to be for FFXI? Is it going to be enough to accomidate for more than 300,000 people? I think more people than that are going to buy the game. Or is it only so many at one time can play the game?

I would have 2 seperate bills to pay to play FFXI and Everquest right? If so, I will just get 1 and see if I like online gaming before I decide to get another. Is the new Everquest for the PS2(or any Everquest)a good game?

04-29-2002, 08:16 PM
Originally posted by OLEMASTER
For the Playstation2 when you purchase the Modem, it will be a versatille one, meaning it will be compattible with both Dial-up AND DSL/Cable. as for how to save the INFO....ON your memory card. THat's right. MEMRY CARD. the price should be aroun 40 $ US. as for a date on the Harddrive....soon after, say 3 months. and it will be COnsiderably larger than the X-box's drive. my sources inform me it will be a 60 gig drive.....YOWZA. and for 100 or less? I'm sold. of course, SOny may decide to release a smaller drive, and only sell the larger one with it's Linux kit. just thought you might want to know what I have heard. as always, I am most likely a day late and a few dollars short. my point is....A better modem, Larger Drive....for 14- or less More than the X-box, and no $$$ going to Bill Gates? I'm sold, esp when it means I can play with a nicer Controller.

I really don't know what you mean with this:confused:
But whatever I'm going to buy it whatever!!!!!!!!

04-29-2002, 08:32 PM
yes...it should accomodate AT LEAST 500,000. as for how much....it's still on target for unlimited play per month at around 10 bucks. no Idea on the # of servers...but each one will handle high numbers of multiple players. perhaps there will be more info available after the E3 gaming expo in this May.

04-29-2002, 08:37 PM
I hope there is more info, I would really like to kow a lot about the game before I get it, like the questions I asked above.

04-29-2002, 09:14 PM
Originally posted by Garnets Lover
All this info just reminds me that FFXI is gonna' suck beyond words.

If I can remember from screen shots, it looks too much like Phantasy Star Online, which sucked horribly. The characters look terrible. As for music, I'm sure that'll be the only thing that won't let us down (THANK YOU NOBUO!:D ). All in all, I think it's bull crap that they're putting it online. FFXI will suck.

How can you say it will suck and that it didn't come out yet? For me aside for buying all those things to play it I think it's kindof cool sharing items,talking,and slaying dragons with other people in a big FF world.

04-29-2002, 11:00 PM
you cant say something will suck because it will cost money, or because the screenshots compare to another game(Phantasy star looks way different btw...) If your bitching about the requirements on PS2, play it on computer. Besides, would you let a screenshot stop you from playing a game that might be one of your most favorite games because it looks bad? I think you are crazy to say it suck when you haven't the slightest idea about the game.

Nanaki, everquest is awesome. You should definetly try it.

04-30-2002, 04:42 AM
does any1 know the requirements for FFXI on pc?
im just wonderin if ffxi has a story or is it just a game where you level up and battle others?
ive got so many questions on ffxi
does it have a translator so people around the world can interact?

04-30-2002, 01:58 PM
final fantasy XI will be the never ending final fantasy. aside from the usual online rpg quests there are faction missions. depending on what nation you decide to fight for these missions may change. like if you are a huume and u fight for the huume realm one of the faction mission could be infiltrating one of the other nations cities or delivering plans to a general on the frontline or some guild. the story is completely interactive. just when you think all the missions are done, square comes out with a patch so big it could be considered an expansion pack.and since we have to pay monthly square will do these patch because if you played everquest or ultima online or dark age of camelot u pay to play and every month u take 30 mins out of play time to dl a huge patch which is definitly worth it.

as for FFXI looking like PSO, where the hell did u dig that up? the graphics are definitly superior, the character models are much more detailed and the game itself looks nothing like it. the game also will play nothing like it. these kinds of games are very unique. unlike PSO, every armor u put on ur char. will have a different look to it. it truely is unique. also as for answering your questions, just wait for the game to come out in a few weeks. the game will be released on may 19 in japan. also U.S. info on the game should be announced at E3 or a lil while after wards.

04-30-2002, 06:46 PM
Square- The games i like the comapany i HATE. There so stupid why the hell put it online, first you need a 80 dollor thing then a 40 dollor thing then the game. Thats about 200$. I'd rather have a gamecube.

05-01-2002, 03:46 AM
you would end up buying the 80$ hard drive or the 40$ modem for other games on the ps2. such as the new everquest, twisted metal black, the new online gran turismo, THPS4, and so on. you would end up buying it anyway. good to get it out of the way now.:cool:

05-01-2002, 11:25 PM
Any idea when modem ands hardrive come out

05-02-2002, 02:23 AM
modem has been offically announced for releasal in this region on august 19. sony sed that whenever a game with use for the hard drive is announced for the u.s. it would release it a month before the game was released. so basically a month before FFXI comes out, the hard drive does.

05-02-2002, 06:29 PM
FFXI might be good but I refuse to support it only b/c it's going to be online. What the hell is Square thinking. They could've put any other game online but they decided to go with the FF series.:notgood:

05-02-2002, 08:02 PM
CHILL OUT! it will only be # 11 that is online only...at least for now. future games in the series may have online COMPONENTS, but hey, that's the way the buisness is heading, you see? besides, eventually, Online service will be much more affordble than it is now. If you adopt EALRY, you will be in on the ground floor aof a WHOLE new wave in console Gaming....and yes, I consider THE DREMACASt and it's excursions into online play JUST A BLIP, A hiccup, an abberation, on the road to TRUE Multiplayer gaming via The 'net, courtesy of a onestop box attached to your TELIVISION. PS2 & it's future...IS THE FUTURE. as for any problems with online Play.....my guess is that there MAY be a way to play the game OFFLINE. they just haven't said much on that particular subject. so, until next time.......

05-03-2002, 06:58 PM
news alert. no confirmation on this, but....IT MIGHT BE POSSIBLE to add ANY HARDDRIVE to your PS2. thta's right, it may be that open ended a system. supposedly, you can LAready add it, or, you MAY have to wait and purchase the modem, which supposedly has a port. this would then, ofmcourse, all fit Snug inside that Bay, as was always intended. if this is true, it could Revolutinie video games forever.

05-03-2002, 07:18 PM
the scary thing is that square will announce that they are having another online game in the making when ff11 comes out

:eek: or :mad: or :D or :confused:

05-05-2002, 02:41 PM
im going to get it just to check it out but does anyone know when the game comes out for the US and when the modem and hard drive

05-05-2002, 03:09 PM
august 19 is the release date for the modem, the hard drive comes out probably a month before FFXI. sony said they will only release the hard drive a lil while before a game that needs it does

05-06-2002, 03:25 AM
thxs for the info ill start saving this is going to cost a lot of money if u ask me they sould have a ffXI kit everything for 125 dollars

05-06-2002, 09:16 PM
no one said they weren't having this kind of kit. heck a kit with all the supplies would help educate the people on how to use both the hard drive and modem properly not only for FFXI but for other games as well. it also would be a great marketing gimick for the hard drive/modem and FFXI

05-14-2002, 07:38 AM
All this info just reminds me that FFXI is gonna' suck beyond words.

First of all, Who cares about the graphics for the game or the music either, Phantasy Star Online was amazing!
secondly Final Fantasy XI Will not Suck, just because Final Fantasy XI has many different Items needed for the game Still that doesnt give you the right to say what sucks or does not when you havent even played the game!

05-14-2002, 09:40 PM
not really so much FF 11 related as PS2: the Price of the PS2 has been dropped,or sson will be, by one hundered dollars. this MAY mean that the modem could have a dif price. hope not.....

05-15-2002, 03:01 AM
actually they are thinking of dropping the software structure price. in other words new games would come out cheaper. the price change has started already, so its offical the ps2 costs $199 now. the dual shock 2 and memory card has gone down 10 buck bringin the price $24. i dunno about the modem or hard drive but they just might release them cheaper all together.

Ty Dragon
05-16-2002, 04:11 AM
I can't wait to go out and buy my PS2. I was gonna buy one anyway but since a few days ago I found out that it will be $200 then I am estatic. I'll get X for my first game and I can't wait for XI.