02-07-2008, 05:54 PM
Seems pretty weak so far, but I don't have dante yet. where the fuck are my new weapons? I'm on mission 9 or something, and I finally get a new weapon and it's devil trigger only? :-\

Definitely prefer DMC3 at this point.

02-07-2008, 08:02 PM
makes me glad i only put $5 down for the game

02-07-2008, 08:26 PM
I would say that the game itself is just the same as 3.the only real thing i see diffrent is, the story,the graphics are better, and you play a diffrent character, who has a demonish arm,(prince of persia anyone? .)

Getting Dante later on does not do much to the experience, apart from his sweet gun skills. But i think the places you can go are to limited, the bosses are to easy, and it seems as though the creators have just not really made an effort. But even with those reasons, will still play it to the end, as it does its job as a hack'n'slash. overall id say..."meh, its average".

02-07-2008, 09:06 PM
DMC4 was released? Geez, I'm really falling behind :(

02-08-2008, 03:46 AM
its only been 3 days, but when i get enough money i buy it

02-08-2008, 04:48 AM
I'm sorry you don't like this game. To tell you the truth, DMC4 got hella mixed reviews. I, on the other hand, am enjoying this game. I think they(Capcom) did a real good job with it. I haven't gotten Dante yet, but then again, I am only on Mission 5...I know, I know....But I have had limited time to play it.

02-10-2008, 09:00 PM
Decided to pull an all-nighter with this one. Took it to a friends house and played it on his HDTV. I think it's a damn fine game. It appears to be a lot more story-driven than the others and I thought that was neat. Nero isn't at all that bad to play as. In fact, I think he's more useful than Dante in battle just because he can grab enemies and bring them in close. That's usually what I did when I was low on health anyways. Dante is actually usually in the background. You don't really see him that much, but the majority of the game is you (Nero) trying to track down Dante. Anyways, gameplay-wise is the same. Feels like you're playing DMC. No complaints there. Soundtrack was a little bit repetitive but I still enjoyed it. And another plus for me was the bouncing goodness :D! If you beat the game, you'll unlock some stuff like a survival mode playing as either Dante or Nero (not sure if you can unlock more). It can get kinda hard, but then again, I died a few times anyways in the Devil Hunter difficulty setting (or whatever mode that wasn't Human).

Anyways, if you're a fan of the series, then you'll most likely enjoy this game. If you're the kind that doesn't really like big time flashy hack-n-slash games, then look elsewhere. My opinion?


02-11-2008, 12:49 AM
I recently got the DMC boxset with the first 3 games. I'm in the middle of DMC 2 now and wow has the style changed from the first one. I probably won't get DMC 4 until I finish the third one.
Not really sure about how badly I want it though, maybe Turok instead?

02-11-2008, 01:18 AM
I never really cared much for the DMC series, but for some reason I couldn't wait to get my hands on this one.

02-11-2008, 03:08 PM
maybe Turok instead?

yeah, i would do that if i was you.

02-11-2008, 07:39 PM
to complete the collection i have to get it for the 360

02-12-2008, 01:27 AM
I think it's pretty good. I haven't gotten too far in it though. I've had it since Friday and I just got to the 11th mission (I got Call of Duty 4 on Friday too, so you can see why...). The graphics are great (I'm on the 360 version, but you knew it'd kick ass anyway on a next gen system), and I got it on Devil Hunter. I love the DMC series though, so I knew this wouldn't disappoint.

However, I gotta say, I just beat the boss of the 10th mission, and this guy is outrageous. I had to resort to the cheapest thing I've had to do in DMC game to survive. I died the first time, and that was after 4 small Vital Stars. Took the third try for me to lose my mind and be cheap.

My only other gripe is the insane difficulty of some of these secret missions. I scraped by the first one (:50 left on the clock), and I got killed several times trying to do the mission where you raise your Stylish meter without attacking. It's the most retarded thing I've seen. Against 1 enemy, sure, but 3? The other secret mission I've got to is the one where you have to get to the end without falling off the little tiles (the 9th one I think). I get to the point where you have one tile to stand on, while 3 Mephistos screw around with me. The ones in the other games had their degree of difficulty, but this is absurd.

02-12-2008, 01:47 AM
lol. it is a little harder this time. especially Nero's ability to charge his blade in battle (new feature to DMC to those don't of previous titles).

secret missions are indeed difficult. i guess they want u 2 earn the blue orb where as DMC3 was easier.

the game is a classic.

02-12-2008, 05:25 AM
I've had my share of troubles along with me getting aggrivated at some point. But then again, all games do that so I kept that out of how I felt for the game overall. My friend is a big DMC fan and he liked how they finally added a love story (he's was especially glad that it wasn't Dante's love story lol).

I tried the Son of Sparda difficulty and guess what. COULDN'T EVEN BEAT DANTE AND HE'S THE FIRST PERSON YOU EVEN FIGHT! And to make matters worse, all the upgrades you had when completing the game get transfered to any other difficulty you chose and it didn't even do squat. So yeah, I'm going to try and max my character out before trying that again lol!

02-16-2008, 10:29 PM
I'm having no problem with son of sparda mode so far, pretty easy.

Game is fantastic though!!

If you wanna max out your character a bit quicker with little risk and mendiocre annoyence, play bloody palace for a bit.

02-17-2008, 10:54 AM
I've only tried Bloody Palace once and got to level 15 on that, along with trying Son of Sparda only once. Perhaps I'll give it another go at a later time and see if I just got unlucky the first time.

02-17-2008, 11:43 AM
I'm kind of surprised to see so many lukewarm feelings about the game. I thought it was great.

Most importantly, the gameplay was top-notch. The fighting controls were tight and responsive. Nero's Devil Bringer really added something new to the whole experience and Dante's moves, though mostly recycled provided some of the deepest and most rewarding combat in the whole series. Being able to cycle through Dante's entire melee, projectile, and style catalog on the fly can lead to some seriously insane combos. I'd be hard pressed to believe that any DMC veteran has found Dante's fighting in DMC4 to be unsatisfying.

On a similar note, though Nero's Devil Bringer is really spiffy and all, his combat becomes really repetitive after a while. One sword and one gun (not counting DT moves)...kind of makes Nero feel like a one trick pony. The game was also divided in a really odd way. The first half you will play as Nero, then at about halfway you'll suddenly switch over to Dante. As Dante, you will have the distinct honor of running through the entire game backwards. You'll face the same boss fights as Nero and traverse the same plains. Then, at the very end of the game you will once again take control of Nero for the last two missions...and fight all the bosses once again before the final showdown. How...creative!

As a result I think it made the story seem very shallow. I mean how deep do you expect a story to be when it suddenly stops progressing halfway through the game?

So yeah, I loved the game to death but I'm not blind to it's faults. Like I said, the most important thing is the gameplay and that definitely delivered. I've played through it twice and I plan on playing through it a few more times. It wasn't the best in the series but I still recommend it, because it was in no way a bad game. And it totally kicks DMC2 in the balls.

02-17-2008, 01:55 PM
In all honesty, I kinda thought Nero's Devil Bringer was a little cheap. I got hit more times going through the bosses as Dante than Nero. And isn't everything about the fighting system of DMC repetitive? I think so, but I don't believe that it's something that will take away from the overall game. I mean, how many people do you know that will throw the controller and scream "ALL YOU DO IS THE SAME SHIT! CAN YOU DO SOMETHING ELSE!? IF NOT, I'M NOT PLAYING THIS ANYMORE!". Kinda silly if you think about it. I played this game fully aware that you're most likely going to do the same thing over and over, but this is much more story driven than the others and that's what made me really like this more than the others.