02-07-2008, 05:25 PM
I've completed a rip of Touhou Tetris. The problem as with most of my doujin gamerips is that I can't translate the bgm titles. I've added an image of the names of the songs. Is anyone able to translate these into standard text? I only need the names, not the translation into english (that part I can research and do myself).


Also, as with all my projects, I've triple looped the songs. However, this means a few tracks are well over 6 minutes (with one over 8). I thought this time I'd actually ask if people prefer triples or the standard double loop which is the norm.

The sooner I can get some answers, the sooner I'll upload the soundtrack, so I'm hoping someone will be nice enough to lend a hand. Thanks in advance.

03-28-2008, 01:19 PM
So far, I've had absolutly no luck in any of my leads. It's really bugging me, as I really want to upload this, but without titles, I can't (ok, I mean to say I won't). I'm on my knees now begging for help.

Sorry for the bump.

05-16-2008, 01:17 AM
Might as well give it a crack.

1. 星闘 Seitou

2. 少女綺想曲 Shoujo Kisoukyoku

3. ヘロウィンズ マジック Heroine's Magic (I guess)

4. 月面メガロポリス Getsumen Megalopolis


6.広有射怪鳥事 ~ mysterious dream (I'm terribly unsure what reading to take for this one. The first bit 広有 might be a name from the game, the last might translate to something like "Shooting strange birds" so that would be Shakaichouji for the last bit 射怪鳥事。)

7. するのおどべんちゃー Suru no obencha

8. 森の談笑 【だんしょう Mori no danshou

9. ブクレシュティの人形喜劇 Bukureshuti no ninkyou kingeki

10. 焉闘 Entou

05-16-2008, 01:41 AM
Nonetheless, I bow to your greatness. Thank you so very much. Hopefully now, I'll be able to upload the soundtrack rip soon.

EDIT: Well, your help really did get me off and running. Track 6 which you're not sure about is the same track as in Perfect Cherry Blossom 広有射怪鳥事 ~ Til When, which translates to Hiroari Shoots a Strange Bird. This is exactly the kind of help I've been needing, so I tip my hat again. When I'm ready to post the rip, I'll PM you the first download if you like.

05-16-2008, 03:50 AM
Do you still need a translation for this? My wife is Japanese and can translate this.

05-16-2008, 10:36 AM
You want to give it a try, by all means, go ahead. I'm still stuck on some minor details, so I don't mind.