02-07-2008, 11:41 AM
Good news for all Fallout fans... Mark Morgan returns!

We've just finish talking with Mark Morgan, a legendary guy that create brilliant soundtrack to both Fallout 1 & 2. Some news about rerelase of original (and very rare!) Fallout OST (complete tracks from two Fallout games + super bonus), Mark's biography and his studio (and photos!), talkings about Fallout 3 as well here.

For more info please read this interview ( =)

Fragment of interview:

G-OST: Bethesda Softworks currently developing Fallout 3 keeps silence regarding main composer’s name. Atmosphere goes really hot around this. It’s even been rumors that Jeremy Soule is in charge, what caused hard civil commotion, but then he announced that he’s out of game. Most of people, including us (we can be fired saying this) believe that you’re ideal and only person to take over this position. Additionally, investigators found out that your profile at contains Fallout 3 reference. It’s your chance to unbosom yourself - is that true or another misinformation created to conceal your life, Mr. Morgan?

Mark: Thanks for the kind words, I would love to do that game, but I have not been asked. I’m hopeful after doing the other two “Fallout” games and other projects over the years, I could take “Fallout 3” to another level musically. As far as the www.gsamusic site, it’s obviously a misprint.


02-08-2008, 11:58 AM

03-10-2008, 03:18 PM
Website launch! (

04-26-2008, 12:55 PM
Mark Morgan at MySpace -> (two new tracks added!)