02-06-2008, 04:28 PM
Hi shrine.

I know that this one is a longshot, and I know that I'm not active enough to actually deserve a request (IMO), but the truth is that I've already uploaded all I have that you didn't already have here, which, yes, isn't much (because you already have SOOOO much here, for which I'm very thankful).

So yeah, my request is music from "Streets of Simcity". Yes, I know it's a crappy, unpopular game, but I simply fell in love with the single song that came with the demo.

If no one is able to get it at all, I'll be asking for the songs from this game that appeared in the subsequent Sims games (see? EA knows at least the music was worth something).

Alas, thanks in advance.

Lord Vipes
02-17-2008, 07:59 PM
Your just in luck! I own the game, and man, I cant put it down. I got it since it first came out. That game is far from sucky. If you have the full version, I'll tell you how to get the songs, if not, Tell me, where there lyrics in the song, or what song it was. Techno, bluegrass, rock, ect. so I can get that song for you.


Go Here: Thread 51304

03-20-2008, 02:25 AM
Can I request "Splatter on the windshield of life"? I've spent forever trying to find that freakin' song from the bluegrass station.

Lord Vipes
03-20-2008, 02:33 AM
Go to that link i posted, It has that song.

03-21-2008, 09:38 PM
OMG, thank you, Lord Vipes!! That's exactly what I asked for. I guess I'm lucky someone likes the game enough to share the music! :-P

Lord Vipes
03-24-2008, 02:42 PM
No problem, glad I could help!