02-04-2008, 08:39 AM
Copypasta from another forum,because it seems like everybody over there has gone fucking extinct:

Several months ago,I released the first disc of my MK:A Official Soundtrack Rip project. The first disc contained only the Battle Arena tracks and was more or less a taste of things to come. =) As the project is nearing completion,I feel the need to call upon the help and skills of my fellow MK fans.

You see,my ripping technique is very primitive. I can't rip the music directly from the game,so I have to resort to making videos and extract the audio from them. It's impossible to mute the sounds and dialogue during the Konquest cutscenes while keeping the music. Therefore,it's impossible for me to obtain a clean recording of the tracks appearing in those cutscenes. And let me tell you,there is a shitload of unique tracks or sound cues in this game that appear only in Konquest and only once or twice. So what I ended up doing is going through Konquest recording every one of those unique tracks. I present my findings to you:

But wait! THERE'S MORE!

Next up are the unidentified tracks!

This folder includes:
1) Tracks that play in the background of certain Bio Kards (both MKD and MKA Bio Kards,that is). These tracks don't seem to appear anywhere else in the game.
2) Tracks that play during the endings of certain characters (MK:A endings,that is). Some of these tracks also play during Konquest (e.g. "Quan Chi's Ending " shows up quite a lot),but,generally,I tried to leave only the unique tracks,recordings of which are impossible to obtain from anywhere else in the game.
3) Other shit. And by "other shit",I mean tracks that I obtained with the help of a friend of mine,who was somehow able to rip them directly. They appear to be from Konquest,but I wasn't able to find a single instance of them ever showing up. Could it be that these are the beta-tracks that never made it into the final product,but were nontheless left in depths of the Code? Who knows? Give them a listen. =)

If any one of you out there is capable of ripping the music directly from the game itself,I would be extremely grateful if that person was able to extract any of these tracks from the game in all of their complete,pristine glory,uncorrupted by extraneous sounds and voice clips. =) If not,I'll just probably shove them all onto the "Miscellaneous" disc and release them as they are,voice clips and all. Would be a damn shame,though,since Konquest has a quite decent symphonic soundtrack.

Damn you,Midway,for not releasing the official OSTs. ;_;

As far as the entire Unidentified Tracks folder is concerned,I'm hoping that some of these tracks appeared in MKMythologies or MKSF,the two MK games I haven't gotten around to playing yet. That's why I need your help on this. If they do indeed appear in other games,I'll be able to rip them in no time. If they haven't (and if no one is able to extract them from the game),again,I'll release them as they are.

Over and out,for Great Justice.

Copypasta #2:

Update: the work on the rip is nearing completion. The Motor Kombat tracks are finished,and so are the regular Konquest tracks,along with lots of other tracks (menus,Vault,etc.). However,I require some of your input again. =)

My friend,back in the day,was somehow able to rip out some tracks directly from the game (meaning no voice clips,extraneous sounds,etc.),including a lot of the ones that are impossible to properly rip with my methods . Among these tracks were the ones that I can only describe as "track endings". As you know,every normal arena track in any MK game has three parts to it - the main part,the "finish him" part and the ending,which plays after the match is over (not via a fatality,though). Battle tracks from Konquest are also multi-parted - there's the main loop of the song and the ending. Well,my friend was able to find some endings for some of the Konquest battle tracks. Problem is,it's impossible to say which track they came from,so I had to add these endings to the tracks I thought were most fitting,based on the instruments used,the speed,etc.,using my ears only. For some tracks,it was bloody obvious,for some,not so much. Here's two tracks - Lin Kuei Palace Battle and Obelisk Battle - with two different endings each (four variations in total). Both endings seem kinda fitting for both tracks,so I'll need your opinion on this. Here:
Give them a listen and tell me which ending do you think is more appropriate. You musicians out there should have a better ear for these things. =)

I also need your opinion on another thing. As I mentioned before,some unique tracks play only during the cutscenes in Konquest,meaning that I cannot get rid of the voice and sound clips. I recorded all of the cutscenes that feature unique tracks anyway. The things is,I actually can try to get rid of the voices. Goldwave,which I use for sound-editing,has a "Reduce Vocals" options. It doesn't get rid of the voices completely,but instead reduces them to a hiss (you can still hear what they are saying,though). Still,the end result is that it does provide a cleaner "view" of the actual music track,so to speak. Here:
Here's two recordings of the very first cutscene in Konquest - Argus and Delia talking about their sons. Tell me whether it sounds better with voices or without them.
Unfortunately,I can't use the same trick to reduce the voices in the Bio Card and character ending recordings without severely damaging the actual music track,so I'll release them as they are.

Any feedback would be appreciated.

02-08-2008, 04:26 AM
I appreciate the upload, but I really wish Megaupload was not down at this point.

02-08-2008, 09:52 PM
Strange. Everything seems to be working for me.

02-08-2008, 09:53 PM
Well, yes, now it works, yesterday it did not.

03-17-2008, 12:02 AM
hey NucleaRaptor, I was wondering if you could reupload the background music of this game. Im talking about the Battle Arena Music, if that wouldnt be too much trouble, THX.

05-26-2008, 04:18 PM
I like the dialouge scene between the bad guys:
"EMPEROR Onaga!"
"Not anymore!"


07-09-2008, 12:19 AM
I've stumbled upon this when looking for a MK soundtrack, and when I saw multiple files were ripped off the xbox version, I discovered how I could rip them myself. Everything comes in a clean .wav extension, so no music is lost at all. I don't know if you read this thread but since I only joined because of this I thought I should let you know.

07-09-2008, 04:10 AM
The rip has been officially released for a while now:
Thread 55892

Mods,lock this thread plz.