02-04-2008, 02:36 AM
Kinda new here, thought id just post a topic, anybody else lookin forward to lost odyseey? i think it looks pretty cool =D

02-04-2008, 02:45 AM
I think it's going to be another "alright" JRPG that's getting far more attention than it deserves due to the names it has attached to it. People are once again throwing around the term "Final Fantasy Killer" in relation to this game, which is never a good thing (See: Shadow Madness, Legend of Dragoon etc).

02-04-2008, 02:49 AM
lol, like blue dragon? that was a bit of a dissapointment for me, hope this game turns out better. I havent played a good JRPG in quite a while.

02-06-2008, 09:53 PM
I heard people calling it the next Shadow Hearts...I hope it's not, because if SH comes back I want it AS Shadow Hearts. :\

02-07-2008, 05:08 AM
I think the main reason people are comparing Lost Odyssey to Shadow Hearts is because a lot of the SH development team is working on it. Besides vague similarities between the attack ring in LO and the judgement ring, virtually nothing else of what I've seen gives off a Shadow Hearts vibe.

02-07-2008, 02:52 PM
A must buy for me. Enjoy a good story, and this looks to be very promising. As others have already said, hopefully this will help break down barriers to the stigma JRPG's seemingly receive this gen. Can hardly wait for this.

I like the fact that this game has a more mature story. Looks very cool, very interesting, and the visuals and music look and sound great from what I've seen/heard.

02-09-2008, 11:12 PM
I am really liking everything I've been seeing about this game, but the reviews I have read haven't been all that favorable.

I'll definitely try it myself because I can make up my own damn mind about it, but let's just say I am not as hyped as I was before.

Trance Moogle
02-10-2008, 01:14 AM
From seeing the commercial I thought it looked okay. But I don't think the commercial actually showed any gameplay so not entirely sure about it.

mr buttrot
02-10-2008, 06:12 AM
I don't think anyone is calling this an FF killer.

It's going to be a great game in its own right.

02-11-2008, 12:57 AM
I don't think anyone is calling this an FF killer.

It's going to be a great game in its own right.

FF killer was the whole idea behind having uematsu, sakaguchi and all them make it. With blue dragon all they got was ff1 with next gen graphics.

I don't think it looks that great. Gameplay looks boring and the characters have a really ugly look. It reminds me of a mmorpg. An ugly one. I think sakaguchi and uematsu have really basic ideas in how they create their work. It all reminds me of the ff series back as far as the nes. The music doesn't sound that great to me. Pretty much all of what I said applies to bluedragon as well. Save one was overly simple looking and the other overly realistic. But this is just going by trailers and clips. I've never played either.

02-11-2008, 01:09 AM
I don't think anyone is calling this an FF killer.

It's going to be a great game in its own right.

FF killer was the whole idea behind having uematsu, sakaguchi and all them make it. With blue dragon all they got was ff1 with next gen graphics.

I don't think it looks that great. Gameplay looks boring and the characters have a really ugly look. It reminds me of a mmorpg. An ugly one. I think sakaguchi and uematsu have really basic ideas in how they create their work. It all reminds me of the ff series back as far as the nes. The music doesn't sound that great to me. Pretty much all of what I said applies to bluedragon as well. Save one was overly simple looking and the other overly realistic. But this is just going by trailers and clips. I've never played either. I do expect more and better from lost odyssey though. Blue Dragon was clearly the more toned/dumbed down of the two.

02-11-2008, 03:05 AM
Just finished it after 70+ hours. It's not a FF-Killer but it's a great game in its own right. I really enjoyed it and I'll probably play it again to get all the achievements.

02-19-2008, 01:00 AM
I haven't finished it yet, but I really enjoy it. A friend of mine won't even consider it though, says he hates turn-based RPGs. It seems to be either or; you love it for some reason, or you hate it for another. No middle ground on this game...

02-23-2008, 08:00 PM
Ive only played for about 1 hour. So far from what Ive seen, the fighting is standard jrpg, and the story seems good so far. The texted based memories that you are treated to are great so far. Might play it some more in a few.

Darth Revan
02-26-2008, 05:15 AM
I've had plenty of people telling me this is a 'must have' title for anyone who likes RPG's. Thing is, after some recent RPG's I've played (Rogue Galaxy for one), I admit I've gone off of a lot of console RPG's, basically sticking with FFXI.

What makes this game so great?

02-28-2008, 01:03 AM
What makes this game so great?

It's rather classic in its gameplay.

What makes it so great compared to other JRPGs from the last 5-10 years (with a few exceptions) is its story and characters development and interactions.

The story is really mature so far (I'm 10 hours deep in the game).

But again, the gameplay is rather classic and doesn't offer anything really new but all that it does is brilliantly executed (think of DQVIII as an example of what I mean... Classic, yet so brilliant).

Oh... And Uematsu did it again... I just can't stop whistling the main theme!!!

02-28-2008, 04:04 PM
Like in the second post, it an alright JRPG, nothing special and easy as hell. The worst thing is before the last scene the game locks you so you can't go back. I kinda hate that part. You gotta have at least two saves...

02-28-2008, 05:17 PM
I heard people calling it the next Shadow Hearts...I hope it's not, because if SH comes back I want it AS Shadow Hearts. :\

Interesting that you mention this since Lost Odyssey is the same team pretty much that made Shadow Hearts. They changed their name to FeelPlus, and started working with Mistwalker, and made this game. They are now working on either Blue Dragon 2 or Blue Dragon Plus. :)

This game looks exciting! I wish I had a Xbox 360 still.

02-28-2008, 05:34 PM
I'm sure some of you know me when it comes to most cames, whether RPG or not, but is the storyline pretty good? I love a game with a good story line and I've had my eye on this game.

02-28-2008, 10:43 PM
The main storyline is a bit classic, but still intriguing. What sets it apart from the competition is its execution. Most of the story is centered around character emotions and their past.

I haven't played a game with such great characterisations and character interactions in a really long time.

02-29-2008, 04:25 PM
And that made me get more interested in it. Not sure if anyone's beaten the game yet, but is there plenty of stuff to do that doesn't revolve around the main story line such as side-quests and stuff? And for some reason in story-based games, I tend to like it more with it revolves around the character(s)'s past :D.

02-29-2008, 10:00 PM
There are plenty of side quests and side-events, of many different kinds, and there are many things to unlock, items to go look for, skills to unlock, uber-bosses to vanquish (as if the regular bosses in the main course of the game weren't tough enough), etc...

I'm sure you'll have a treat with that game!

So far, I enjoy it even more than FF XII, but that might be due to the novelty of it being my last purchase... But its story is certainly above FFX and FFXII, in my book (heck, its probably even better than most PSOne's FFs!).

The battle is really well balanced, and strategic, even if it's classic turn-based. Each characters have their own unique roles (job, if you prefer), a bit like what FF IV was back then, but unlike FF IV, you get to swap your party members to build the party that better suits you (except in some story parts where you are forced to use... 4 magic users and work from there. Which really makes the battles harder and forces you to think ahead... The challenge is welcome!) And the party can have up to 5 (FIVE!!!) active characters!

Seriously, don't listen to me, and go buy that game.

Except for some loading time issues (which reminds me a bit of the 360 version of Oblivion) and the frame rate suffering a bit in some crowded in-game cut-scenes, the game is almost flawless in its execution.

A must buy for any classic style JRPG fan.

03-02-2008, 05:57 PM
Sweet. I guess I'll go ahead and rent it first. I never liked FFXII. I hated the battle system and after the first save point, I never picked it up again. A huge disappointment for me.

03-03-2008, 05:44 PM
I'm playing it now! It's AMAZING game!

execrable gumwrapper
03-03-2008, 06:26 PM
I agree, Lost Odyssey is an AMAZINGly overrated game!

03-03-2008, 09:43 PM
I agree, Lost Odyssey is an AMAZINGly overrated game!

Explain to me how it is so, when the consensus around the internet gives it an average of 8.2?

Overrated is a game like FF X with an average of 9.3.

03-03-2008, 10:00 PM
Wanna know an overrated game?

The horrible FFVII.

execrable gumwrapper
03-03-2008, 10:21 PM
Explain to me how it is so, when the consensus around the internet gives it an average of 8.2?

Overrated is a game like FF X with an average of 9.3.

You do realize those are all just coalitioned opinions?

The same thing happened with LAIR, so to speak. It's a fanastic game, but some dickweed griped about the "impossible" controls then ended up giving it like a 4 and everyone followed suit. Reviewers are teh ghey.

(Srsly, play LAIR, controls are like easysauce)

03-03-2008, 10:24 PM
I have it, and I call it brilliant. I hated FF12's battle system, FF11's MMO aspect. This was miles better.

A little too easy, but solid story and presentation (graphics are as amazing as something that would emerge from Square's lab...)

03-03-2008, 10:30 PM
You do realize those are all just coalitioned opinions?

You do realise that my point was that the game is not overrated according to the consensus, contrary to what you want to make us believe.

Actually, most people who played the game think it is underrated.

execrable gumwrapper
03-03-2008, 10:34 PM
Meh, I've seen gameplay vids for it and I wouldn't give it a 8, maybe a 6-7.

Personally I think people rate games too high sometimes. (Halo 3 anyone?)

03-03-2008, 10:38 PM
So basically, what you're doing here is call a game you DIDN'T play as overrated?

Seriously, are you always such a moron? (referring to the few threads I participate in, in which you posted similar pieces of retarded shit).

03-03-2008, 10:39 PM
The same thing happened with LAIR, so to speak. It's a fanastic game, but some dickweed griped about the "impossible" controls then ended up giving it like a 4 and everyone followed suit.

This claim is really dumb. If you liked the game, good for you. What you're talking about isn't a matter of your own enjoyment though. Something to remember is that while you can't always trust good reviews, bad reviews tend to be right on the money.

execrable gumwrapper
03-03-2008, 11:05 PM
So basically, what you're doing here is call a game you DIDN'T play as overrated?

Seriously, are you always such a moron? (referring to the few threads I participate in, in which you posted similar pieces of retarded shit).

I hope posting in this manner makes you feel better about yourself, Hynad.

@Prak: Noted.

03-03-2008, 11:07 PM
Yeah, obviously, owning a self-proclaimed moron like you is really satisfying.

execrable gumwrapper
03-03-2008, 11:16 PM
Owning? Heh heh, that's cute.

Also, when did I self-proclaim myself to be a moron? Please stop putting words in my posts because you're really becoming immature.

03-03-2008, 11:22 PM
I agree, Lost Odyssey is an AMAZINGly overrated game!

Meh, I've seen gameplay vids for it and I wouldn't give it a 8, maybe a 6-7.

Personally I think people rate games too high sometimes. (Halo 3 anyone?)

You didn't say it word for word. But the quotes here are a testament to that.

execrable gumwrapper
03-03-2008, 11:28 PM
Ah, I see, since I don't share your sentiment with the game I'm automatically a moron.


03-04-2008, 12:45 AM
You base your sentiment about the game based on videos you saw on the internet.
You claim that the game is amazingly overrated based on what you saw from these vids.
That is what I call moronic.

You have zero credibility here.

I would guess that you didn't even play Halo 3 either, but label the game as overrated anyways.

You talk about me missing the train, yet you didn't even see it when it passed.

03-04-2008, 06:27 AM
I would play this game only because Takehiko Inoue and Amano are behind the characters design.

execrable gumwrapper
03-04-2008, 07:30 AM
You base your sentiment about the game based on videos you saw on the internet.
You claim that the game is amazingly overrated based on what you saw from these vids.
That is what I call moronic.

You have zero credibility here.

I would guess that you didn't even play Halo 3 either, but label the game as overrated anyways.

You talk about me missing the train, yet you didn't even see it when it passed.

So you say I have to actually play the game to realise if it is overrated or not? Why? I can tell pretty much by the videos.

Sorry if my "credibility" isn't enough for you, oh mighty Hynad. :rolleyes:

And you also guess wrong, I've played Halo 3. It is one of the most overrated games. Campaign was short and boring with an ending that made me think Bungie was like "Fuck it, they only care about multiplayer." Online is nothing special, really (unless you count 12 year olds screaming "nigger!" in the headset special). I have more fun playing CoD4, honestly.

03-04-2008, 07:16 PM
So you say I have to actually play the game to realise if it is overrated or not? Why? I can tell pretty much by the videos.

Sorry if my "credibility" isn't enough for you, oh mighty Hynad. :rolleyes:

And you also guess wrong, I've played Halo 3. It is one of the most overrated games. Campaign was short and boring with an ending that made me think Bungie was like "Fuck it, they only care about multiplayer." Online is nothing special, really (unless you count 12 year olds screaming "nigger!" in the headset special). I have more fun playing CoD4, honestly.



03-04-2008, 09:47 PM
So you say I have to actually play the game to realise if it is overrated or not? Why? I can tell pretty much by the videos.
You're basing your opinions of this game just by videos? Honestly, I highly doubt anyone would care what you would have to say about the game when you put it like that. Anyone will listen to someone's opinion of games or movies that have played/watched them. It's like me saying the PS2's gay. Someone asks me if I played it and my response would be something like "It's so stupid I wouldn't even touch it."

Would you credit me at all?

execrable gumwrapper
03-04-2008, 10:59 PM
Eh? I've never played a Virtual Boy, but I can say that's a shit console/handheld/thing.

And yes, I am basing opinions on videos because the videos give me insight on something I will not personally experience.

03-04-2008, 11:10 PM
IDX Rider, don't lose your time with that lost case.

He's clearly hopeless. Let him further dig his way to idiocracy alone.

03-05-2008, 12:54 AM
And yes, I am basing opinions on videos because the videos give me insight on something I will not personally experience.

You actually tried to explain how a game is overated wthout even so much as touching it?

Oh boy.

03-05-2008, 01:25 AM
Just to make this clear; I don't do personal insults, but you leave me no choice, swami.

I think you're an okay dude and all, but you're fucking stupid. And on that note, I rest my case because you clearly didn't get that hint in my last post. When I read that you're making an opinion without even playing the game, I couldn't help but laugh my ass off.

03-18-2008, 08:17 AM
Hmm.. Quite personally, I'm almost done with the game, and I think it's absolutely fantastic. It's one of the best JRPG's I've picked up in awhile. I really love the music (can't get the battle theme out of my head, and Dark Saint is just pure ownage), and the graphics are absolutely stunning.

The story is very good, I believe. And there's lots to do, quite honestly, it's very hard for me to get bored, and if I weren't currently alternating between Eternal Sonata and Lost Odyssey (trying to get further into Eternal Sonata at the moment) I'd probably be finished with the game by now ^_^.

This one reccomends it, as well!

05-07-2008, 09:18 PM
this game is great.

it have a great story and good music, and the chalange is good, no like other games.

i give lost odyssey a 9.

05-15-2008, 06:50 PM
I must say, I didn't quite like this game... I only played for about... 1 hour though, know I should given the game more time to develop, also I couldn't see what the textboxses said s: I'm pretty sure that is due to me having a little tv though, which sucks that it did take away what could been an amazing game experince... But I do need to replay it (:

05-16-2008, 01:03 AM
The game is much more longer than 1 hour. Most games that are 40+ hours will be boring in the first hour.

execrable gumwrapper
05-16-2008, 02:47 AM
The game is much more longer than 1 hour. Most games that are 40+ hours will be boring in the first hour.

Well that... sucks.

J. Peterman
05-16-2008, 08:02 AM
I really found this game to be rather boring. Some people may like the story but I really cared nothing for it. If you're looking for a simple, more classic to the roots RPG then you'll probably enjoy it, but I found it to be rather dull.

I am Garamond.

05-16-2008, 08:33 AM
What the hell are u guys talking about this was the greatest game i played yesterday.

It was aight, not difficult at all...prob won't remember anything innovative about it in a few years besides the gist of the plot. Rent for a late nite and see if u like the characters

05-18-2008, 12:42 PM
Lol. I have yet to play this game! Once I get $7, I can finally be able to rent it.

05-20-2008, 11:12 PM
I just wanted to express my incredible interest in the debate Swami and Hynad were having, shame it's over.

I haven't played this game, because I don't own an Xbox360 or PS3. I'm usually on my PC, but unfortunately not a lot of decent RPGs get released on PC.

05-20-2008, 11:57 PM
I just wanted to express my incredible interest in the debate Swami and Hynad were having, shame it's over.

There was nothing to continue this "debate" further. Swami provided the proof to everyone that he had some lose wires.

The guy will tell you if a movie is good or not just by looking at the poster. [sarcasm]

execrable gumwrapper
05-21-2008, 02:58 AM
There was nothing to continue this "debate" further. Swami provided the proof to everyone that he had some lose wires.

The guy will tell you if a movie is good or not just by looking at the poster. [sarcasm]

The hell are "lose wires" you illiterate jackass?

You analogy is a bit exaggerated and still pointless. To say an opinion can't be based on a preview is ridiculous. Lost Odyssey is still over rated.

J. Peterman
05-21-2008, 03:34 AM
I agree Lost Odyssey sucks
i can say it informed opinion played it like 20+ hours then...erwgfwrvg

05-21-2008, 04:20 AM
I would take Garamond's view on the game seriously because he (or she) has played the game. But I'd still like to play it myself. A lot of people say the music is really good and I love anything with good music (it's what kept me playing FFVIII).

05-21-2008, 03:34 PM
The hell are "lose wires" you illiterate jackass?

You analogy is a bit exaggerated and still pointless. To say an opinion can't be based on a preview is ridiculous. Lost Odyssey is still over rated.

I missed an "o" the same way you missed an "r", and overrated is a single word, not 2.

Who's more illiterate than the other?

You still fail to explain why Lost Odyssey would be overrated. And considering you don't know shit about what you're talking about, I'm not waiting for you to come up and explain.

(note: It's now funny to see how pissed you appear when you reply to me :))

05-21-2008, 07:44 PM
I read his reply and thought the same thing actually. And he says I'm dumb.

10-04-2008, 11:15 PM
i think that LO is the best game for XBOX 360 (pair with Mass effect and Bioshock).
I'm nearly at the end...maybe
it's getting very difficult at the end.
i cannot kill the dinosaur before the final grand staff!!!
could someone help me??
is the last part of the game beautiful (how long am i from the end?)???
thanks in advance for the help

10-05-2008, 01:54 AM
Good games, unique characters and I like the option to switch between English and Japanese (you know, because Cooke and Mack's voices are RAGE). However, Jansen's voice is awesome in English, and Seth's isn't bad either. If you're a completest, you're gonna to spend hours on this bitch.

Also, I must say this? Random encounters in this day and age? C'MON SAKAGUCHI!

10-05-2008, 05:13 AM
I really like this game. I haven't finished it though. I'm kind of caught up with Tales of Vesperia at the moment. Ill get back to lost odyssey soon enough lol.

10-12-2008, 04:43 AM
I bought the game (finally!) after the price was reduced to $34.99USD and I must say that I'm absolutely in love with the game. I really love the music (another awesome job by Uematsu sp?); the classic turn-based style of gameplay (something I really missed and brought out old memories of when I first play FFX); and as far as I can tell, the storyline is fantastic. I must admit that the game was kind of slow for like, the first hour (actually managed to fall asleep while playing because I was tired and it didn't 'hook' me in yet) but once I was hooked, I couldn't stop playing. I would play it into the wee hours of the morning and end up not going to class because I wanted to just stay in bed lol. If you're a fan of turn-based games, FF games from X down, and great music, then I have confidence that you will love this game as well as I do.

I would give it 4/5 (because I haven't finished it yet). But if it's this good or gets better once I have finished it, I would give it 5/5.

10-12-2008, 05:27 AM
I like the reading the memories. Another thing I like about the game is the difficulty. After playing blue dragon, (which was way too easy) Lost odyssey has a difficulty that felt just right.

10-12-2008, 06:19 AM
I enjoyed reading the memories as well. I even liked the music that was playing during that too. Some of them were kinda long and I grew impatient (because I had to go to class and I had to save before leaving because my roommate would turn it off). But when I don't have anything going on, then I don't mind it at all. I also feel that it gives us a better understanding of the character that is having these dreams. Hell, I even cried while reading of them because I knew how the character felt from having my own experience of the same thing (or pretty damn close to it).

10-12-2008, 01:00 PM
The good thing about the dreams is that u can read them whenever you want. They are pretty long.

Another good thing about this game is Seth. He had me laughing out loud a few times lol.

10-12-2008, 01:09 PM
You mean Sed. Seth is the Pirate girl (trying not to spoil anything here).

10-12-2008, 01:35 PM
You mean Sed. Seth is the Pirate girl (trying not to spoil anything here).

I think I actually meant Jansen. Sorry its been a while since I played lol.

11-24-2008, 05:41 AM
I only and have finished the story. It's not that tbh. The story is kinda uninspired and has bad pacing and the battle system is more basic than even Final Fantasy 7. The characters were pretty average(except a few of them) and the sidequests were boring. It definitely doesn't compare to the Final Fantasy series. The music was great, as expected from the great Nobuo Uematsu, but the only other redeeming value I can think of is the short stories and the nice graphics/artstyle.

01-10-2009, 08:03 AM
Thread necro!

Anyway, I for one, enjoyed LO alot. Granted it's an old school-ish approach, but I feel that was the whole point and it worked just fine. The dream episodes alone made it worth playing through.

All in all, a total package.

Also, Jansen = God

01-18-2009, 05:58 AM
Jansen says a few decent one liners but he's really not that funny or usefull in battle since he's not immoratal so he can't learn other peoples spells. Raven from Tales of Vesperia is a much funnier and cooler character.

01-18-2009, 01:50 PM
No, he's not.

01-27-2009, 08:52 PM
Jansen says a few decent one liners but he's really not that funny or usefull in battle since he's not immoratal so he can't learn other peoples spells. Raven from Tales of Vesperia is a much funnier and cooler character.

Jansen is an ok character. I just started playing LO again. I like the game. I just thing at times the pacing can be off. Fight a battle, then sit through like an hour cut scene. Reminds me of Mgs4 in that aspect. I think Tales of vesperia is a much better game though. I really got addicted to it.

01-27-2009, 10:29 PM
It's the complete opposite for me. Tales has good gameplay, but the story didn't seem to get anywhere fast and I lost interest once I got like 3/4 into the game.

01-28-2009, 01:30 AM
I'm stuck at a boss....and can't seem to beat it for the life of me :(.

01-28-2009, 02:28 AM
What boss?

execrable gumwrapper
01-28-2009, 02:36 AM
Lost Odyssey is no longer overrated since people have discovered the crap it truly is.

That is all.

01-28-2009, 05:50 AM
It's the complete opposite for me. Tales has good gameplay, but the story didn't seem to get anywhere fast and I lost interest once I got like 3/4 into the game.

Yeah tales doesn't have the best story. I just like the gameplay. The characters IMO have a lot of depth and I'm interested to see where the story leads though. Not expecting anything too grand.

03-23-2009, 01:35 AM
I got LO a while after it got released and just haven't been able to get properly in to it.I'm on disk four and I only play it in bursts of a couple of hours every other month or so. It may be the slow combat or the fact that the characters that specialise in attack (seth,kaim) don't seem to have any real skills.I know they can learn skills of anyone but I'm not talking about magic, I want powerful sword skills or whatever so I don't end up just using attack every time.That really got to me when playing it.

03-27-2009, 03:21 AM
I haven't played it in months myself (due to my 360 getting some lights...), but what kept me playing was the storyline. I don't really mind the fighting system or hitting attack everytime. They have some skills that are pretty useful imo, but I don't mind just attacking. For me, it saves MP so I don't mind it.

03-29-2009, 10:46 AM
This is my Review on Lost Odyssey that I wrote on another forum:

Ok. I really have so much to say about this game, both good and bad, that I'm not quite sure on where to begin...

Firstly I consider this to be the real Final Fantasy XII and not the shoddy real time MMO wannabe that we received.

The story of Lost Odyssey takes place in a realm where two political belief systems are at war; the first being the Republicans and the second being the Monarchists.

You play Kaim Argonar, a one thousand year old immortal who survived a meteor crash which occured during this war and along with two other immortals you cannot remember the last 1,000 years of your lengthy life. Because you are immortal, the government choose to "use" you for dangerous and ominous tasks simply on the basis of "Well you cannot die and therefore you will succeed." In the interim though political upheaval and conspiracies occur which makes you begin to wonder if you can trust anybody that you speak to, all whilst slowly regaining memories of your long lost life.

Okay, I'll start with the graphics. You will definitely view some lucious scenery and the enemies you fight are of top notch design. This game uses the Unreal 3 engine, but that also means a few bad things as well. Framerates tend to be horrific during the start of every battle aswell as when cutscenes do the picture in picture thing. Another bad point of using these kind of graphics also means bad loading times. Whilst they aren't exceedingly long, they are incredibly frequent.

Next is the gameplay. It's your typical JRPG; walk around, gather shit, talk to people and BOOM random battle! The battle commands, scenes, and mathematics are EVERYTHING you've played before say in 1998 so don't expect anything new or groundbreaking here. A nice touch though is the Attack Ring. Depending on certain rings you may have equipped when you go to take a normal attack the Attack Rings will appear in which you must hold down the RT button and then release it at particular time when both rings cross. Whilst this does make for a more interactive battle, it wears thin rather quickly and if it wasn't for needing to grind a bit before up and coming dangerous areas, you end up dreading the next random battle.

There are more battle elements that I'm deliberately leaving out here (Including a kick arse ring building and skill learning system) but explaining them would go on forever and I'm sure if you were overly interested you could always read up on it.

The sound and music was a little disappointing especially considering it was Nobuo Uematsu... but if you have no reservations about soundtracks and are expecting a mediocre score with a few amazing tracks, the Lost Odyssey won't disappoint.

I'm going to cut this review a bit short and there is a LOT OF STUFF I'd love to go into but I need to head off to bed early for work tomorrow.

Don't get me wrong...this is a great game and I'm enjoying my time playing it (It's better than the Blue Dragon part I managed to play through....that was smelly). It's just that it is nothing you haven't seen before and chances are you will only keep playing for the story and to perfect your skills and ringcrafting.

I give this JRPG a 7 out of 10.

03-31-2009, 09:24 PM
Finally beat that stupid boss! Took a few months to beat it (a friend let me borrow his 360 until I get mine back) but now I can continue the story! I was so excited that he finally died. Even my friend is interested in Lost Odyssey too.

Sorry, but I'm really excited!

04-02-2009, 01:53 PM
The sound and music was a little disappointing especially considering it was Nobuo Uematsu... but if you have no reservations about soundtracks and are expecting a mediocre score with a few amazing tracks, the Lost Odyssey won't disappoint.

That's funny, because I think Lost Odyssey's OST is one of Uematsu's finest.

04-02-2009, 09:43 PM
Agree with Hynad. I liked the soundtrack (sorry, but it's not the FFVIII OST lol) enough to where I actually bought it. Took a while getting used to it but after I did, I love it. Has a sense of sadness almost throughout.

05-27-2009, 01:22 AM
Once someone gets past the first 30 minutes to an hour of the game, if they are still there and can stomache the slow starting pace and confusing style, they'll be hooked until the final disc.

That being said it was rated much lower than it should have been and is also less popular than it deserves in comparison to jewels like Mass Effect.

05-27-2009, 01:35 AM
That's funny, because I think Lost Odyssey's OST is one of Uematsu's finest.

I have to agree. I think "Battlefield," "Neverending Journey," "Epsylon Range," "World of Ice," "Theme of Pirates," "Saman, Town of Merchants," "The Man Possessed by the Demons," "Blizzard Field," "The Wanderer of Darkness," "Ruins of the East," "Distorted Space," and "Main Theme" are all excellent pieces.

execrable gumwrapper
05-27-2009, 02:34 AM
Uematsu is overrated.

05-27-2009, 04:38 AM
Uematsu is overrated.

Well at least your giant immature spam signature is gone, that's an improvement I suppose, but from what I've seen you're the most immature and... well idiotic person I've seen on these forums, though I haven't seen many yet... I've seen over a hundred, so eh.

Lost Odyssey was not "overrated" as according to its popularity it is "underrated".

You can judge a movie by its trailers, possibly in certain times, but not by a picture.

Example: Oh my gosh! Did you see that picture with the sky and light shining through the clouds? That movie is so stupid!.


execrable gumwrapper
05-27-2009, 06:05 AM
Dude, you don't know what you're talking about, n00b.

You're obviously a stupid.

05-27-2009, 09:38 AM
Uematsu is overrated.

You are overrated.


execrable gumwrapper
05-27-2009, 07:11 PM
You know what isn't overrated?

The Saw franchise. (cantwaitforpartsixomgomgomg)

05-27-2009, 10:08 PM
You actually like films with sycophants and torturers who are psychotic?

execrable gumwrapper
05-27-2009, 11:41 PM
I beat off to it.

05-27-2009, 11:43 PM

Please don't tell me you actually masturbate... (according to statistics not EVERYONE does, much less actually)

Please tell me you meant to say you punch walls while watching it, that type of immaturity and idiocy as well as deviancy can NOT be ignored or let alone, and as such requires immediate reparations and reactions.

execrable gumwrapper
05-27-2009, 11:46 PM
No, it turns me on and I furiously rub my penis until I ejaculate with a glorious orgasm.

05-27-2009, 11:49 PM
Sigh, I won't bother very much but I will state that I don't and won't ever masturbate as it shows a lack of control over your body, and that you are instead a slave to stimuli and neutron firings, as well as synapse clusters, and that your conscious (which is all your personality really is, which ironically is the size of a popcorn kernel) is not in control, and is essentially in the backseat, occasionally let out to excrete waste and interact.

It also shows the inability to remain decent, oh and that you are disturbed, seeing as how you have the firings in the first place.


Perhaps that would be a better criteria to judge immaturity off of, when compared with my other sets... mmm.

execrable gumwrapper
05-28-2009, 12:07 AM
Masturbation helps prevent prostate cancer.

05-28-2009, 12:07 AM

execrable gumwrapper
05-28-2009, 12:10 AM

05-28-2009, 12:14 AM
No, as confirmed by medical fact and not fake idiocy.

execrable gumwrapper
05-28-2009, 12:32 AM

05-28-2009, 12:34 AM
Proof, demonstrate it.

execrable gumwrapper
05-28-2009, 12:41 AM

05-28-2009, 07:20 AM
You know what isn't overrated?

The Saw franchise. (cantwaitforpartsixomgomgomg)

Okay, never mind you're not overrated.

execrable gumwrapper
05-28-2009, 11:19 PM
I was being serious, too.

05-29-2009, 08:37 PM
Me too. They just released a few details... the sixth one does look promising.

08-09-2009, 08:50 PM
Hmm.. Quite personally, I'm almost done with the game, and I think it's absolutely fantastic. It's one of the best JRPG's I've picked up in awhile. I really love the music (can't get the battle theme out of my head, and Dark Saint is just pure ownage), and the graphics are absolutely stunning.

The story is very good, I believe. And there's lots to do, quite honestly, it's very hard for me to get bored, and if I weren't currently alternating between Eternal Sonata and Lost Odyssey (trying to get further into Eternal Sonata at the moment) I'd probably be finished with the game by now ^_^.

This one reccomends it, as well!

Holy crap. The first time I played Lost Odyssey, I too was alternating between it and ES. Completely agree with the graphics too, especially with a HD telly. The cutscenes were almost orgasmically clear.

Battle Theme <3

I heartily recommend this. And Eternal Sonata for that matter. Both brilliant games, both good bang for your buck, and both entertaining enough to last you a few blissful weeks.

08-10-2009, 12:11 AM
I've beaten LO twice now, and have yet to get at least half of the achievements. Getting all the treasures and having the immortals learn every move is nigh IMPOSSIBLE without a guide of some kind.

But I still love the game :). Just for music and story alone. I was pleasantly surprised by the story. And I like the 1000 dreams or whatever. Helps understand Kaim and the others a little more.

08-10-2009, 02:31 AM
Aye, the achievies are a complete bitch.

That is, unless you have the strategy guide in front of you. =D Finished it twice, both times 100%. Second time had to be done due to a hard drive malfunction.

I'll admit on the recent playthrough, I skipped all of the dreams. However, from what I quick read and what I remember from the first playthrough, they were probably the most intelligently written and emotion evoking pieces of fiction I've ever had the good fortune to read.

Darn...Now I'm tempted to replay AGAIN...No, must continue with Kingdom Hearts...

08-10-2009, 02:46 AM
Agreed on the dreams 100%. The music in the background while reading was perfectly placed. I remember reading this one (can't remember what it's called) about an old woman who's so old that she thinks she's young again and called Kaim "Big-Brother Kaim" and it literally brought tears to me eyes. I know the music had something to do with it but just reading it sparked a memory of my own about my own grandmother.

But how it was written wasn't too hard to comprehend or anything. I think that writing was perfect because it helped portray a crystal-clear image of what I was reading.

08-12-2009, 06:30 AM
Lost Odyssey was my first Xbox 360 game, got it when I first got my job, way back when. At the time I had just moved into my new apartment and so I had nothing in the living room. My TV was on my dresser about 4 feet away from my bed. I remember reading those in the dark, with that music, and falling asleep to it. It was pretty fun. Good readings, great game, fun times.

08-12-2009, 09:08 AM
I have the soundtrack on my iPod :D