04-27-2002, 08:06 PM

i have a stradegy guild and it says the only way to get aeires final limit is to have a highwind or gold chocobo but doesnt she die before i can get it

04-27-2002, 08:24 PM
you can get it anftert you get the buggy from the gold sayser you need it to cross the river on the other contanent

do you still need an help

04-27-2002, 09:24 PM
yeah im still kinda confused. so i can get it beofre she dies

04-27-2002, 09:28 PM
yes you can get it right after after you get the buggy from the gold sauser (GS) do you know how to get it in not you talk to the old man in the cave buy junon and when the numbers of times you fought end with somthing like55 or the same # (I cant expaln it evrry well) he will give you a pice of merlith (sp) take it to the weapons seller when he get to his house south of the GS but you will have to weight till he is there and open the box on the top floor

04-27-2002, 11:57 PM
Ok where did you get this book?!?! Id request youd try to get your money back.Ok. This is how you get aeris' limit manuel:

Fight untill you have an odd number of battles fought and the last two didgets in the number are the same(ie. 1399). There in a mine located near The Mithrel Mines on the Fort Condor side and you use your buggy to cross the river to get there. There is a guy inside, he will give you a piece of mithrel only if you have fought an amount of battles that follows the prior guidelines. Then you travel all the way to that house on the penensula and give that man the mithrel the go up the stairs and open the safe(if you chose the big safe already it isnt over just get another mythrel)

04-28-2002, 07:37 PM
is the buggy the broken plane that i use as a boat

04-28-2002, 08:06 PM
lol the buggy is a long red like car that can cross the sand around GS and shallow water.

05-03-2002, 11:01 PM
how would i move my buggy from gold saucer to the sleeping old mans house. my map says that its blocked off

05-04-2002, 02:17 AM
Ummmmm, well, you can cross small rivers with it so you can get to Costa Del Sol. When you get there, enter it in the buggy and cross by ship to the 1st continent and the buggy is also transported.