02-01-2008, 02:18 PM
Hi guys,

can anyone please explain me how to rip .zar files? The point is, i want to have every file available on the socom 2 disc. There are some files i can open with MFAUDIO, that are the files in the map SOUNDS. Those files contain all the bullet sounds and voices ect.
BUT i am searching for the sounds that you hear when you where playing the game online, the sound that you hear when you played crossroads.
I think that those sounds are in the other .zar files on the disc, but they aren't in the SOUND map.
I can't open them with MFAUDIO, (it says that there is no file available) but i think that those multiplayer files must be in there...

How can I open those and extract them??? I am searching the Internet for 2 weeks now, how to do it. But i can't find a clue....

Please help..:-\

02-01-2008, 02:32 PM
Try Cube Media Player.

02-01-2008, 08:28 PM
I've already tried, it's strange because it doesn't work well for my, i think i might missing some plugins but i can't download them anymore because the site does'nt exist anymore.
How have you done it with Cube?

02-02-2008, 06:39 PM
Can somebody please help? I'm stuck at the moment with ripping the audio from socom.

02-03-2008, 02:01 PM
Well, i've got my cube media player working again. First it crashed all the times.
If I scan the PS2 disc for audio files, it brings up 30 .ss2 files (Export Only). How can i play those files?

Does somebody have any suggestions how to rip the audio with Cube?
I know quite a bit of computers, but when it comes to this, audio files and hex editing...I'm a complete stranger.

02-04-2008, 10:55 AM
I'm still waiting for the SOCOM:CA soundtrack.

02-04-2008, 04:24 PM
I don't think it will ever come out....
But some people do have the edition of 4 hours, why they just won't upload it?
If someone can tell how to do, i can rip the most important audio files, so everybody is happy then:)

02-05-2008, 06:56 AM
Yeah we need someone to release that SOCOM:DA score. Surely someone has it.

02-05-2008, 04:03 PM
I don't think anybody will upload the album soon..
So.....if anybody can help me ripping it, we can hear a few beautiful music sounds:)
At this moment i've only got 2 audio files that were easy to rip.
Socom Combined Assault Credits
Socom Combined Assault Intro, with background sounds..

02-06-2008, 06:03 AM
Hopefully someone has the game and knopws how to rip it.

02-06-2008, 05:44 PM
Well, if someone can tell me how to rip to MOST important files, i can do it. Ripping the music by programs like cube, i can do it (when anyone can explain me how). But I think that the most files must be ripped in a hex editor, and i can't do that.

02-06-2008, 11:16 PM
I have ripped the SOCOM II menu theme and the SOCOM 3 credits. I might have ripped more but I'm not sure. You can get some of the SOCOM MP3's off Jim Dooley's website: Here (http://www.jimdooley.com)

02-06-2008, 11:16 PM
sorry for double-post :(

02-07-2008, 07:36 AM
Yeah, i now that you can download some themes of the Jim Dooley site. But i already have the most of the socom 2 and 3 themes possible to find on the internet, but in Combined Assault, those files are a littlebit difficult to find.
And i am searching how to get the socom online map sounds, like when you've won. Or when the game started, im searching for that, but the only thing i can find is; the voices, effects sounds and weapon sounds from the game.

02-08-2008, 06:49 PM
why do you want them anyway?

02-08-2008, 07:59 PM
Well, i've played the game (socom 2 mostly) for so long, and i just had such a good time then, so when I hear the old socom sounds...
And the socom 3 and 4 music are just great, every socom fan will tell the same.

02-09-2008, 05:36 AM
Someone please just rip the soundtrack for us.

I dont care who, but I really want this.