Green Arrow
04-27-2002, 04:11 PM
WOW has anyone else seen this 4 part series. My god I have just finished watching this like a day ago and I have to say it kicks ass. The story is a little sketchy at times and coz they only produced 4 - 45 minute episodes it surely could have gone on longer and explained alot of things.

The flying scenes I though were awesome and the mecha fighting scenes were pretty amazing also. The animation is crisp and clean with none of those stupid faces you see in other animes. The sounds are sweet as is the soundtrack. The story is not really complex so it is quite easy to follow, but like I said sketchy at some points.

If you have not seen this I urge you to get them out, buy them, or whatever it is you do with your anime. Coz I highly reccomend it.

04-27-2002, 11:04 PM
I recorded all 4 shows of the series but lost teh video tapes when i went on vacation. I had finished recording the night before i left and when i came back the tape wasn't where i left it:( :Sad:

04-28-2002, 03:37 AM
heheh. oh yeah. i saw it. own it and love it. you should see the movie version. (all for vids in one video)

its sweet. extra scenes in the beg and end. i wish i had it. i only saw it from a friend who lent it to me.

04-29-2002, 10:10 PM macross PLUS something new regarding to the macross-serie/movie/dvd-thingie because I guess only 'macross-episodes' is out here yet but I don't know exactly if you mean a sequel or something.
Hmm, anyway this is not entirely the reason for my reply.
My real question was; I wonder if I would like macross.
Because I've seen(thus think that's only style I like..)more samourai/DBZ-like/fantasy-anime(SF2/Alpha, Akira, Kenshin etc...) not really some anime with megs, androits, maybe even vehicles and stuff. (bought the first episode of Gasaraki today but that's real serieus crap)
I assume macross is based on jets/'aircrafts' and all it really only that, and do you have to love those technical stuff to love the series? I've seen fragments of the Geiver and I thought that was cool, so do you guys think I would like the macross too than? hmm, some stupid vague yappin' here from me(I'm very tired though) but can someone give me advice on buying it?

04-30-2002, 03:37 AM
my advice is simple and should be followed for ALL anime/movie purchases....RENT IT FIRST!!! :rolleyes:

if ya like it, THEN buy. simple as that.

Lady Fett
05-09-2002, 05:03 PM
Originally posted by Tact
my advice is simple and should be followed for ALL anime/movie purchases....RENT IT FIRST!!! :rolleyes:

if ya like it, THEN buy. simple as that.

Heck, I just buy the stuff first. If I don't like it I donate it to friends. Sure costs me money, but my friends love me for it.


Death Knight
05-09-2002, 06:38 PM
I've seen it too. It rocks. Next I wanna see the Bubblegum Crisis and Evangelion series. Anyone seen Gasaraki? Thats good too.

05-10-2002, 09:02 PM
this is a test

Lady Fett
05-11-2002, 09:45 PM
Originally posted by Lei Nakatu
this is a test

More like a pathetic attempt to raise a post count. LOL! If you're gonna post, post on topic. I know I'm not a mod, but as a Shriner seeing this junk gets on my nerves.
