01-31-2008, 04:10 AM
Advance Wars: Days of Ruin music style is very different than the other games. In my opinion I think Days of Ruin's music is overall better. I tried listening to some of my favorite CO's themes today and was shocked at how simple they sounded. Some of the themes from DoR were instantly stuck in my head. Although it could be cause they were all new and not recycled. So which do you think is better?

01-31-2008, 05:35 PM
Days of Ruin, all of the CO themes sound the same to me. In the old series, the themes suited the CO perfectly and were much more distinguishable, so the old series gets my vote

01-31-2008, 08:41 PM

The old series kills the new series in almost every way possible. Days of Ruin is basically just a rip-off of the "in" crowd using typical video game techno-metal music. The older version actually had REAL music, and actually had an extensive plotline.

Between the two, Dual Strike is 200x better then Days of Ruin. The characters in DOR remind me of Final Fantasy character art, which just makes it more of a "rip-off" feel.

01-31-2008, 09:47 PM
What!? Days of Ruin is NOT a rip off! If you ask me DoR is better. In advance wars DS I hated the "Dual Strike" CO power, it could change the tide of battle just like that. I was so glad to hear that those super powers were taken out.

Dont get me wrong, the other AW games were great but DoR is more realistic. And the story line is way better, so are the new COs.

01-31-2008, 11:47 PM
The music for the previous Advance Wars games was a bit on the goofy side but it was more or less reflecting the mood of the game, which is ok, but not many tracks I found listenable aside from in-game. I also thought they lack a lot of quality as they just didn't sound right, though they were ok in-game. Days of Ruin fixed both problems for me.

I will agree that the CO themes don't quite seem to fit (Except for Brenner's), but I like the themes so it doesn't really matter to whom they go.

..typical video game techno-metal music.

Actually, the previous soundtracks had music similar to this too, only it matured in Days of Ruin.

02-01-2008, 12:01 AM
All of it was techno metal? Really...

Gage and IDS' themes are pretty good, nothing close to metal. I think Tabitha and Penny's were pretty fitting, well as fitting as it could get for little girls commanding an army.

Honestly though, I would have never noticed how much I liked the new themes if I only listened to them in game.

As far as the plot goes. How was the old series' "Lets all team up and save the world" story better than DoR. I actually became attached to a couple of the characters in DoR. In order DoR, AW1, AW2, AWDS (Seriously, old guy in a wheelchair as a final boss? pathetic).

02-01-2008, 12:12 AM
The music in Dual Strike was not at all goofy. The game itself is about war with different countries in a friendly "E" rated environment with tanks at unrealistic proportions. Obviously the music would reflect that.

Days of Ruin may have actually supported more "maturity" into the storyline and music, but my point is that everyone is doing this. Take a look at Megaman X8 for gods sake. Does that even compare with Megaman 7 music?

Let's face it, it's much easier to listen to a song when there is a relevant melody flowing through it. Dual Strike actually had favorable tunes that you could remember and actually want to listen to again. I'd much rather listen to Hawke's Theme then listen to The Beast's Theme.

Some of the music, like a few course songs, are actually not that bad. But it seriously gets boring when its the same exact type of genre for every single song. x.x

Might just be me and my music tastes, but thats how I see it.

02-01-2008, 12:40 AM
Of course some songs seem better cause they are tied to a certain person. I wish they would have updated some of the original crew's music for Dual Strike, A few of the new themes, Sasha, Jake, and Grimm's come to mind, were really good, but it made the older themes that were some of my favorites in the past look pretty dated, especially Sami's and Kanbei's themes.

Yoshito Hirano needs to do an Orchestra performance of the character themes in Advance Wars. That would be awesome. They did that with Phoenix Wright, and made the already catchy music even better.

02-01-2008, 01:31 AM
Well, Capcom screwed the X soundtracks way too much. I had a hard time listening to stuff past X4 (Thought 3 I thought was nothing to look at).

I listen to a huge variety of game music, from classic stuff and Mario Bros. to modern and Guilty Gear. I probably could have enjoyed the Dual Strike soundtrack a lot better had it not suffered from the quality. And maybe goofy isn't quite the word, but it's all I could think of.

I do see how you could get bored with it in-game though. Like if you and someone are using the same character.

04-15-2008, 06:31 PM
Old series gets my vote, though you have to realize that sooner or later it was gonna change. I wish they redid Drake's theme with live music.

04-16-2008, 01:23 AM
I wish that they did Hawke's theme in orchestrated-form.

04-16-2008, 12:47 PM
I actually like both series' music. Although, I find myself mentally using Sami's Theme while playing DoR.

05-12-2008, 03:38 PM
I don't think either is "better" than the other. I think that Dual Strike really has great melodies, its music just isn't as decorated as Days of Ruin. In DoR, the quality is further enhanced; there's a whole new dimension of attributes added to it. You really can't judge each other equally since they're from different releases.
Take the masterpiece of Gage. Imagine if you would put it into Dual Strike from back then (when they had worries with the assimilation the Dual Strike's new music with the previous releases), you would find the music to be lacking that new dimension of attributes. Similarly, if you take Sami's theme and put it to DoR, you would find it striking good too.
I think you would see what I mean more clearly if somebody would take both releases and make a new set of video game music on the same level, like SSBB did with all those classics.

07-22-2008, 09:09 PM
I don't think either is "better" than the other. I think that Dual Strike really has great melodies, its music just isn't as decorated as Days of Ruin. In DoR, the quality is further enhanced; there's a whole new dimension of attributes added to it. You really can't judge each other equally since they're from different releases.
Take the masterpiece of Gage. Imagine if you would put it into Dual Strike from back then (when they had worries with the assimilation the Dual Strike's new music with the previous releases), you would find the music to be lacking that new dimension of attributes. Similarly, if you take Sami's theme and put it to DoR, you would find it striking good too.
I think you would see what I mean more clearly if somebody would take both releases and make a new set of video game music on the same level, like SSBB did with all those classics.

I would have said something like that which makes me curious. How come Nintendo didn't put any music from the advance wars/famicom wars seires but, they put in tanks and infantry as an assist trophy?

07-30-2010, 12:30 AM
My vote has to go to the old games cause of more variety and Sturm's theme is BEAST!!!

08-08-2010, 01:31 AM
New for the new art style.