Bus Driver
01-31-2008, 12:44 AM
Alrighty....might be late...but better late than never. I apologize beforehand if everything is jumbled and jumps around.

First off, I highly enjoyed Final Fantasy VII. Everything from the characters, setting, storyline, music....I had fun.

I stay pretty busy and knew about the Advent Children movie...but next thing I know they are like a dozen spin offs and it's becoming quite obvious what the deal is.

To me, after FFX the whole series began its path downhill.

No offense to those who enjoyed FFX-2, I know the game sold like hell and was popular. But I just can't see a summoner singing pop music and toting 9mm pistols.

FFXI took the role of following the MMORPG trail...nuff said.

FFXII...a love it or hate it game, I tried it...I'll leave it at that.

FFXIII..I want to keep my hopes up, but the more I read the more I already know how its gonna play out. A main character name Lightning...and let's not forget Shiva can be used as transportation!!

I mean honestly..what the hell do you have to smoke when you think it's a good idea to make a female summon that uses an ice attack..to have have the option of turning into a motorcycle.

It's SquareSoft...vs.....SquareEnix, one wanting to put out quality games, while the other makes sure sells stay up.

Final Fantasy IX, a great game and probably the last ode to the foundation the whole series is built on.

I believe now the creators are thinking less of being creative and more of what the people want to see. Which we all know if that worked we'd have an entire Star Wars episode dedicated to Boba Fett.

I could see a FFVII remake and to be just that a remake. VIII and IX are behind the times, but VII could seriously use it. No added crap either, just update the graphics and leave it at that. We don't need to see Cloud rematch Sephiroth, enjoy the game for what it is. It's not boxing or pro wrestling.

Square was known for making great visuals, the CG movies were great. But we honestly do not need this unrealistic matrix style crap. Hence, there is a big difference between being cool and trying your hardest to look cool.

Bottom line, SquareEnix needs to get their shit together.

Marshall Lee
01-31-2008, 12:57 AM
I seriously can't get enough of these FFVII fan testimonial threads :D

Erebus Wraith
01-31-2008, 01:58 AM
I seriously can't get enough of these FFVII fan testimonial threads

I didnt really see too much about VII in here. Yeah there was some but It seems to be less about any one FF and more about FF as a whole getting worse and worse. I agree with that. Up to X was really fun for me. I didn't play XI but I did play X-2 and XII. XII was a fun game but it was seriously lacking that FF feel.

Marshall Lee
01-31-2008, 02:02 AM
I didnt really see too much about VII in here. Yeah there was some but It seems to be less about any one FF and more about FF as a whole getting worse and worse. I agree with that. Up to X was really fun for me. I didn't play XI but I did play X-2 and XII. XII was a fun game but it was seriously lacking that FF feel.

That seems to be the consensus amongst FF gamers who miss the classic feel. I thought XII was a step in the right direction :D. FF games will continue to change with the advance in technology (i.e. battle system, world map, cinematics, etc.) whether that's a good thing or a bad thing depends on the one who goes to buy them. Personally I'm always open to new things, so whatever it is that is new in XIII besides the HD, will be worth at least checking it out.

01-31-2008, 05:27 AM
It sounds like you got started with FFVII. You could always try going back into the series, like FFIV or FFVI. I personally love FFIV and find it to be far superior to FFVII. And since it's coming out on DS, you have the opportunity to sample some new stuff too. If you don't have a DS, dust off the old PSX.

Bus Driver
01-31-2008, 05:52 AM
Personally I'm always open to new things, so whatever it is that is new in XIII besides the HD, will be worth at least checking it out.

Open to new things ok, but I mean come on...Shiva transforms into a motorcycle...

I seriously can't get enough of these FFVII fan testimonial threads

I was making the point that while I enjoyed FFVII, I don't see the point in all these spin offs and that other than a remake they are simply milking the cow.

01-31-2008, 11:36 PM
FFXII is a step in the right direction for Final Fantasy. And yes, play the older FF's like FF4 and FF6.

Marshall Lee
01-31-2008, 11:48 PM
Open to new things ok, but I mean come on...Shiva transforms into a motorcycle...

I was making the point that while I enjoyed FFVII, I don't see the point in all these spin offs and that other than a remake they are simply milking the cow.

I'd rather have Shiva transform into a motorcycle rather than a makeup compact :D.

Sadly that is reality of things, unfortunately when you're a powerful gaming company like SE, you can make as many prequels or sequels as you see fit, because someone will always buy them.

I'm sure you're not the only person who feels unsure about another new FF game. I'm looking at XIII like I did with VIII, and X, they were new and different but when I started playing I learned to like them and enjoy the gaming experience.