01-31-2008, 12:12 AM
Anyone here have any strange gaming habits? I'll share a few of mine so you know what I mean:

1) In RPGs, I always need to have a potion count that is a multiple of 5 for some reason. If I have 17, I will buy 3 to take the number up to 20. If I have 21 I'll either buy 4 or sell one.

2) In FPSs I need to reload my gun after every fight. For some reason I think every last bullet is very important.

3) Sometimes I save more than once in a row. For some reason I think that the game may not have saved (even though I've just seen it save) so I have to do it again.

Anyone else have any strange gaming-related habits or rituals?

Pimp Daddy McSnake
01-31-2008, 12:19 AM
I FPS's I always need to bunnyhop, even if it's not faster then normal running.

01-31-2008, 12:30 AM
I must kill everyone possible, especially in stealth games.

If killing everyone would prevent me from advancing, I'll leave, advance the quest/story, then if possible go back and kill everyone.

Trance Moogle
01-31-2008, 10:04 PM
3) Sometimes I save more than once in a row. For some reason I think that the game may not have saved (even though I've just seen it save) so I have to do it again.

That one is a must for me too. Saving twice or more when you really know in the back of your head that once is enough.

I also just never like to use up items. sure I might have 99 high potions, but if I use them, I might end up losing them all if I don't keep track. makes you paranoid.

01-31-2008, 10:20 PM
Most of my habits have been listed already...maybe we all have OCD or something...

01-31-2008, 10:44 PM
lol. yeah i do that, save, then save again. also in the same area, when i eventually establish that i have saved, i won't switch the console of until im out of the save it would cancel the save for some reason?? i mean what the hell is that about???

01-31-2008, 10:58 PM
i won't switch the console of until im out of the save menu

Same here, it's absurd and I no it won't corrupt anything but I still do it anyway for some reason.

Marshall Lee
01-31-2008, 11:41 PM
In rpgs I always need to have a stock of 99 potions, listed in the order of greatness, and at the top of the inventory :D

02-01-2008, 12:08 AM
I always try to keep an even amount of currency ending with 0's in RPG and similar games. (100, 5000, 20,000)

Haha XD I too often save twice or more times in a row for fear that I didn't actually save the first or two.

I must ALWAYS use a sniper rifle in an FPS game and will use it half the time in point blank situations.

Sometimes I try to die as many times as possible in a level before I complete it.

Argus Zephyrus
02-01-2008, 02:28 AM
I FPS's I always need to bunnyhop, even if it's not faster then normal running.
That's because you don't want to jump up and down in real life while you're playing, so you do it ingame. XD
That exciting, huh?

I also reload after every fight in FPS games - I don't see why it would be a "wierd" habit. I prefer not to have to reload too early in the middle of battle.

I also feel I must have quantities of items that are at least multiples of five or three, occasionally seven.

I *LOVE* sniper rifles, or in the WWII-themed games, Garand/Kar98/Lee-Enfield/etc. They are my primary weapons. In LoZ: Twilight Princess, I love to snipe the ravens and pterodactyl-like creatures with the bow.

02-01-2008, 02:36 AM
lol. yeah i do that, save, then save again. also in the same area, when i eventually establish that i have saved, i won't switch the console of until im out of the save it would cancel the save for some reason?? i mean what the hell is that about???

Cutting off the game on the save menu seems absolutely ridiculous and exiting to the game before doing so seems like a perfectly normal behavior. Maybe people do actually do this? Maybe we are all weird.

1.) When my characters get over 1000HP, and they get damaged, I always want to heal as soon as possible to get them back over it. It's especially annoying once they break it by just a few points, and then when they just break each multiple (2000, 3000, etc.). I never feel comfortable until I have 9999HP.

2.) I usually sort my inventory every time I go into it, even when I know I don't have to. RE4's inventory screen is like a mini-game for OCD freaks who feel that Tetris is too nerve-wracking :p

3.) I hate it when games dump a character into my party. I don't mean like in VI where you have to play as certain players at certain points. If it is part of the plot, I'm fine with it. I mean when you enter a boss fight and they put in characters that they feel have some sort of relevence to said fight. It is usually pretty poor selection. They don't force Vincent into your party when you fight Hojo, though it would make sense if they did (probably because he's an optional character; and I can't say with 100% confidence that they don't. a.) I always use Vincent anyway and b.) I can't remember if they pull that in VII).

I'm talking about when, for example, Xenosaga dumps Ziggy or KOS-MOS into your party. The fights in question didn't involve Voyager, so why do it seemingly randomly? This is mainly a problem because you have to take a turn to swap in who you really need in the fight (if you don't already use the character(s) in question).

02-01-2008, 03:41 AM
Well, I admit I have the said do-not-turn-off-game-until-leaving-save-screen habit, and also the habit of buying the amount of items (i.e. potions, antidotes, ether) in multipliers of the amount of character in the party (i.e. if the party has 4 members, then I'll probably 3 potions if I have 21 left, 2 phoenix downs if I have 22 left, etc).

I also have a habit of saving using two game slots. For some reason it helps me feel more secure should I accidentally mess one of the saves up.

02-01-2008, 07:29 AM
I have lots of habits, but my Gran Turismo habits are the worst:
1 - never sell any cars (even if they suck) unless I win a duplicate.
2 - Every car (regardless whether I use it or not) must be tuned to fastest 1/4 mile time possible.
3 - If I lose a race, I always restart from my last save, in order to keep my 100% win ratio.

02-01-2008, 10:45 AM
LoL, I've got some interesting habits.

In RE4, every time I acquire a herb or a grenade, I rearrange at least half my inventory to make my free space either a perfect rectangle or a square. I turn grenades upside down, as well. I also sort boxes of ammo by type and by how much is in them.

In FFIX, I sort the items every single time I go into the item menu. Sometimes I go to the item menu just to sort the items. Every time I go to the menu, I double check my party's equipment, to make sure I'm not 'missing' any abilities. Every time a party member learns a new ability, I un-equip, then reequip everybody in the party. I make a point to use Amarant.

I've gotten the Paladin Shield in FFVI.

I've played through FFVIII multiple times. Ditto FFVII.

In Super Mario Galaxy, whenever I get a Power Star, I run under it and then backflip so that I land on top of it.

Whenever I played Starcraft or Warcraft III, I'd have to have exact groups of 12. For example, when I played WCIII, I'd have to have a dozen melee guys, a dozen ranged guys, and a dozen spellcasters. If, for whatever reason, I couldn't manage a dozen, it would have to be six.

02-05-2008, 03:14 AM
I FPS's I always need to bunnyhop, even if it's not faster then normal running.

I think that's a Quake/Unreal/CS/Halo thing. If I have a gun with a low power scope or a reflex-stype optic, I usually move around with that up, or with the "aim" button down.

1) In RPGs, I always need to have a potion count that is a multiple of 5 for some reason. If I have 17, I will buy 3 to take the number up to 20. If I have 21 I'll either buy 4 or sell one.

2) In FPSs I need to reload my gun after every fight. For some reason I think every last bullet is very important.

I do the same with items in my RPGs also. It's either a number ending in 5 or zero.

Reloading isn't just weird, it's also SMART. I know a few guys that were operators of some sort in the police/military and they call that a 'tactical reload'. There's no reason to go into a firefight with 10 rounds when you can go into it with 30.

In flight games, specifically, anything Ace Combat:

1. I climb a bit and fully roll after I'm done with a mission.
2. When I pick special weapons or assign roles for ground/attack, I usually pick exactly the opposite of my wingmen/wingman.
3. I use the right analog/HAT stick to look for targets as opposed to the triangle/Y button to track them.

execrable gumwrapper
02-05-2008, 07:30 AM
In RPGs I like to get everything, in FPSs I usually stay crouched but I never go prone.

02-05-2008, 02:40 PM
I always win.

I just can't help myself. I have to do it. Every time I try to lose, I get cold feet at the last second and win instead.

02-05-2008, 03:01 PM
Lol. That was fucking brilliant!

02-05-2008, 03:44 PM
I always win.

I just can't help myself. I have to do it. Every time I try to lose, I get cold feet at the last second and win instead.

Man, I sure wish my teamates in various FPS games were like this.

Instead they snatch defeat from the jaws of victory with uncommon stupidity.

02-05-2008, 03:56 PM
I must kill everyone possible

This pretty much goes for me too, when it comes to survival horror/shoot em up type games. Even if I'm at a point where it's not necessary for me to shoot everything in sight, I still do it anyway.

And I'm also one for saving a game more times in a row than needed.

Damned Knight
02-05-2008, 07:50 PM
I only use to Save right after doing something or after obtain an item, no matter how important it is.

The only exception are in Resident Evil games, i always trying to save te lowest amount of times.

And this is something werid, everytime that i arrive to a Boss Battle, i save before that, if i think that i really have a good time fighting it, I DO NOT SAVE, so i can battle it again XD.

Wei Yan
02-05-2008, 07:58 PM
I always make the ugliest character possible. Makes the real me feel prettier.

Erebus Wraith
02-05-2008, 10:30 PM
1) In RPGs, I always need to have a potion count that is a multiple of 5 for some reason. If I have 17, I will buy 3 to take the number up to 20. If I have 21 I'll either buy 4 or sell one.

2) In FPSs I need to reload my gun after every fight. For some reason I think every last bullet is very important.

3) Sometimes I save more than once in a row. For some reason I think that the game may not have saved (even though I've just seen it save) so I have to do it again.

I am the exact same way. For the third one I will also save if I even have the remote chance that I forgot to save it (even if I just saw myself do it). I will sit there and think "Did I really save or did I THINK I saved?" Then I will save again.

Marshall Lee
02-05-2008, 11:18 PM
I also forgot about protecting the PS2 controller with paper towels/tissues and only allowing guests to use the busted ones, oh and making anyone who wanted to use my PS2 wash their hands first...I def. had ocd :D.

02-06-2008, 05:17 PM
2) In FPSs I need to reload my gun after every fight. For some reason I think every last bullet is very important

Well it is in CS!

And after playing it just now, I realised that I always put a silencer on my M16, I don't know why.

02-06-2008, 10:06 PM
I don't save twice in a row, but after every single thing.

It sure as hell racks up play time.

02-06-2008, 10:32 PM
Everytime I save my game, when i'm going to turn the console off I make sure completely exit out of the screen before I turn it off.

02-06-2008, 10:34 PM
Everytime I save my game, when i'm going to turn the console off I make sure completely exit out of the screen before I turn it off.

yeah i do that, i posted it a bit ago, some others do aswell, if you look back a bit you'll see it.

i really dont know why though, because its not like il loose a save, i just do it. weird.

Crystal Genesis Soul
02-06-2008, 10:38 PM
For some reason, when I save a game, I always load it up again to check it's alright. Very weird.

02-06-2008, 10:39 PM
I have this weird habit of waving my hands around when I play Wii games. Pretty strange, eh?

02-06-2008, 10:44 PM
you need help.

02-06-2008, 10:49 PM
Yeah i reckon you should get that seen to Prak.

02-11-2008, 02:16 AM
All Zelda games, keep pressing the Attack (roll) button over and over instead of running.

execrable gumwrapper
02-11-2008, 02:32 AM
All Zelda games, keep pressing the Attack (roll) button over and over instead of running.

All of them?

02-11-2008, 02:46 AM
yeah i do that, i posted it a bit ago, some others do aswell, if you look back a bit you'll see it.

i really dont know why though, because its not like il loose a save, i just do it. weird.
We probably all had bad experiences in losing game files. <Vagrant Story>

I never use resources which do not replenish, so long as I can help it.
eg in rpgs never use items when I can use magic, even if the latter runs a strong risk of dying.

02-12-2008, 04:55 AM
All of them?

In which rolling is possible, yes.

02-12-2008, 07:09 AM
when i start a game..theres no stopping unless i "really" got ta cease.

02-12-2008, 10:54 PM
In Crash 2, I find myself killing every last enemy, even when you could just ignore them.

In GTA, if surrounded by police with a level 6 wanted level, I aim a rocket launcher at the floor and commit suicide.

02-13-2008, 03:46 AM
I talk shit to my television after defeating a difficult level/boss.