04-27-2002, 01:17 PM
Well, this may have been brought up before, but when you're versing the final boss, (Angel Sephiroth) do you notice how his attack Super Nova, like, it destroys all the planets and moons and stuff? Well, i believe there are some slight things wrong with it.

Firstly, the Meteor hits and destroys every other planet except Earth, when it mysteriously just hits you and doesn't destroy Earth. If Sephiroth wanted to destroy the planet, why didn't he use that move instead of Meteor??

Second, this thing is big enough to put and huge hole in Jupiter, yet was only half the size of the battle screen o_O and only did 3000-5000 damage after destroying whole planets!!!!!

And finally, if you're unlucky enough, he uses this move more than once, which technically, is impossible, because you can't destroy all the planets twice!

Now, i accept that because it's the future, they may have changed the planet's name to Gaia, but how did the Earth change so much??? Monsters everywhere, different continents, no same cities at all and chocobos!!!!! Now we assume that it is Earth since Super Nova destroys Jupiter and Saturn and that, so what is up?

That is all.

Divine Strike
04-27-2002, 04:00 PM
I have three words for you.......It's a GAME , and in fact it is a game from the series Final Fantasy

and plus it is a super nova that damages you not the asteroid.

04-27-2002, 04:13 PM
Hmmm about those chocobos..... What are you talking about chocobos really exist! They live in south america commonly called Rheas but the natives call them chocobos.

hey check out my Chocobo pic(atached)!

04-27-2002, 05:00 PM
The whole idea of the Super Nova thing was hard for me to believe at first too, but I just rolled with it. It's called "conscious suspension of disbelief." Besides, it looks cool.

04-27-2002, 07:05 PM
maby eatch plaet has a final attack and revive materia atached to them or maby they are nto relly distoyed but it is a ilushion (sp)

04-27-2002, 10:44 PM
now wait a minute! why would the planets need materia? they have BOUNTIFUL AMOUNTS OF SPIRIT ENERGY right full of the knowledge of the ancients (which roamed from planet to planet) materia is only compressed spirit energy right?

04-27-2002, 10:51 PM
Originally posted by MateriaKeeper-PeaceDragon
now wait a minute! why would the planets need materia? they have BOUNTIFUL AMOUNTS OF SPIRIT ENERGY right full of the knowledge of the ancients (which roamed from planet to planet) materia is only compressed spirit energy right? I just called it that but maby they do have something equivalined to that

04-28-2002, 03:03 AM
Peoples, i know it's just a game and it's fantasy but it doesn't really make sense. I like the move and wish i could do it cause it's a good summon, but you can't destroy the planets many times.

04-28-2002, 10:53 AM
You really have to get yourself a new game, of any console. Cause the over-analysation level of this thread is way too high x_X
Next thing you'll be asking is what does the meteo mataria and the spell do to the planet or where do dead monsters go?
Super Nova is Sephiroth's summon That's all. Nothing to over analyze about.

04-28-2002, 04:27 PM
just dont worry about it ...

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
04-28-2002, 08:16 PM
Thats like saying that the title for the KOtR move 'Ultimate End' is saying 'End End' (as ultimate means end/Final), also being the END would'nt it destroy everything.
You really should not take things too seriously.

04-29-2002, 07:00 AM
Okay, there are some good reasons for this, most of it has to do with Japan to US changes.

In the Japanese version, the Super Nova attack didn't have a meteor flying through any planets. It was just a meteor going at the heroes.

In the US version, they decided to make the attack longer by having it crash through all those planets, the other stuff with the Super Nova attack (damage and all that) is still the same.

So there you have it, in the Japanese version, he could do it as many times as he wants without making the player fustrated about waiting. And with bad programming, the planets just... reappear... spoony US. ^_^

04-29-2002, 07:56 AM
he wanted to conquoer the planet not destroy it dude

also that attack was just to make the black materia look good not actually waht u said its just a cool animation

Guardian of Ice
04-29-2002, 06:34 PM
Its weird when people look into things too much...but I see what you guys mean, it is pretty strange.

Supernova was a bit too long for my liking......still looked cool though

04-29-2002, 09:59 PM
Originally posted by Dj MogK'
Okay, there are some good reasons for this, most of it has to do with Japan to US changes.

In the Japanese version, the Super Nova attack didn't have a meteor flying through any planets. It was just a meteor going at the heroes.

In the US version, they decided to make the attack longer by having it crash through all those planets, the other stuff with the Super Nova attack (damage and all that) is still the same.

So there you have it, in the Japanese version, he could do it as many times as he wants without making the player fustrated about waiting. And with bad programming, the planets just... reappear... spoony US. ^_^

that is corect I have seen the jap version of it and the us looiks better

04-30-2002, 12:07 AM
Yeah, that's a tad bit over the top there... but it is a good point. However, when I write my theories, my general rule is:

"Battle Sequences don't adhere to any rules and therefore should NOT be taken seriously. They're only there to make the game more challenging and fun."

For instance:
1. Neo Bamaut lifts up the enemy and part of the ground with it, but after the enemy falls back to Planet (which is the name for it, not Earth or Gaia. Gaia is FF9; FF7 refers to it as "Planet") there is no evidence of the ground being disturbed.
2. Enemies and characters can survive direct slashes to them by swords, and swords do more damage than a machine gun.
3. No matter how much damage you do the enemy there is no noticeable wound or break.
4. Bahamut Zero pummels the Planet with a focused Nuclear Beam of energy. Yet there is no damage to the soil.
5. Dyne got shot ONE TIME in the arm and it did WAY more damage then having Shinra MP's machine gun your guys with hundreds of bullets.
6. *SPOILER* Aeris dies with one slash to the stomach - doesn't matter how bad you get cut in battle - fifty cuts is meaningless so long as your HP is high enough.
7. Getting the shit beat out of you in battle only leads to KO (or swoon) status; in the game you get a punch to the stomach (Elena) and you pass out; Aeris gets one sword strike and she dies.

There's alot more, but you get the picture. Stay AWAY from battle sequences and write your theories or ask questions about the other aspects of the game. Battle sequences are beyond reason.


04-30-2002, 11:44 AM
Originally posted by evil-auron
he wanted to conquoer the planet not destroy it dude

also that attack was just to make the black materia look good not actually waht u said its just a cool animation

Ummm.. he summoned meteor to DESTROY the planet yet you think he just wants to conquer??? did you not even see the end cinematic??? -.-

04-30-2002, 11:47 AM
Originally posted by PTM
(which is the name for it, not Earth or Gaia. Gaia is FF9; FF7 refers to it as "Planet")

But Gaia is refered to in FF7

Gaias cliff.. remember. (yes i know it isnt the planets name but just pointed a bit of interest)

Guardian of Ice
04-30-2002, 07:03 PM
Was the planet Mars in the supernova summon??? I dont remember seeing it... Poor mars :)

04-30-2002, 07:39 PM
5. Dyne got shot ONE TIME in the arm and it did WAY more damage then having Shinra MP's machine gun your guys with hundreds of bullets. well from what it looks like the mp's did not even hit dyne or berret once remember scarel saying somthing like you can shout all day and not even hit them or it was somthing like that

04-30-2002, 07:44 PM
Originally posted by steven
well from what it looks like the mp's did not even hit dyne or berret once remember scarel saying somthing like you can shout all day and not even hit them or it was somthing like that

yep thats right and it didnt even look like dyne and berret got hit.

05-01-2002, 09:43 AM
Well, it seems many people are starting to whine because i'm talking about the best game on Earth. Geez, if you didn't want threads like these, why is the FF7 section here????

05-04-2002, 02:15 AM
Originally posted by Cloud
Well, it seems many people are starting to whine because i'm talking about the best game on Earth. Geez, if you didn't want threads like these, why is the FF7 section here????

No kidding! Geeze people, this is the best game ever (other than FFIX) and you're treating it like THIS?! How disrespectful!

Also, did you notice-


That when Sephiroth is coming down with his sword on Aeris (in the FMV) that he wears no gloves. But about when he pulls the Masanume blade out of her, he is! O.O;; Square, tsk tsk! :notgood:

05-07-2002, 01:12 AM
Originally posted by summoner_yuna

yep thats right and it didnt even look like dyne and berret got hit.

Although I haven't opened my mouth in a long time here, I guess I'll do so for today for some reason beyond my own comprehension. Xiom! Anyway, I think they did get hit - and your right it wasn't by the MP's (sorry) but it was by Scarlet when she grabbed one of the MP's rifles. My mistake.


Corey Taylor
05-07-2002, 01:37 AM
its not ment to make sense
in game terms you culd say its all an illusion that metally fucks the team up thinking metoer hapened already (which would explain the status changes)