04-27-2002, 02:58 AM
Bind me in chains,
hide from me the sky,
lost, cold, drained,
in the darkness I cry...

You stab me, you beat me,
you hurt and you bite,
but throughout this ordeal,
I grow stronger by night...

You think when you're sleeping,
I'll give up and die...
But I saw at these chains,
with my dull butter knife...

And one day you'll not wake,
you'll sleep with the night,
while I stand o'er your corpse,
and laugh with delight.

04-27-2002, 10:10 AM
Sounds like something a slave writ during the Civil War. very moving, if I do say so myself. o.o;

04-27-2002, 07:39 PM
Aww, that sounds so touching. I feel so sorree for that person...

04-27-2002, 09:35 PM
Actually, it's supposed to be about all those little secrets and lies you hide will catch up to you. ^^

04-29-2002, 06:23 AM

Now that i think of it, that DOES make sense...

...o.o;; And it's true. Oh my, I'll never hide another secret from myself again. x.x;

04-29-2002, 06:45 AM
*takes a short bow* Thankies ^^