Neo Xzhan
04-27-2002, 12:55 AM
Where do u think is the best place to level up?? I'd say Closest to Heaven and Hell.

04-27-2002, 01:02 AM
I'd have to agree with ya there. Those places offer a huge amount of HP, are littered with draw points for great magics like Holy and Ultima, and the enemies die in one hit if you know what you're doing (Quistis' "Degenerator" Blue Magic Limit). I seem to prefer the Island Closest to Hell over the Island Closest to Heaven though.


04-27-2002, 01:35 AM
Yeah, Closest To Hell seems to have better enemies to fight.

04-27-2002, 04:21 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">I also prefer the Island Closest To Hell to the Island Closest To Heaven. The enemies on the Island Closest To Hell seem to give more EXP and are easier to beat. Yes, you encounter Ruby Dragons and Malboros which are a problem if you have a bad junction, but three of the six enemies on the Island Closest To Hell (Blue Dragon, T-Rexaur and Grendel) die to a status attack of Death. The others can be killed with Degenerator, Rapture or The End easily. The Hexadragons, Ruby Dragons and Malboros seem to give the most exp of the lot, and of those, Hexadragons don't seem to be any real problem at all, and Malboros are harmless if you have a good status defence junction.

So yeah. Hell is better than Heaven. ;)

04-27-2002, 04:38 PM
I usually just run from the Grendels because the sucky amount of EXP you get for fighting them just isn't worth the time.

04-27-2002, 08:21 PM
Yea, I think those Islands are great for leveling up. Usually what I do is go on every continent and randomly battle monsters. All that matters to me is that I actually level up...tehe.

04-27-2002, 08:27 PM
Originally posted by Prinsesa
Yea, I think those Islands are great for leveling up. Usually what I do is go on every continent and randomly battle monsters. All that matters to me is that I actually level up...tehe.

i found it hard to level up on this game untill i found the islands closest to heaven and hell.

04-27-2002, 11:07 PM
The to islands are very good to level up quip
but i prefere to walk around and beat some monsters in the plains

evil ed
04-28-2002, 01:33 AM
i got squall and zell to level 100 in the garden training center. it took me a while but was worth it when i'm level 100 by disc two. after that i got irvine to 82 by putting him on my awesome team with zell and squall. by the end i used irvine to cast meltdown/aura and squall and zell were my powerhouses with lionheart and duel. I killed ultimate weapon in, if i remember correctly 6 turns(draw eden first, cast meltdown, cast aura, duel, another aura, lionheart). anyway im rambling, what's this topic about again? ;)

the one
05-07-2002, 04:26 PM
does any one know if you can get back out onto the world map so u can do more leveling up when u r just outside ultimecias castle?i kno u can go through the portals but they go to rubbish places so duz ne 1 know if i can get back out onto the world map n go to the island closest to hell/heaven?