Neo Xzhan
04-26-2002, 11:32 PM
So who know's the serie Shinzo???

Green Arrow
04-27-2002, 11:46 AM
Never heard of it or seen it. How bout a little run down for me and people whom have never seen it. You know, good points, bad points, stuff like that.

Magic Knight Rayearth
04-27-2002, 07:43 PM
shizo, the protector?

that's an ok anime.... the drawing are generally ok, the plot liitle bit chilididh (sorry about all the spelling mistake).
but the "effect" (figthning shooting etc.) are great.
well, it's worth watching but not buying...

04-27-2002, 09:57 PM
I thought this was pretty good. But Yakumo tends to scream a lot. That's the downfall.
Aww, those kittens are sweet aren't they? They remind me of Moogles. I suppose 'Shinzo' can be quite funny...

Neo Xzhan
04-28-2002, 01:19 AM
Mushra was kinda funny and his Hyper mode Mushrambo rocks, true that Yakumo screams alot but that is not a reason for not watching it.

04-28-2002, 11:13 AM
I've seen it and it's a rather childish plot. Really childish and well it's like a post pok�mon anime Imo. You have the pok�mon kiddies, and then the real anime young ones, in between there could be shinzo.
It looks nice and it got 1 cool looking Villian, semi hero I believe, That Yakumo tends to be annoying with her no violence rules though o_O

05-18-2002, 03:07 PM
Hmm.. But, what is up with the ending! I mean, Mushra dies and goes to join the Guardians right? So why is he on Enterra (is that how u spell it???)
I liked this proggramme a lot! I like Gundam betta!

05-22-2002, 04:36 PM
Originally posted by Makoto-Tribal

Hmm.. But, what is up with the ending! I mean, Mushra dies and goes to join the Guardians right? So why is he on Enterra (is that how u spell it???)

I know what you mean. I think Enterans (sp?) are capable of being revived, as long as their cards aren't damaged. That's why we see Mushra in the end. Do you remember when Benka and the others say something like...'Come on lets go find Mushra' that's because they knew he was gonna be revived.

Originally posted by Tekno

That Yakumo tends to be annoying with her no violence rules though o_O

Yeah, a real 'party-pooper' isn't she?

05-24-2002, 11:13 AM
Yeah.. So why do Mushraa and Yakumo say they are gonna be together? And whats with that card Mushraa was holding???

05-27-2002, 10:45 AM
Not a clue! 5 minutes ago, I thought it was the name of a rapper.