01-26-2008, 03:05 PM
I am. I really am. A crack baby brought up on crack and who has now become a dealer.

I just got it for Christmas and I am completely and utterly hooked. The battle system is the best in a FF yet, all the characters (minus Penelo) are superb, the license and gambit systems are just lovely and the world and music wets my whistle.

I'm seriously debating it in my head to if this is my favorite FF of all time. I'm genuinely impressed with the game so far. Biggie style and all that jazz.

Oh, and I'm just crossing the sandsea if anyone is wondering. 24 hrs in.

Fantastic! :D

01-26-2008, 06:45 PM
Its a great game, play it and finish it before putting it in your order of your favorites, cause I thought a little of the same too. It is a awesome game though, definitely one of the best.

Trance Moogle
01-26-2008, 09:34 PM
I was a little skeptical of the battle system at first but it really is easy to get used to and enjoyable.

01-26-2008, 09:48 PM
Definitely one of the best games on the PS2. I loved the battle system and the music!

01-26-2008, 10:28 PM
yeah a great game, the battle system is top draw.

01-26-2008, 10:55 PM
Don't burn youself out, Denny.

I took it in 80 hour shifts, and still ended up taking a 6 month break.

01-26-2008, 11:12 PM
Yes it is long as hell. There is a lot of time to be put into it.

01-26-2008, 11:14 PM
I play a small bit every night. Although, for years now I haven't had the patience (or the bum) to play for more than 2 hrs in one sitting. I'm taking it pretty slowly compared to my old way of playing games.

Tonight I had a nice 2 hrs of leveling up at the sandsea fighting those Tuskan Raider lookalikes. Also, I'm using Vann and Balthier and I switch between Basch and Fran depending on the situation. I think I'll stick with Fran though.

01-26-2008, 11:26 PM
Overrated Rabbit :mad:

jewess crabcake
01-26-2008, 11:44 PM
Yeah it's a great game, nut it'd be a spectacular game if the characters had a battle personality, everyone can wield/equip/cast everything. Atleast the quickenings are personal.

01-27-2008, 12:05 AM
meh.. i dont mind that about the game, although they can all do the same things, i find myself leaning particular people to certain jobs..

01-27-2008, 01:53 AM
Same as Kneg, although my break was closer to a year.

jewess crabcake
01-27-2008, 01:56 AM
I took a massive break as well... uuh I think it's been 7-9 months.

01-27-2008, 01:58 AM
:) We all seemed to come back at the same time. Isn't it fun? After I get done with trying the speed run again, I'm going to redo a proper playthrough. And maybe I'll be able to get all the goodies this time + I won't be stumbling around like an idiot like I did the first time I played through the game.

01-27-2008, 05:45 AM
Tonight I had a nice 2 hrs of leveling up at the sandsea fighting those Tuskan Raider lookalikes.

I thought they looked kind of like Jawas...maybe its the robes...idk

01-27-2008, 06:00 AM
Ha. More of this game making us think of Star Wars...

Denny, have you met Biggs and Wedge yet? Though I don't think they're called that in this one; I seem to recall that they used anagrams.

01-27-2008, 06:03 AM
Gibbs & Deweg

01-28-2008, 01:24 PM
Ha. More of this game making us think of Star Wars...

Denny, have you met Biggs and Wedge yet? Though I don't think they're called that in this one; I seem to recall that they used anagrams.

Nope. Not yet. :)

Update-I've crossed the sandsea and I'm now in the temple of Raithwall (spelling?). The Garuda outside of the entrance was a pretty tough fight imo. Was there even a way of getting advice from the Tuskan Raider look-a-likes on how to beat it?.

Also, that Demonwall was a little tricky too. I eventually beat using a chain of 3 Quickenings though.

Marshall Lee
01-28-2008, 04:27 PM
Nope. Not yet. :)

Update-I've crossed the sandsea and I'm now in the temple of Raithwall (spelling?). The Garuda outside of the entrance was a pretty tough fight imo. Was there even a way of getting advice from the Tuskan Raider look-a-likes on how to beat it?.

Also, that Demonwall was a little tricky too. I eventually beat using a chain of 3 Quickenings though.

The following cinematic fot the Esper battle is almost a "whoa moment". Its still my fave esper :D

01-28-2008, 05:47 PM
Denny -- Gibbs and Deweg are optional, but I'll give you a hint -- search around Nalbina.

01-28-2008, 08:28 PM
There was a sidequest back in the Sandsea - by defeating a tortoise you'd eventually be given some berries to use against the Garuda...I didn't actually use the berries, but they're supposed to knock quiet a bit of HP off, as they're darkness oriented and Garudas are holy-elemental creatures. It's a lot of running around, and while it makes the fight easier, you still defeated the Garuda without them.

Oh, those Demonwalls...I beat them both (without quickenings; I just never really think about them at the time) and I'm glad to hear you're enjoying the game.

I do echo everyone who warns you not to get burned out by playing like a madman. I'm in the middle of my second playthrough and I'm taking a semi-forced break (I'm at university, the PS2's two hours away) but I'm much enjoying it. I'm trying to acquire the Tournesol and I'm going crazy (Empyreal Souls don't fall out of the sky, unfortunately...) so it's nice not having to scheme.

01-28-2008, 09:42 PM
i took a break from it in like august, and just havn't started again, and its annoying because i know when i eventually do decide to carry on, il have to start from the beggining, because i like keeping up to date with the story line.
plus im replaying ff x anyway. so it was a kind of pointless post .

02-03-2008, 10:44 PM
I'm at lvl.70+ doing side quest. I JUST got Reddas into the party so you should know where I'm at. I kinda chill on it because I (actually) don't like slaying monsters with so much ease. It's like, I know I can destroy the final boss(es), and that kind of turns me off. But once I collect Zodiarc & give Yiazmat a run for his money (or vice versa), I plan on returning to the main storyline

02-04-2008, 01:21 AM
If that's where you're at, it's already too late. The final boss is beatable at much lower levels. At those levels, you're going to absolutely ruin him.

02-04-2008, 01:29 PM
I found Giibs and Deweg. Actually, I met them before you gave me that tip but I never got the Biggs and Wedge reference. :)

Also, just about to cross the Giza Plains during the rain season but hanging back to level up and catch up on some hunts.

02-04-2008, 03:11 PM
i have started playing it again, but just doing the hunts and side quests i can, beacuse im replaying FFX at the moment aswell, so im kind of mixing it up. but i find myself being drawn away from X,, what is this im feeling.. could XII be better then X..??

02-04-2008, 03:25 PM
i have started playing it again, but just doing the hunts and side quests i can, beacuse im replaying FFX at the moment aswell, so im kind of mixing it up. but i find myself being drawn away from X,, what is this im feeling.. could XII be better then X..??

Well, to me, FF X is one of the most boring game in the series. And FFXII's gameplay was just so addictive to me that this question is a no brainer.

FFXII pwns FFX all the way.

02-04-2008, 03:50 PM
i agree with what you are saying, apart from X being boring, i can't see why you would label it as that. As far as XII goes, your right about the gameplay being addictive, and the game itself is alot bigger, which is a plus, the characters are alot better then some of the ones in X, with the big exception of vaan, i mean, this guy is just terrible. But to summarize, i would say XII is better than X. Do you mind me asking why you think X is boring?

02-04-2008, 03:58 PM
I already went through a lot of it in an other thread some few months ago. And it went into a long debate with some of the regulars here. I don't think I want to start an other one here. But you're free to PM me if you really want to know.