01-26-2008, 05:54 AM
I've leveled my characters so high that I can't move on the sphere grid because I have no level 3 or 4 locks. All my characters are in overdrive and so are my aeons. I have beaten Seymour three times and I'm on the sky guardian but he burserks my people and I can never keep Yuna alive. Anyone have any hints besides "stay behind him" cuz that's all im getting. I am so close to beating FFx its not even funny plezz do help

01-31-2008, 05:26 AM
I've leveled my characters so high that I can't move on the sphere grid because I have no level 3 or 4 locks. All my characters are in overdrive and so are my aeons. I have beaten Seymour three times and I'm on the sky guardian but he burserks my people and I can never keep Yuna alive. Anyone have any hints besides "stay behind him" cuz that's all im getting. I am so close to beating FFx its not even funny plezz do help

Easy, go back to the caves and get tons of musks from the one eyed bats, then get berserkproof. Btw, Yojimbo gets 2 turns instead of only 1 turn like the rest of em do. So pay the poor bastard some gil, say like 10000 and he just might do something special. Make sure you use him right off, cause that will help you get more turns once he kills the aeon. Auron should break his magic defence, and rikku should make some cool bombs to throw on it. And yuna or tidus should be the healer.

02-02-2008, 03:21 AM
ok ya thankx u know how u have to fight sin after yunalesca
i got up to the part when ur on sin but thats as far as i can get cuz i always die
got any tips????

02-02-2008, 09:04 PM
where are you getting killed?? when you have to fight the fins? or later? can you be more specific?

02-03-2008, 03:22 AM
o sorry its after u beat the fins
he always gets his overdrive when ever i come close to killing him and i die

02-03-2008, 05:44 PM
yeah its a bit tough this fight, you can't defend against the overdrive so don't worry about trying to heal and stuff right before he is about to do it. if his next turn is his overdrive, hit him with every thing you've got. your best bet is to start off using haste. and when your close enough hit it with armour break, and quick hit. if you have some skill spheres, you could teach quick hit to other people as long as someone knows it already. dont bother with the aeons, apart from bahumut, use megaflare right at the end, as long as you are sure it will finish the battle. if you get really desperate, try spare change, 100,000 gil will do 9999 damage. i also dont think you can win this fight without a bit of luck, so dont worry if you loose, just keep trying.
also i cant remember if you can, but if you are able to get your overdrives ready before the battle, then obviously you should do this.

02-03-2008, 11:58 PM
so do u have to use spare change or is it one of those things that would help
cuz i dont have enough gil to do that

02-04-2008, 11:32 AM
no, you dont have to use spare change, its just if your about to be destroyed by the overdrive, you need to get as much damage in as possible, so its just a last resort, not a neccesity.

02-04-2008, 10:00 PM
and wouldnt it be better to use all my aeons overdrives

02-04-2008, 10:27 PM
If you use all your aeons' overdrives you won't have time to finish it off - aeon overdrives take up far too much time recovering.

02-05-2008, 12:53 AM
ok I guess that dose make sense, but what about your characters overdrives. should i only use the ones that do the most damage and not even bother with the other ones.

02-05-2008, 10:13 PM
Characters overdrives are generally OK, because your other 2 characters can keep hurting him. Just keep hitting him with your best attacks, then High Summon Bahamut at the last minute.

02-10-2008, 01:14 AM
so i would be best off with having Tidus do haste on every one. Then have Auron, Lulu, and Tidus do there overdrives and maybe Rikku. Then have Auron do power break. Then at last minute use Bahamut and have him do his overdrive wouldn't I?????

hey i think i am finely getting the hang of final fantasy X, thanks!!!!!!

execrable gumwrapper
02-10-2008, 01:22 AM
You should have tried for the damage limit break sphere (forgot actual name) The one that lets you cause damage beyond 9999.

02-10-2008, 01:25 AM
i don't know what your talking about, but when i use Bahamut i cause more damage than 9999

02-11-2008, 06:24 PM
Yeah, Bahumut has Break damage limit as soon as you get him. but you need to do side quests to get the rest. I did, i got tidus's ultimate weapon up to its best, then, even his original overdrive does like 17000 damage, plus if you have his overdrive gauge set to warrior, it will go up well quick if you have haste/quick hit..

02-12-2008, 02:36 PM
You don't need the break damage limit though to beat Sin though, at the beginning focus on protecting yourself and use Hastega, as Sin is out of range is better to use this time to try and raise your stats with spells like cheer, aim ect...
Then as soon as Sin is in Range hit him with all you have got, use Bahamuts overdrive at the last minute, and spare change is useful.
Basically it's what everyone else has just said, but what you decide to do with the time when Sin is out of range, can really determin the battle's outcome.

02-16-2008, 02:15 AM
ok i think i get it now!!! thank you all :)