04-26-2002, 07:03 PM
Is it just me or does anyone else think that Sakura Diaries was the worst anime ever created

04-27-2002, 03:10 AM
There are worse ones, trust me. One of the worst anime I've ever seen is Steel Angel Kurumi. That ones is just plain bad. I hated it so much. The art and animation is nice, I guess, and the character design are okay. The story, however, I disliked. It's hard to explain why it's bad. You'll have to watch it yourself and find out why.

Oh, and of course, Final Fantasy Unlimited. I wonder why it's even classified as anime. The art is the worst I've seen. Worse than anime from the 80's(*ahem*dragon ball, akira, etc*ahem*).

Star Ocean EX is also really bad. The story is so damn predictable. The art is mediocre, but I could never get into the plot line. It's boring.

And since this is about bad anime, I have to mention Dragon Ball somewhere. By Dragon Ball i mean all of them. DB, DBZ, DBGT, they're all the same crap. They all belong in the same place, the trash.

04-27-2002, 04:55 AM
Originally posted by megalomania

Oh, and of course, Final Fantasy Unlimited. I wonder why it's even classified as anime. The art is the worst I've seen. Worse than anime from the 80's(*ahem*dragon ball, akira, etc*ahem*).

Haha!! So true. Final Fantasy Unlimited was so bad it actually made me laugh. I am not joking.

Sakura Diaries was a waste of my $4 dollars that I rented it for. (Wait...$4 isn't that much...hmmph...why am I complaining...) Some aspects of it were good, but I wouldn't recommend it to my dear friends.

Ah yes, DB Series bashing. Here it goes. I always see the DB story plots being recycled and recycled. Sure, there are some twists (teaching Goten and Trunks how to fuse) (Piccolo driving), but still, that isn't enough to change the fact that I don't like it. SOOO MUCH TALKING!

I don't like (start throwing the trash and discarded vegetables and fruits at me...) Pokemon and Digimon. At some moments, it is funny, but the storyline for both of them kinda get repetitive. Just like DBZ.

One more...how about Yu-Gi-Oh! ? I'm not sure if Yu-Gi-Oh! is an anime, but it gets soooooo boring. When they fight, they always talk to themselves and have flashbacks and then the episode ends...:notgood: Just like DBZ...SOOO MUCH TALKING! The storyline is one of the weirdest I've ever seen...

O.K. done....argue with me by P.M., because I don't want this thread to become spammy. *swarmed with angry P.M.'s* Uh oh...

04-27-2002, 05:08 AM
Eh, yeah, Final Fantasy Unlimited was terriblep. And I actually liked the Sakura Diaries. ;D

04-27-2002, 09:28 AM
I think the worst animes are usualy video games gone to movies. Battle Arena Toshinden was an okay anime, but it had nothing to do with the game itself, and hardly included any of the fighters other than Eiji and Kayin. The Fatal Furie series was pretty good, and the Street Fighter ones...well....hmm. Anyway, I've yet to see the Darkstalkers movie, but I'm sure it'll be worth renting....

Other wise, I think it'd have to be those ones that deal with space. Gundam, Cowboy Bebop, etc.

Green Arrow
04-27-2002, 11:43 AM
I have seen quite a bit of anime, well what can be called quite a bit in Australia, but I think the worst ones I have seen would be Bubblegum Crisis 2040, I am not really a fan of this anime, dunno why. I think the story and stuff is whack. Also I saw some anime called Elicia, which I don't really classify as anime, coz the drawings were weird looking, not really japanese style at all.
I heard Sakura was trash so I never bothered renting it, this solidified my reasoning for not watching it a whole lot more.

04-27-2002, 01:35 PM
I have seen the first episode of The Hakkenden. I must say I kind of hate this series. Not only that this first episode was ugly , the story was just uhm... erh... I forgot... uninteresting and dull... ...
The Hakkenden had been released on tape and when it had no success, the company decided that Germany obviously was not interested in Samurai anime and thus did not release Kenshin.
That�s why. :D

Yes... Yu-Gi-Oh is an anime, and a kind of famous one. I think the art is... exceptional... and I might get a glance on the manga or the anime when they get here... but it must be true... it seems to be one of those shows... ;)

Allow me to mention a manga called Samurai Depper Kyo. I bought it because it reminded me on Kenshin. See, if you compare the first page of Kyo with the first page of Kenshin.... it is identical .
And again, if you compare the episode with the "pickpocket that does not want to have to steal anymore"... it is an exact copy of the Yahiko episode from Kenshin.
The only exceptional thing about this manga is that all the girls are constantly naked... :eye:

04-27-2002, 06:44 PM
One of the worst anime(it's anime, huns, not animes... there are never an "s" added to the end of any Japanese word) I've ever seen was Agent Aika: Naked Mission.

I would of liked it if there weren't so many damn uneccasary panty shots!

04-28-2002, 04:06 PM
But... it is Aika, what did you expect? :D What would Aika be without the Panty Shots ? Certainly not Aika... *roflmao*
Anyway, you are right...

04-28-2002, 09:31 PM
Final Fantasy Unlimited. Its for kids. Die you!

04-29-2002, 01:15 AM
im not sure, if batman beyond is one, it is. Thundercats(if).

04-29-2002, 01:37 AM
Pokemon, Digimon...yuck...the stories in those are so horribly repetiteve I could puke...

Cowboy Bebop is awesome!!! I never liked gundam much, except stardust memory. But yeah, just cuz its space doesnt make it bad!

David F
04-29-2002, 05:21 AM
Revolutionary Girl Utena the movie. Goddamn the producers actually thought they can compress an entire long standing series into 2 fucking hours!? It was the most horrible in terms of story telling, the sheer amount of incoherence is insane! The story just jumps from one part of the series to the next. You cannot CANNOT fit years worth of a series into one 2 hour movie it's just not possible. It's like trying to fit the entire Sailormoon series into a 2 hour flick, not possible without making the story into an incoherent piece of crap. My point the damn movie didn't make any damn sense.

04-29-2002, 05:27 PM
One series in two hours? Take the first part of the Rurouni Kenshin Seisouhen OVA: It�s something like ten mangas in about 15 minutes. Of course they left out a lot of dialogues, and a lot of characters, and oh, the plot. And then they decided to give the anime the most horrible ending you could imagine... Hahaha...
Beat that. It�s worst.

I don�t seem to be able to stop complaining about this piece of crap... help me, someone.

04-29-2002, 05:49 PM
Originally posted by SeksToyVash
One of the worst anime(it's anime, huns, not animes... there are never an "s" added to the end of any Japanese word) I've ever seen was Agent Aika: Naked Mission.

I would of liked it if there weren't so many damn uneccasary panty shots!

But, anime is a French word...

Anyway, the worst anime I've seen to date would have to be Dragon Ball Z. The character designs all look the same... Sorry, if anyone is offended, but it's what I believe.

Also, X the Movie could have been much, much better if they had just made the movie longer to explain some stuff more. Now I have to go read Tokyo Babylon and X/1999... >_<

BTW, was anyone else disappointed with the final battle scene only lasting a few seconds. Very dramatic though, but I would have liked a bit more sword clashing. Plus, the entire story ended up being sad.


04-30-2002, 03:56 AM
i would say zoids..but i havent seen it much. so i'm not gonna say it sucks ass when i've only seen 4 eps. is anyone familiar with something called..."Totally Spies"? FUCK!!! i...*holds it in* can't believe they..*having trouble holding it in* made such crap!! *couldnt hold it in no more* *PUKES!!!!!*

i forgot to check the ending credits for the origin of this piece of crap along with the names of the artist cause it was hard for me to tell if it was really an anime or not. americanised perhaps..thus..not really i suppose. someone help me out with this.

aside from that...


actually, i dont mind that in dbz. they either make me crack up with the funny shit they say or make me ponder the plausability of the REAL existance of dragonballs or a saiyan race as they describe the deeper parts of the story (aka history) thus far, i have been able to conclude that goku might have been born in the year 2000 (or later) in our timline. so i'm getting ready to steal bulmas dragon radar when the time comes. (yes, dbz fans like me think the dragon balls really exist. dont mind me. i'm nuts :p)

I don't like (start throwing the trash and discarded vegetables and fruits at me...) Pokemon and Digimon. At some moments, it is funny, but the storyline for both of them kinda get repetitive. Just like DBZ.

quote me on this. (a quote i made) but imo, if you took out all the morals and values of pokemon, you'd have a pretty damn good show! -Tact ;)

The only exceptional thing about this manga is that all the girls are constantly naked...

ah so your saying that this manga is a must buy? cool. thanks for the info.:p

One of the worst anime(it's anime, huns, not animes... there are never an "s" added to the end of any Japanese word) I've ever seen was Agent Aika: Naked Mission.

I would of liked it if there weren't so many damn uneccasary panty shots!

ah. so your saying that "anime" would be written in katekana? (or kanji perhaps?) cause hirigana is for foriegn words. and if anime is essentially a foreign word..there could be exceptions.

and what's wrong with panty shots!?:mad:

05-01-2002, 02:06 AM
Yu-Gi-Oh talking sucks....DBZ talking is not as bad, most of the time you get a great scene after it is over and it sets a tone.....sorta like an RPG.... a whole lot of talking and then a whole lot of fighting, then back to the talking

05-01-2002, 04:43 AM
i would say zoids..but i havent seen it much. so i'm not gonna say it sucks ass when i've only seen 4 eps...

I'd pick Zoids, but I don't take it seriously enought to think of it in a bad light. (Taking Zoids serously is only going to cause you to have mecha anime based nightmares.) I'd have to pick... oh I can't even remember the name it was so fucking awful.

You know they should write an rpg that follows the whole Dragaonball series from the beginning of DB to the end of GT. It would be really long @$$.

actually, i dont mind that in dbz. they either make me crack up with the funny shit they say or make me ponder the plausability of the REAL existance of dragonballs or a saiyan race as they describe the deeper parts of the story (aka history) thus far, i have been able to conclude that goku might have been born in the year 2000 (or later) in our timline. so i'm getting ready to steal bulmas dragon radar when the time comes. (yes, dbz fans like me think the dragon balls really exist. dont mind me. i'm nuts :p)

Yes you are... Everyone knows that Goku will not come to Earth untill 2012. :D

05-01-2002, 05:31 AM
In my opinion, both Final Fantasy Animes.... O_o

Oh well... Square tried and failed outside of Videogaming X_X

05-02-2002, 06:44 AM
Yes you are... Everyone knows that Goku will not come to Earth untill 2012

yeah. i got that date marked on my calendar! :D

05-02-2002, 09:33 AM
From what I have seen, Dbz !!
My god, that anime is lame. So called suspense and such and ever lasting minutes and 1 minute short weeks o_O and not to mention the frequent name changes and such =D
Haven't seen that many lame animes, since I usually skip them ^.^

05-04-2002, 06:59 AM
I hate Yu-Gi-Oh! Why does that kid have such a damn deep voice?!?! It's not right I tell you! There are others that I've seen when I was younger but I don't remeber thier names (cause they sucked!)

05-04-2002, 10:23 AM
I didn't know Anime was french. I though it stood for Japanese Animation. Actually, it does.

I believe that the worst one would be..................maybe, wait it's Astro Boy. Man that's lame.

05-04-2002, 05:11 PM
Originally posted by Cloud
I didn't know Anime was french. I though it stood for Japanese Animation. Actually, it does.

I believe that the worst one would be..................maybe, wait it's Astro Boy. Man that's lame.

No no, Anime is a french word that the Japanese took. I forgot how the whole story went. But, yes Anime is french for animation. So, technically it's a french word, but anime the art is not french.

Just to clear up any confusion....

05-04-2002, 06:01 PM
Weading Peach, or whatever it was. Good grief, the art was kinda medioker, and then there was the story line......ech....and the way they powered up into, well some sort of weading dress powered up things....

You get the idea.

05-05-2002, 09:20 PM
Forget I said... anything!

*puts on Baka hat, sits in corner*

05-05-2002, 09:47 PM
Originally posted by Mint
Weading Peach, or whatever it was. Good grief, the art was kinda medioker, and then there was the story line......ech....and the way they powered up into, well some sort of weading dress powered up things....

You get the idea.

Whahahaahaha, but you haven�t even heard the German TV dub for this anime!!! Wedding Peach... Oh god... you are so right...

Lady Fett
05-09-2002, 04:45 PM
Hmm, I actually like DBZ. Haven't seen Sakura Diaries yet. But, I will just to see what all the fuss is about. I think the worst Anime I've seen is Legend Of Crystiana. (I'm not sure about the spelling on it, but it's not worth my time to look it up.) It might have had a good plot. But, I quit watching it only a few moments into the show because of the boxy... crappy animation. Ergh. If it's not eye candy, don't expect me to watch it all unless the plot catches me right off the bat. Legend Of Crystiana didn't catch my attention with plor or animation. So I dropped it in favor of something new. Heehee.


03-18-2004, 10:47 PM
DBZ sucks in my opinion although the game is good stress relief, but that sucks too..i was watching the comercial for DBGT, that was the funniest thing because in every shot someone was either throwing a punch,kicking someone,blasting someone, or preparing to blast someone. No sense of plot whatsoever,which provides for good comedy relief. :p

Jelsh Neorith
03-19-2004, 12:05 AM
DBZ wasn't that bad but Cardcaptor Sakura, Yu-Gi-Oh were ''that'' bad

03-19-2004, 12:36 AM
I liked Sakura Diaries. It wasn't anything impressive, but it was entertaining, and that was good enough for me.

I thought Black Heaven was pretty terrible. And even though I still have a certain fondness for DBZ, I'm certainly not going to defend it to anybody. All those shows like Digimon, Yu-gi-oh, and such are pretty awful, but I suppose they really only exist to be marketing schemes.

I like the new one they just started showing on cartoon network though. Something with card in the title.

Kurando Shintaba
08-24-2007, 06:39 AM
Cowboy bebop was a good show.....

Mario Kinnikuman
08-24-2007, 06:49 AM
Had you posted three years faster, someone might have given a damn.

08-24-2007, 01:00 PM
any romantic lovey dovey mangas and animes, yuck dude, my girlfriend loves that stuff, makes me itchy to watch and read.

08-24-2007, 02:28 PM
There's already a worst anime (Thread 328) thread on the front page. Reviving this one was pointless and stupid.