01-22-2008, 10:20 PM
IDK...what did you people think of the ending/final battles?... I personally thought that the ending was one of those endings that you had to bust your ass to get to but wasn't as good as you would think...thats just my opinion, what do you people think?...

And I am guessing that this thread will draw criticism or there has been a thread like this already....

01-22-2008, 10:21 PM
I'm happy drawing my own conclusions. Also, there's always Revenant Wings now :)

01-22-2008, 10:26 PM
I actually liked the ending. It said what needed to be said (where all the main characters ended up) and left things open for a sequel (i.e. Revenant Wings)

01-22-2008, 10:33 PM
I am not a fan of either Vaan or Penelo, as I never felt they were really a part of anything. Their presence in the game was unnecessary. Their most significant impact, for me, was to take away from the experience and resolution of the story of Basch (the real hero), along with that of Balthier and Fran, who actually felt like adventurers at the very least - not just haphazard tag-alongs.

As such, with such a cast of protagonists, I couldn't expect great things from the ending; I anticipated something only as average as the plot leading up to it - and it fit.

For what it's worth, I agree with Slavka in that it tied up loose ends, as endings should do.

01-22-2008, 10:51 PM
It said what needed to be said (where all the main characters ended up)

I will give it that. It did bring everything to a conclusion. Some games don't hav ethe courtesy to do that.

01-22-2008, 10:54 PM
I've never seen the problem with liking Penelo and Vaan as just Penelo and Vaan :)

I'm biased, though :o

01-22-2008, 11:09 PM
Come to think of it, I didn't really like Penelo either. She really only played a part in the storyline near the beginning before you are taken to Nalbina. I only disliked Vaan because his abs annoyed me...they were completely flat...

01-22-2008, 11:11 PM
He proudly sharpees them on every morning.

01-22-2008, 11:18 PM
I've never seen the problem with liking Penelo and Vaan as just Penelo and Vaan :)

Nothing against anyone who does. I just felt they didn't deserve to be around. I have a thing against characters who don't really have a role to play in the big picture. In this case, it's two kids with no battle training or any real worldly experience, along with no further reason beyond that of any other insignificant NPC to get involved, fighting side-by-side with one of Dalmasca's finest soldiers, royalty, and two wily, adventurous and experienced sky pirates.

01-24-2008, 12:05 AM
I didn't find this game's plot to have any impact at all. It's more convoluted than any of the other Final Fantasy games I've played so far. Not to say I disliked the game - the story is all that really needed work. Therefore, I wasn't really expecting a 'killer' ending. Revenant Wings more than makes up for that.

Their most significant impact, for me, was to take away from the experience and resolution of the story of Basch (the real hero), along with that of Balthier and Fran, who actually felt like adventurers at the very least - not just haphazard tag-alongs.


01-26-2008, 12:10 AM
The ending was alright for me. It is the first FF game where I did not cry. I was just happy to FINALLY beat the game, even though I had a million things to do.

01-26-2008, 12:22 AM
It was an ok ending. I agree, I busted ass and didnt get the ending I thought I would get. I wish they would have shown what happend to Balthier and Fran. I'm aware that there is Revenant Wings, but it would have been nice. great game though. There could have been just a little bit more depth to the ending I thought, just my lame opinon tho

01-26-2008, 07:28 PM
Mediocre, like most of the story.

01-28-2008, 07:09 AM
This game was, by far, the poorest Final Fantasy in regards to characters and storyline that I think Square ever made.. Guess that's been said by more people then just me, since I understand the CEO of Sony Entertainment agreed that this one lacked, well, characters and storyline.. I didn't feel it was a bad game, but it sure lacked the development we've all come to expect from the FF series.. I think Square got in too much of a hurry to get out a new FF and, sadly, let their need for greed outweigh their concern for their usual superb craftsmanship in their game's design.. Since I have no doubt many dedicated gamers have let Square know, in no uncertain terms, their displeasure with many aspects of this game, it's to be hoped they will do a much better job next time..
On a different note, as I played a lot of this game with Penelo solo, shield only, no weapon, and she kicked ass with the best of them, I wish you all would just quit picking on her.. Dynamite comes in small packages and if you haven't even tried soloing with her then you definitely have no room to talk bad about her.. She's also the fastest thief in the game, if you ask me..

01-28-2008, 07:01 PM
Tbh I prefer FFXII's characters and storyline to FFVII's.

01-28-2008, 07:58 PM
This game was, by far, the poorest Final Fantasy in regards to characters and storyline that I think Square ever made.. Guess that's been said by more people then just me, since I understand the CEO of Sony Entertainment agreed that this one lacked, well, characters and storyline.. I didn't feel it was a bad game, but it sure lacked the development we've all come to expect from the FF series.. I think Square got in too much of a hurry to get out a new FF and, sadly, let their need for greed outweigh their concern for their usual superb craftsmanship in their game's design.. Since I have no doubt many dedicated gamers have let Square know, in no uncertain terms, their displeasure with many aspects of this game, it's to be hoped they will do a much better job next time..

What the hell are you talking about. FF XII is the game in the series that had the longest production period. But I guess you were just in a hurry to show off your ignorance. Just because you don't like the changes made doesn't mean they didn't put as much energy into it as in any other entries in the series (and I would gamble that they've put a lot more into this one than any other before).

As for the rest, The game is either praised for its changes (many consider its gameplay to be addictive), or disliked for the same reason. Who should S-E listen to?

02-23-2008, 10:26 PM
This game was, by far, the poorest Final Fantasy in regards to characters and storyline that I think Square ever made.. Guess that's been said by more people then just me, since I understand the CEO of Sony Entertainment agreed that this one lacked, well, characters and storyline.. I didn't feel it was a bad game, but it sure lacked the development we've all come to expect from the FF series.. I think Square got in too much of a hurry to get out a new FF and, sadly, let their need for greed outweigh their concern for their usual superb craftsmanship in their game's design.. Since I have no doubt many dedicated gamers have let Square know, in no uncertain terms, their displeasure with many aspects of this game, it's to be hoped they will do a much better job next time..
On a different note, as I played a lot of this game with Penelo solo, shield only, no weapon, and she kicked ass with the best of them, I wish you all would just quit picking on her.. Dynamite comes in small packages and if you haven't even tried soloing with her then you definitely have no room to talk bad about her.. She's also the fastest thief in the game, if you ask me..

Final Fantasy V would take that title, I think.

I have a few things to say on this one. Firstly, change is not always a good thing, but Square-Enix's decision to bring new battle elements to Final Fantasy have only failed (in my opinion) a few times. Examples being Final Fantasy Tactics and Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicals. This is not one of those times.

As far as the storyline. I think that it is good that Final Fantasy has returned to more or less the roots of their previous installments (exampled by Final Fantasy VI and II the best). It didn't throw you into anything too quickly, everything came at a slow and easy pace pertaining to introduction fo cherictors, etc. And the story was just plain amazing. It is no Final Fantasy X, but it is still amazing.

And as for the ending (Which is what this thread is all about in the first place), I judge the worth of my games I buy by the ending and how it impacts me, which is one of the main reasons why Final Fantasy X is my favorite game and the one that was most worth my money. Final Fantasy XII's ending was pretty to look at, but that is it. It is not horrible, but it could be better by far. However, the gameplay/ overall game experiance made it well worth the money.

03-02-2008, 05:56 PM
the ending was okay. it wasn't that great or that bad, like the story.. i think the mediocre storyline is made up by awesome battle system though. They should have made Basch or Balthier the main guy, not Vaan..

03-02-2008, 08:56 PM
It was alright, I think they wanted a grand ending like FF 7, 8 and so forth but over all I give it a 8 on the scale of 1-10.

They get the basic tieing up loose ends but still it leaves you wanting a little more . FF 4, 5 ( somewhat) and 6 are great examples of tieing up loose ends and giving a really well earned ending.

03-03-2008, 09:11 PM
They should have made Basch or Balthier the main guy, not Vaan..

Funny, because Balthier says he plays the leading man when you first meet him and during the last FMV/FMA...

03-03-2008, 09:13 PM
Funny how I never really liked Balthier.