04-26-2002, 01:42 AM
this is a story i am creating, here's part on, i'll work on part two in a bit. have fun!


Zenlong, once a beautiful land of laughter and colors, has faded away. All due to the many treacherous wars that have occured on that face of the planet. Many lives have been taken away and they all can finally rest in peace, peace that no longer remains in this region.
After the wars have finally stopped, humans and creatures slaughtered everywhere, only 2 men and 1 women were left alive. They managed to survive the harsh Wars of Eternal, and settled in a nearby hut at the edge of the woods and talked things over.
"I say we work together and build a colony of thousands and thousands of civilians and train them all to be geat warriors!!" Arcia, the beautiful female with long white silky hair. Arcia was part of an elfish tribe called Nimmo.
"ALL of them be warriors? What about the slaves, who will harvest the crops so we can have food in our bellys? ." Dravine, a man as big as a grizzly bear, and had a long blonde beard, his hair fuzzy and messed up.

The handsome red haired man, named Econ, wearing golden knight armor, decided to speak in, "Yes but, how would we make them co-operate? What if they get sick of working out there in the feilds, blame us for the trouble, and come raiding our place during our nap?"
Dravine grunted, "HAH! Easy! just lock them up in chains and whip them back to work!" "That is so cruel! Locking our own people up in chains and treating them like beasts! Everyone diserves to be respected the way they want to be!" Arcia bangs her fist on the wodden table.
"What, would you rather go threw the trouble of finding scraps of food, wash your own floors, and be the one to mine the gold!?" Dravine stands up from his chair, fists clenched.
"It would be alot better than treating my own people like beasts! We all should be equal! equality is what creates a great nation! And i say we follow by equality! If not, then i will create my OWN!"
Arcia looks at Econ and asks him, "What do YOU have in mind for a colony?" Econ stretches back in his chair, yawns and says ,"Well, choosing Dravine's way would only lead us back to the start, and choosing your way, my lady, would be kinda, ridiculous. I believe this nation should be of Teamwork, Equality, Peace,freedom, pride, and justice."
Arcia goes into a thinking position, taps her head , then, "Hmm, what about the animals, i think we should give a home for the animals, considering we ARE going to be a freedom equality loving peaceful nation.
"Ok lady, you are going way to far now, giving a home for the animals? HAH! Sharing my room with a goat would be the LAST thing i'd allow." A vain forms in Arcia's head, and she looks in Dravine's direction, "How DARE you call animals beasts! They have minds just like we do! They are actually even smarter, only they cannot talk!"
"Then wh don't you just go along and create a little hut in the woods, and you and your animals can bundle up together, then they shall have a home!."
"How abotu you become a slave yourself and see how it feels to be treated that way, or, why dont you go out in the forest to sleep with the animals and insects, to get to know how these animals really are!?"
While the two kept on fighting, Econ smirked, stood up from his chair, walked near the door and said, "I had enough of you two, I'm going to make a nation of my own, the way it should be done."
And that was that. Arcia stopped argueing with Dravine and watched Econ dissapear in the wastelands of Zenlong. "I am going to do the same! I shall create an army of warriors, and challenge you to the ends of this world!" Arcia ran out the door leaving Dravine by himself.
Dravine thought to himself, "I shall build a nation of power and hate, and i shall slaughter that Elf and her army to the grounds of Zenlong, and that shall be the first thing on my list."

Dravine grinned evily, and silently, walked off into the wastelands.

04-26-2002, 04:51 AM
You've got a creative start. What you need now is to flesh it out with more detail! Try to make the people and places come to life a little more. Try to semi-emulate the way professional authors write as best you can, while adding your own unique twist to it. It sounds like you've got quite a saga planned, and it could be a great story if you work at it. Keep writing, it's the best passtime ever =)