01-20-2008, 10:39 PM
Well, after hours on end, I have finally finished what has got to be one of the greatest Nintendo DS titles I've purchased. It was rough choosing between War of the Lions and Revenant Wings, but overall I am suprisingly pleased with my decision to get the latter.

In my opinion, the storyline, although simplified for a broader audience, made the game simply impossible to put down. I play this almost as much as I do my console games, and that is an achievement in its own right. Believe me, I am not so much a fan of RTS as I am a turn-based fan, but this game is one of the few exceptions. It isn't as in-depth as one might think, which makes it easy to pick up and play. Not to say this game doesn't have any downfalls - some of the dialogue is kind of childish and nowhere near as mature as the previous game. Also, some of the battles can get frustrating and repetitive. Despite these shortcomings, the positive aspects of the game far outweigh the negative. The use of the Ring of Pacts makes much better use of espers than in Final Fantasy XII, expanding upon the collection of espers used in the previous game. The game may seem linear towards the beginning, but about halfway through a wide variety of side quests open up; this is when the game really gets fun! With many familiar faces, songs, and themes used in the first game, this sequel was definitely worth my time and money.

Enough rambling about how great I think this game is; I'm curious as to what everyone else thinks of the final product. Thanks in advance for the input.

03-20-2008, 08:23 AM
FF XII: RW was an amazing game, whoa, you had a tough decision with it and FF T(PSP)! I'm still in total shock about how great FF XII: RW was. Whatever errors it had were minor, I'm hoping for a sequel. :)