01-20-2008, 09:58 PM
This is the from the original Japanese soundtrack CD. There are 37 tracks, some of which are the same as in the english game version, but most are completely different:


EDIT: If anyone is interested, here is ripped image pack from the same game. It contains things like character icons, card pictures, and other images:

01-20-2008, 11:30 PM
Thanks a lot for this one, it's a rare one.

Here's the Japanese tracklist:

1. Charge!
2. 逢いたい時には
3. こう見えても昔は�
4. Sunny beat
5. ヒーリング吐息
6. 穴掘るさ!
7. 火炎婁
8. おいしい風
9. Tone Over Metal
10. Tiny
11. Maladjusted
12. ジャンジャンマーチ
13. Mmmechhhanicccalll
14. Junkmaniac
15. 泥酔でーす
16. 無礼講じゃ!
17. My stery
18. トテチテタで行こう!
19. 流氷海峡
20. 聖域
21. 荒野に響く足音
22. 砦者
23. 怨敵退散
24. ゴージャス&デンジャラス
25. Dynochoral
26. Dynochoral quit
27. 私,リゾートしてます
28. 暑い日のパラソルの下
29. 道
30. 重く吹く風は
31. Fairy dizzy
32. 向こう側から呼声
33. ぬかるみ街道
34. 重力満点
35. 決着
36. さよならはいらない
37. はじまりの日

01-23-2008, 04:48 AM
Yeah! Thnaks for the uploading!

Have you the American version? *-*

01-23-2008, 11:06 PM
Yeah! Thnaks for the uploading!

Have you the American version? *-*

No, sorry. The American version has no official soundtrack, but I uploaded a few files that I ripped myself. They can be found in another thread on this site.

01-25-2008, 02:32 AM
=o Ok!

^^ Thanks again!

02-01-2008, 09:04 AM
It can't be downloaded. Something's wrong. Can you tell me,Little Cloud?

02-02-2008, 03:00 AM
It can't be downloaded. Something's wrong. Can you tell me,Little Cloud?

I checked my rapidshare account, and it says that the Digital Card Battle soundtrack has been downloaded 33 times, while the new link for Digimon World 4 has been downloaded once, so it should be working. Have you had problems with rapidshare before?

02-02-2008, 11:27 AM
Mmmm...I'm not sure coz i'm new here.So do you mean in order to download the tracks,i'll just have to click the link? Anyway, thanks for replying. Have a nice day!

02-02-2008, 08:59 PM
Its not working for me it keeps saying the file is corrupt and damaged.

02-03-2008, 05:48 AM
Yeah ,me too,krauserxzero. I am also encountering the same problem.

02-05-2008, 02:59 AM
Is anyone else finding this file corrupted? Most people have said it's all right, but I'd like to help if I can.

02-05-2008, 01:41 PM
Yes,you can. Maybe you could re-upload in somewhere else but not in Megaupload. Oh and this's just a suggestion. Thanks.

02-05-2008, 06:35 PM
I actually would like it on Megaupload but that's me.

02-07-2008, 05:09 PM
Do you have the Digimon World 1/2 rip, Little Cloud?

02-08-2008, 05:55 AM
Do you have the Digimon World 1/2 rip, Little Cloud?

What do you mean by 1/2? *confused* I know that there is a complete rip of DW 1 and 2 here (Thread 41206), some of 3 by me and some other people, and I uploaded the full version of 4.

02-10-2008, 02:00 PM
I mean soundtracks of Digimon World 1 and Digimon World 2. About the link,i 've tried for many times but they were all in vain. Those links have already been deleted That's why i have asked you if you do have soundtracks for DW 1 and 2.

02-10-2008, 02:16 PM
File in RS seem to be working for me

02-10-2008, 09:44 PM
I mean soundtracks of Digimon World 1 and Digimon World 2. About the link,i 've tried for many times but they were all in vain. Those links have already been deleted That's why i have asked you if you do have soundtracks for DW 1 and 2.

Did you ask for the links to be re-uploaded?

02-11-2008, 03:36 AM
Yes, but i was already too late. The uploader has already uploaded once and that was in 2007. He said he would never upload them again if anyone ever miss the chance. The link he used was Megaupload, which is highly unrecommended as it keeps deleting the files we uploaded in.

02-14-2008, 05:50 AM
This link worked for me.
Can someone please rip and upload the fights in Wiseman Tower (in the american version of the game)? Not that actual tower theme, but the theme of the fights in the tower. For example, one of the fights vs TK.

02-25-2008, 03:24 AM
Little Cloud, can you upload the save mode in the Digital Card Battle(US version) where veemon appears?

03-04-2008, 04:20 PM
The links will die in 90 days if they are not used

08-23-2009, 04:59 PM
Thanks!! *--*

08-29-2010, 05:38 AM
Hi all,here's the link to the American version of Digital Card Battle. All credits goes to rykyramirez. Enjoy. :)

08-30-2010, 10:08 PM
Woot! Finally. Thanks a bunch :D

11-05-2010, 10:56 PM
This may seem like a silly reason to bump this topic, but I just needed to clarify why the Japanese version sounds different to the American version. The fact of the matter is that they're two different games. The game that we got is actually "Digimon World: Digital Card Arena", which was a sequel to this game "Digimon World: Digital Card Battle", which was never released in the U.S. One big reason for the confusion is that the American version of "Digimon World: Digital Card Arena" was named "Digimon: Digital Card Battle", which makes it sound too similar to the first game "Digimon World: Digital Card Battle".

I hope that clears things up... if it didn't just outright cause more confusion.

I really wish this game had been released here, though. It's cool that they released the sequel, but what I like about this game is that it takes place on File Island (much like the original, non-card "Digimon World" game). It also had Babamon taking Jijimon's place.

08-21-2011, 09:36 PM
When exactly File City, Digimon World's song is played in the game anyway?

08-23-2011, 11:50 PM
It's played at the start of the game, when you're in File City with Babamon.
[link] (

Again, just as I said in my previous post, this game is not to be confused with the game released in America of almost the same name, which was actually the sequel to this game.

First Card Battle Game - Digimon World: Digital Card Battle - Released in Japan on December 22, 1999 - Never released in America (This is the game this soundtrack is of)
[link] (

Second Card Battle Game - Digimon World: Digital Card Arena - Released in Japan on December 21, 2000 - Released in America June 28, 2001 as "Digimon: Digital Card Battle" (This is the game most people are familiar with)
[link] (

11-11-2014, 01:05 PM
can anybody the album "Digimon World: Digital Card Battle OST ~Japanese/Complete~" Released April 05th, 2000 Catalog No. NECA-30022
in (320kbps) upload again??
because the download links are off.

01-25-2015, 07:20 PM
I second that.

03-31-2015, 09:56 PM