Exiled Archangel
04-25-2002, 10:07 PM
Which are the moments from ff7 that you'll never forget?
You can only say three of them.
For me,the first one is when Cloud have a flashback about the promise that he gave to Tifa when they were kids.(i really like the whole scene)
The second one,is in gold saucer,when Aeris and Cloud going out and spent some time together.
The third moment is when Aeris died.(that moment i was like"...now what?!?!")

Bahamut ZERO
04-25-2002, 11:13 PM
Top 3 moments of Final Fantasy VII??? Gee, what to choose.

***Spoilers.*** (Let's be on the safe side.)

1.) The end of the game. You've beaten Jenova. You've beaten Bizarro Sephiroth. You've beaten Safer Sephiroth. You've done the one on one confrontation with the man himself, Sephiroth. You're shouting at the screen "take that, you bastard!!!" Well, I was anyway. Sephiroth deserved everything you gave him, so seeing him die in the end was fantastic.

2.) Defeating Emerald and Ruby Weapon. The challenge was there for the fans from the US and Europe. I took it up and I won. It took a hell of a lot of effort, but I defeated them. Boy, one hell of a lot of effort.

3.) The friendship between the party. End of disk 2, you've just defeated Hojo, Shinra is down. Cloud offers the party the chance to return home to see their loved ones. "Return only if you're willing" is the general message given. Cloud is left alone with Tifa "I have no-where else to go" Tifa says. So the strong friendship (love, even) between them is shared. And then the rest of the party returns. The bond is so strong that none are willing to turn away at the last obstacle. They ALL have to bond together for that last challenge. What a bunch of great mates.

04-26-2002, 08:35 AM
****possible spoilers*****

1. The beginning of the game; The opening music and seeing Aeris walk around for the first time, seeing Midgar in all it's glory and 'richness' and then they inform you that midgar is bad xD
2. That race thingy on the highway going out off Midgar. I though midgar was big and I would never see the livin daylight o_O That was impressive for the first time (yes, I'm impressed rather quickly)
3. The End of Disc 1. Going to Gaia's cliff, going through the world wind maze. Seeing the highwind in action !! xD and seeing the world become a much more dangerous place and the frustration it brings with you.

Special mention:
Getting controls of the highwind, is a special moment every time :D

Neo Xzhan
04-27-2002, 12:46 AM

1.When Aeris dies, I actuly cried here since the characters u've been playing with u start to care about (don't know why just can't explain).

2.When Cloud and Tifa fall into the lifestream and Cloud gets his act together with the help of Tifa.

3.The end of the game, it makes u wonder about alot of things. How did Cloud and the others continue with their lives. And is that Red XIII at the final FMV???

04-27-2002, 04:59 AM

1) Is where everyone's in the Highwind and they say "There ain't no gettin' offa this train we on!"

2) Would be when Aeris dies (isn't that a kewl part?)

3) Would have to be when you go with what Tifa says outside the ShinRa Building, then you just bash in. Imagine Tifa's face lol:D

04-27-2002, 07:22 PM
1. sephiroth in nibelheim in the flames. absolutely brilliant.

2. train part at corel.

3. aeris at the very start

05-02-2002, 07:51 PM
Humm...I can't say really. That whole game has "special" meaning.

05-03-2002, 03:29 AM

when u go back to nibhelem after clouds crazy break down and u watch zack die...

2. aeris death

3. cait sith double crossing u

05-05-2002, 01:26 PM
well first of all

1. The first time in Yunon.....I was like wow (i liked the city)

2. my first Gold Chocobo

3. first flight with the highwind

05-05-2002, 08:14 PM
1. Knights of the round. That took me about 23 hours just to get, all the breeding and stuff.

2. Beating the weapons

3.End of the game.