01-19-2008, 07:12 PM
Okey, let's start and excuse my english knowledge but I'm going to do it my best:

FINAL FANTASY XII Original Soundtrack -> CD 4 -> Tracks 07, 09 & 10.

Time ago I was looking on my soundtrack for the track that appears at the underground of Pharos Of Ridorana, and I felt that there wasn't any name similar to that location in FINAL FANTASY XII Original Soundtrack so I started to listen all the tracks and I found that it doesn't comes with the soundtrack. But, later, listening carefully I saw that on Track 07 there's like a mix between two songs, and the second song is the underground of Pharos Of Ridorana. Strange... so I decided to check the lenght of my soundtrack with serveral track lists on internet and I saw that all of them shows the next lenghts for those tracks:

TRACK 07 -> 04:16
TRACK 09 -> 05:30
TRACK 10 -> 02:39

But my soundtrack (a codification, not the original) is:

TRACK 07 -> 05:30
TRACK 09 -> 02:40
TRACK 10 -> 04:14

What a surprise.. similar lenghts but "changed themselves"...

- TRACK 10 "Giruvegan's Mystery" is what sounds on the game, okey.

- But, isn't TRACK 09 "Ashe's Theme" what sounds into Giruvegan instead of the Ashe's Theme?, it should be called "The Forgotten Capital" maybe? (I think yes but I'm not sure because I don't know if on the english version that place is called The Forgotten Capital.. I mean where the floor is blue, the place before the crystal).

- Now take a look at the TRACK 07 "The Forgotten Capital", my memories of what sounded on the game could be not exactly but doesn't have that track the sound for two locations?. At the beginning the first one, then at 01:36 changes to the sound for Pharos Of Ridorana's underground and then at 02:39 changes to first one, and changes again on 04:14 to Pharos Of Ridorana's underground?. "First one" is like the Ashe's Theme but I think it's not exactly on that instruments and I remember that this song sounds on any location but I don't remember which one.

Maybe I've a problem with my memories of what sounded on the game... (even this soundtrack gives me so similar sounds on so many tracks so it's a bit confusing, is not like previos soundtracks for previos FINAL FANTASY where every song is clearly different)... so could anybody give me a hand?. First time that a FINAL FANTASY soundtrack gives me confusions at the time that I listen to it. I just was surprised of three tracks with wrong lenght on my soundtrack.. but I was more surprised when I saw that they have their lenghts "changed themselves" and that what sounds at Pharos Of Ridorana's underground isn't exactly TRACK 07... just a part of it.

I've downloaded many versions of the FINAL FANTASY XII Original Soundtrack and all of them have those lenghts.., so always those 3 tracks are with different lenghts than the one listen on all the track lists?. I'm a bit confused >_<

01-19-2008, 10:07 PM
Hail there..
Since i never played (and probably will never play) the game, i can't tell you if the tracklisting correspond to the music in game.

What i can say is that the Official tracklisting is correct..
Here's the Booklet tracklist of CD 4

This can be translated as:

01 The Cerobi Steppe 3:13
02 Esper 2:44
03 The Port of Balfonheim 2:14
04 Nap 0:14
05 The Zertinan Caverns 3:22
06 A Land of Memories 4:01
07 The Forgotten Capital 4:16
08 The Feywood 4:14
09 Ashe's Theme 5:30
10 Giruvegan's Mystery 2:39
11 To the Place of the Gods 3:24
12 The Beginning of the End 3:27
13 To the Peak 1:49
14 The Sky Fortress Bahamut 3:21
15 Shaking Bahamut 0:41
16 The Battle for Freedom 8:51
17 The End of the Battle 1:13
18 Ending Movie 6:17
19 Kiss Me Good-Bye -featured in FINAL FANTASY XII- 4:57
20 Symphonic Poem "Hope" ~FINAL FANTASY XII PV ver.~ 3:53
21 Theme of FINAL FANTASY XII (Production Announcement Version) 3:05

01-19-2008, 10:27 PM
Anatar answered your question but I think I can shed some light into it. I didn't remember exactly where those tracks were played in the game, but I noticed that when I downloaded the soundtrack, and changed the names to match the tracklists on internet and forgot until now. But now you made me curious so I investigated a bit and found this:

- Theme of length 4:16 is The Forgotten Capital, which probably refers to Nabudis (I found something about that and it make sense if you think about it). That's the music that is played in Necrohol of Nabudis, you can check it here:

- Theme of length 5:30 is Ashe's Theme, it's really a strange mix and yes, it changes to Pharos underground music. Link:

- And yeah, the shortest track is Giruvegan' music.

Maybe the person who uploaded the soundtrack in the first place made a mistake.

01-29-2008, 02:41 PM
Okey, thanx for the answers.

So, with the Anatar's post we've seen the track list in japanese but that doesn't confirm the titles on english or the lenghts.

And Torkin, you said on your post a wrong thing: okey, the song of 04:16 is Nabudis song but that's a song that we're not talking about (The Feywood). In the rest of your post as I've read you confirm what I also think about the error on the titles because songs with one title sounds on other places.

So we're still with the confusion and I really doubt the fact of that it's an error due to who uploaded the song, did it with wrong names or changing the files because I've seen many rips as this.

So, the only way to solve this problem could be maybe if anybody here could have the original FF XII soundtrack. Because I'm still searching on internet a copy who match that famous track list on internet and I even don't know if the lenghts of those track list are corrects of what is wrong, if our copy or the famous track list.

If anybody have the orignal to check it...

02-01-2008, 08:08 AM
There's a very simple explanation for all this, Aero. Whoever encoded your copy of the soundtrack made a mistake when they were naming the files. In other words, the track lengths that you've found on the internet are correct, but the tracks you have are misnamed, which is why you're getting the time discrepancies.

Here are four tracks and their lengths from Game Music Revolution:

TRACK 07 "The Forgotten Capital" 4:16
(Plays in the Necrohol of Nabudis, an optional area North of the Salikawood. Nabudis was the capital of Nabradia, a country which no longer exists during the main story of the game, hence the title "Forgotten")
TRACK 08 "The Feywood" 4:14
(Self-explanatory, plays in the forest before Giruvegan; also cutscene music when you first meet Ondore in Bhujerba)
TRACK 09 "Ashe's Theme" 5:30
(Two parts, first part plays once you've reached Giruvegan but before you actually enter the place via teleporter. You fight Daedalus here, a headless baddie who looks like a statue until you approach him. This theme is also heard, I believe, when Ashe dreams of Rassler and Vaan soon after joining the party. Second part is featured in the underground levels of the Pharos)
TRACK 10 "Giruvegan's Mystery" 2:39
(This is what actually plays once you enter Giruvegan via teleporter after defeating Daedalus--it's the place with all the zig-zagging pathways where you travel from section to section via magical pathways of green light)

Here are your tracks:

TRACK 07 -> 05:30 (you mentioned this one contained the theme for the underground levels of the Pharos)
TRACK 09 -> 02:40 (You mentioned this sounded like the music from Giruvegan)
TRACK 10 -> 04:14 (You said this also sounds like Giruvegan)

If you compare the two you'll see that...
--your TRACK 07: "The Forgotten Capital" is actually TRACK 09: "Ashe's Theme"
--your TRACK 09: "Ashe's Theme" is actually TRACK 10: "Giruvegan's Mystery" (the times, 2:40 and 2:39 respectively, don't match up exactly but there's nothing else on Disc 4 near 2:40 in length, and the odds are that the 2:39 track length is just a hair shy of 2:40 anyway)
--your TRACK 10 "Giruvegan's Mystery" is actually TRACK 08: "The Feywood" (which occurs right before Giruvegan in the game, hence why you mistook it for Giruvegan)

This probably means that your TRACK 08 "The Feywood" is actually TRACK 07 "The Forgotten Capital". Check the time on this track. If it's 4:16, then it's misnamed.

As for your comment that you have downloaded many different version of this soundtrack with the same track length discrepancies, I'd say that you've probably been downloading the same rip over and over again. Nowadays, it's very common for a single rip to be distributed via a multitude of supposedly "different" torrents and websites. So just because you download a torrent named "Final FantasyXII OST" it doesn't mean that it's actually a different rip. You'd need to look at the tags to know for certain. I know that the odds of this being the case diminishes the more copies of the album you download, but it's much more likely than the only other alternative (which is that totally different people made the exact same mistake when naming the files of their totally different rips).

Hope this helps.

02-01-2008, 10:49 AM
Yes Lian, I thought that but... I've not find any codification or anyone with an original soundtrack to proof that.

I mean... Game Music Revolution have that track list, and even also has that one so I knew since the beginning that anything was wrong with the FF XII OST on internet because of that and Game Music Revolution track list (a track list that many sites have too, so that's THE track list on internet yes). And my knowledge tell me exactly what you've told me... but, if I can't see any codification with that lenght or anyone with the original that's going to be hard to proof.

The Doctor
02-01-2008, 11:56 AM
My copy of the soundtrack is ripped directly from a friend's hard copy. Track 7 is The Forgotten Capital and is 4:16 long. Track 9 is Ashe's Theme and is 5:30 long. Track 10 is Giruvegan's Mystery and is 2:39 long.

So for what it's worth, the online listings you're seeing for track lengths on those three tracks are right.

02-01-2008, 03:38 PM
Yes Lian, I thought that but... I've not find any codification or anyone with an original soundtrack to proof that.

I mean... Game Music Revolution have that track list, and even also has that one so I knew since the beginning that anything was wrong with the FF XII OST on internet because of that and Game Music Revolution track list (a track list that many sites have too, so that's THE track list on internet yes). And my knowledge tell me exactly what you've told me... but, if I can't see any codification with that lenght or anyone with the original that's going to be hard to proof.

Sorry, I forgot to mention that I wasn't just basing this off internet listings. I have a rip of the soundtrack encoded by and my tracks 7-10 on disc 4 match the times given on GMR. Here, I've uploaded them to sendspace so that you can compare them against your tracks:

TRACK 07 -
TRACK 08 -
TRACK 09 -
TRACK 10 -