01-10-2008, 10:29 AM
after browsing this forum a few threads took my notice. why does everyone hate hip hop etc.. i dnt know many people who hate hip hop... the people who say oh it has dumb lyrics and talks about guns, girls, bling etc dnt actually hate hip hop cuz wat they are talking about is POP...

have a nice day

01-10-2008, 03:04 PM
after browsing this forum a few threads took my notice. why does everyone hate hip hop etc.. i dnt know many people who hate hip hop... the people who say oh it has dumb lyrics and talks about guns, girls, bling etc dnt actually hate hip hop cuz wat they are talking about is POP...

have a nice day

I think what you're saying is true. If you want to hear hip hop that doesn't talk about sex and whatnot then you have to actually go out of your way and look for it. It exists but people just generalize hip hop because of what they hear on pop radio stations and MTV.

There are people who make music that is completely different from mainstream music. The problem is that most people listen to mainstream music and it's sometimes hard to get easy access to the music that is less popular or known by the masses.

01-11-2008, 11:51 AM
its easy as a rapidshare search, lime wire or going into a hip hop shop.
immortal technique
jedi mind tricks
all of psychological/uncle howie
R.A rugged man
Sand People
Percee P (seein him live 2morrow night)
Special teamz
ras kass
Tame One
C Rayz Walz

theres thousands of them and there easy as to find.. if u know wat hip hop actually is..

01-12-2008, 12:57 PM
ya, but sadly people don't care enough to look. turning on the boob tube when you get home or popping on the radio while at work is just too easy. people are so fucking manipulated by the mainstream, it's disgusting. this relates to all the trashy shit you cee on TV. so many stupid reality shows/piss poor acting/piss poor writing/fake "personalities"/constant negativity. it's too easy for people, and they get sucked into the trash and let it halt them from ceeing past the major limitations of imagination/creativity/positivity mainstream America television has to offer. and then there's the corporate directed playlists that the "DJ"s play on your big local "hip hop/rap" station. all that bull shit is so easily accessible. i doubt most people can relate to what these rappers are saying in the mainstream. unless you go out every night and get fucked up, fuck some wild hoes, sport your benz/bling, or make up some other overall cliche exaggeration about yourself then yes i guess that reflects on who you are. dishonest/feeble/fake.
making money and making music are two different realms. whatever, get your money, but your music won't be remembered nor taken seriously in this lifetime. it's disposable. getting off bad

Percee P's pretty cool live. saw him with Madlib. dude's a lot taller and older than i thought...

01-14-2008, 12:39 PM
yeah aye i saw percee live in adelaide the other week got the remix cd signed.. yeah hes a big dude ey lol.
yeah tv is shit too and the media fuck the news..

02-19-2008, 05:48 AM
not too big on percee p, but that joint with the contra sample is pretty tight tho. let's not get started on madvillainy....

speaking of which, if you don't feel like listening to the rapping, pick up one of MF doom's special herbs instrumental CDs.