01-08-2008, 04:02 PM
Does anyone know any more good work by him, After hearing the darkness and his riddick game scores i just want to find more stuff by him but i cant fidn anything, HALP!!!

i know he is a very underrated composer and some of you don't know/or care but please help me out here.

01-09-2008, 02:31 PM

Thanks for opening this topic, OrangeC! I really LOVE his composition, I also have some of his music as you can see in my game music list. Some might say that he's only ripping-off music from Harry Gregson-Williams or Hans Zimmer (which indeed seems to be the case with some pieces) but hey, what's the point? You can also say that Jeremy Soule copies John Williams or something like that - but that doesn't mean that his music is bad. Composers often get the order to make music similar to another composer (compare Bill Brown to Travor Rabin for example).
I once met Gustaf Grefberg after the opening concert for the GC2006 in Leipzig/Germany and he gave me an autograph and spoke greetings onto my voice recorder!!! =) =) =) A really nice guy!
Well, it seems as if he has only done 4 soundtracks for VGs so far:

1. Enclave (2002)
Need to get my hands on the game to rip the music!

2. Knights of the Temple (2004)
The official soundtrack was once available for download on the official site, but it's now offline. Glad to have downloaded it back then! I ripped the music from the Demo and was just blown away by the amazing music! I REALLY need to get the game to rip the music!
The main theme is one of the catchiest I know from VGs! (although it strongly orientates at the music from Pirates of the Caribbean) And the credits theme is in some way a realization of the dream I always have: Take a catchy main theme and remix it with electric guitars and percussion (that's why I especially like the music of Trevor Rabin, amongh others)!

3. Chronicles of Riddick (2004)
Damn, I just recognized that I have the game, once ripped the music but somehow forgot to add it to my collection! Stupid me... Really got to do it again!
Same here with the (once) downloadable soundtrack! =)

4. The Darkness (2007)
Can't say anything about this one - except that I'm currently downloading it from you... ;) Thanks a LOT in advance, OrangeC! I must admit that you're currently one of my favourite music rippers - although you don't include the (completeness-essential!) videos. :smrt:

Well, I hope more people will reply to this post and praise Gustaf Grefberg's music! =)

Regards, Timo

01-09-2008, 02:37 PM
I would also like to hear gustafs nights of the temple score. I love his style of Composing, nothing boring, everythings fast paced, and oh yeah the darkness is one of the greatest vgm scores ever.

01-11-2008, 12:41 AM
^ One of, but let's not go nuts. Best VGM score goes to either God of War me thinks. ;)

01-21-2008, 07:35 AM
1. Enclave (2002)
Need to get my hands on the game to rip the music!

I've got the music ripped from the game. I'd have to say it's probably my favourite soundtrack he's done as well. If you've got a good idea where I can upload the soundtrack I'll do that.

01-21-2008, 01:15 PM
I've got the music ripped from the game. I'd have to say it's probably my favourite soundtrack he's done as well. If you've got a good idea where I can upload the soundtrack I'll do that.

Yikes o_O!!!!!! Have you also ripped the videos?

Regards, Timo

01-21-2008, 01:33 PM
Knights Of The Temple over here:

01-21-2008, 09:39 PM
Yikes o_O!!!!!! Have you also ripped the videos?

Regards, Timo

Nope, I didn't rip the videos. I used a program to extract the audio files from the data packages used in the game. I didn't encode it either (it's already encoded as .ogg), so in theory this is the best quality you'll be able to get from the game. Unless the developer decides to release the soundtrack.

01-21-2008, 09:43 PM
I hope they port the darkness for pc because no doubt they will use ogg and finally i can direct extract the whole score. my line in of 360 was good but i would like a PC rip.

01-22-2008, 01:31 AM
the riddick stuff is classic...easy oggs too!

01-25-2008, 04:43 PM
I made a gamerip of Enclave. Pretty good stuff. I also have a composition called "Memories of Atlantis" which is ten minutes long and comparable to his music from Knights of the temple.

And I have ~50 .mod files from his time when he was still called Lizardking and was in the mod-scene. But this is nothing like his later compositions it's more like chiptune-techno and stuff like that.

03-05-2008, 06:54 PM
Gustaf Grefberg was an Amiga demoscener 20 years ago, when most of you were still in drappers or not even born :)

He was composing under various nicknames, most notably Lizardking and Xain. His chiptune style was unique, and many people tried to imitate it without much success. If you're interested in his early career, visit Amiga Music Preservation ( and try "LK's Doskpop" for a start. Don't expect anything like Riddick, it's entirely different. But it's the true Grefberg :)

(PS: I suppose you all know what a MOD file is.)

03-06-2008, 06:20 AM
LOL im obssessed now!!

Starbreeze PLZ make more awesome games so grefberg can compose them lol, Well after all he is the audio director in there lol.

03-27-2008, 03:33 PM
Enclave's soundtrack is downloadable off this very site, track by track.