04-23-2002, 05:13 PM
Hey, i read that if you avoid all battles with the guards at the missle base and then use mug on the red soldier that looks like Biggs, you get an item called Buster Sword that you THEN use on the big robot thingy outside the base, which will be destroyed in one hit by the sword. Supposedly if ya do this you'll get Cloud and his Omnislash instead of Giglemesh later on, but who knows, sounds fishy to me, but i never tried it.


04-23-2002, 05:36 PM
As I said in the other thread where this subject came up:


Yours in ten easy payments of 10,000 gil each.

FF games always end up with rumors like these. I take it you've played FF7, so you know what I mean when I say your chances of getting Cloud instead of Gilgamesh are about the same as your chances of bringing FF7's biggest spoiler back from the dead by breeding a purple chocobo. Sorry. Would have been cool if Cloud was in FFVIII, though.

04-23-2002, 06:54 PM
Dont be a chump. Stuff like that doesnt happen. Things only happen in FF games for a reason. Theres no reason why that wud happen.

04-23-2002, 09:04 PM
I wouldn't say things always happen for a reason in these games. What was the reason behind having Odin killed and replaced with Gilgamesh? But you just need to know when to be skeptical; people create these rumors just to laugh at gullible people who end up spending days trying to breed a purple chocobo or draw a buster sword from an enemy. Sure, Square might put in a hidden optional character or a hard to find GF, but they'd publicize it. Strategy guide books make their money off of publishing secrets like how to get hidden characters; it would be a bad business move for Square to hide something and not officially acknowledge it.

04-23-2002, 09:37 PM
ya never really know though i always thought gettin cloud in FFT was just a hoax till i actually tried it........

fascist socialist
04-23-2002, 11:24 PM
As far as I know... rumor threads aren't allowed...
