01-02-2008, 05:29 PM
I just got Super Mario Galaxy for Christmas I love the game personally
however over all the years i have been gaming I have Noticed a trend begin. Games are starting to get whole lot easier.

Mario Galxy was great and all but, The final boss battle was not that difficult and left me wanting more by the end. Most of the levels also are fun but are not that challenging. I am aware that there are some very hard level to complete but for the most part they were all easy.

=) I would like anyone to post thier opinion on Easier Gaming If you agree please put an example of a game and why
if you disagree please put why

01-02-2008, 06:47 PM
Maybe you're just getting more pro?

Super Mario Galaxy introduces something new. I think this game was focused more on the mechanics of the Wii than trying to overwhelm you with puzzles and quests.

I think it also depends on the types of games you play too. There are definatley some games such as RPGs and adventure games where puzzles have become increasingly more difficult because of new possibilities introduced by better deveopment resources.

I'm not a big fan of shooters, but it seems the whole repetitive war theme may be contibuting to your crave for more (brain) challenging games.

What do you think?

hb smokey
01-02-2008, 08:38 PM
Sure, I agree that games have been getting easier. But it's not a recent trend. It's been going on for years now. There are a lot of games I considered difficult as a kid, but now that I've matured and I have become a better gamer, there's only one difficult game that comes to mind from my youth. That's the Mega Man games. Those games are always going to be hard. The most difficult game I can remember from recent times is Ninja Gaiden Black. Nowadays, games like to throw you a few different difficulty levels and say 'look how hard this is!'. No, it's not hard when the default difficulty can be completed with relative ease.