12-31-2007, 06:33 AM
The DS version of this game recently came out. I know very few people have the Japanese version of this game, so this song might be hard to find. Anyways, I'm looking for the song that plays when you fight the final boss, Zeromus. It's one of my favorite boss theme in all of video games, so I really want to find it. I'm ONLY looking for the DS version of this song. I can easily find the SNES/GBA or Black Mage version on the web. This song has been called "The Final Battle" or "Zeromus" in the past.

I downloaded a FFIV (DS) soundtrack here, but it didn't have the song, which is why I'm asking you guys now.


Note: When I downloaded the soundtrack from the link above, some of the song names in the DS version have been changed from their original names on the SNES/GBA. Since I don't necessarily have the game yet, I can't tell you whether the name of this song has been changed or not =(

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help!