12-29-2007, 10:32 AM
Someone requested this in the request section and I decided to post a link in here.

Size: 34.32 MB
Tracks: 28
Music By: Christopher Franke

Enjoy =)

12-29-2007, 09:50 PM
I cannot unrar the archive, it says: "archive is corrupt". Plz upload it again.


12-30-2007, 02:34 AM
that was me who requested it. thank you so much friend! =) dowloading now

12-30-2007, 03:14 AM
it worked fine for me. can i ask ecks if you have any other Babylon 5 OSTS?

12-30-2007, 04:31 AM
Can I ask a favor guys?? I've seen season 1 of Babylon 5 and have Netflix. What do I watch next and how does the order go?? I've looked for sites and everyone has a different set list on what to watch next according to different seasons and the movies that came between. Should I just watch season 2 next, or was there a movie after season 1?? I'm so lost

12-30-2007, 09:41 AM
I can help you out. Since you already watched Season 1 of Babylon 5, it would be best to watch Seasons 2-4, view the first 2 Babylon 5 Movies, watch Season 5 then watch the rest of the Babylon 5 Movies. Following in this order will make the storyline less confusing. Originally, there wasn't any plans to do any TV movies until Season 4 when the show was to be cancelled. When TNT(now Spike TV) picked up Season 5, this was an opening for the creator of the series to expand the story line. Some of the movies are an expansion of certain episodes that tend to fill in the gaps. The first movie is a prime example. The Lost Tales are story expansions until the final episode of the series. So in other words, the story is not over.....

12-30-2007, 09:49 AM
And yes, I will get the Lost Tales. Did anyone else seen the updated version of the Babylon 5 station....WOW!!!!

12-30-2007, 06:55 PM
I can help you out. Since you already watched Season 1 of Babylon 5, it would be best to watch Seasons 2-4, view the first 2 Babylon 5 Movies, watch Season 5 then watch the rest of the Babylon 5 Movies. Following in this order will make the storyline less confusing. Originally, there wasn't any plans to do any TV movies until Season 4 when the show was to be cancelled. When TNT(now Spike TV) picked up Season 5, this was an opening for the creator of the series to expand the story line. Some of the movies are an expansion of certain episodes that tend to fill in the gaps. The first movie is a prime example. The Lost Tales are story expansions until the final episode of the series. So in other words, the story is not over.....

thanks, that makes it a lot easier to understand

12-30-2007, 09:27 PM
Ecks927: Thanks for the OST. Now I'll have a chance to enjoy the score until I can buy my own copy.

thunderbolt01: TNT didn't become Spike TV. That was TNN (The Nashville Network).

01-01-2008, 04:13 PM
Ecks927: Thanks for the OST. Now I'll have a chance to enjoy the score until I can buy my own copy.

thunderbolt01: TNT didn't become Spike TV. That was TNN (The Nashville Network).

Really? I thought it was TNT that made the change to Spike TV. Then again, TNN did have ECW for a bit. That's probably why they made the change to promote hardcore TV.

10-07-2009, 10:54 AM
Someone requested this in the request section and I decided to post a link in here.

Size: 34.32 MB
Tracks: 28
Music By: Christopher Franke

Enjoy =)

Could reload it for i'd like to download it also ... thanks a lotta :)

02-12-2011, 09:57 AM
Please Reupload? I've been searching for this gem for the longest time!