12-29-2007, 05:12 AM
Suprised it wasn't listed - Pretty old RPG but still a popular classic, had some really nice tracks but there is but one I'm after...

Been trying desperately to get the theme played on entering the "Temple of the Khosani" in the game, does anyone just happen to have, or be able, to capture the ST to this game? Some of the tracks are really nice and I'd assume a decent addition to the already awesome selection up here...

As a side note, after having re-read the rules thread, does anyone happen to also have tracks from "Rival Schools" (PSX), same deal really, nice soundtrack but with one of those tracks you want to have without any desire to keep the rest - Trying to get my hands on the theme played on the "Pacific High" stage (Snowy stage) but same applies, I just can't find the f00kin' thing.

Any/All help appreciated and keep up the fab work!