12-28-2007, 08:58 PM
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Warning Device is fucking brilliant. Wait until you hear Pacemaker. Most of the album is more of the same but that song is like half a new Bottlerocket.

Later today I'm gonna rip and then I'll share with fans who can't wait to hear it. Particularly you Eurokids who can't get ahold of it easy. (I'm guessing I'm the only one who preordered since I haven't seen anybody talking about it?)

12-30-2007, 09:15 PM
TK, I reckon this thread is lonely and neglected because there is nothing in here!

All the same, I knew that TBR were releasing a new album but I thought it was Q1 O8 not in damn Q4 O7 HOLY SHITTTTTTTTT ARGAHGH!!!!!! I listened to In the Basement on their Myspace just now though, it is very good but sounds as though it would fit perfectly into the last album. I guess that's what you were saying though. It's a pity there isn't more new songs on their, I may have a search through illicit channels for the time being and buy it properly when I see it on some nice European website; no thx import tax.

12-30-2007, 10:23 PM
I am an illicit channel.

It is supposed to come out in January, but people who preordered it directly from the band (like me!) got it early because they just sent it out as soon as they had copies in their hands. They are awesome guys like that.

In the Basement is one of the lesser songs on the album in my opinion, though that is not to say it isn't great. But yeah, don't expect anything but more of the same. Personally, that is all I want, so I'm glad, but if you're the sort who's disappointed if a band doesn't "progress" somehow from one album to the next, I guess it would be a disappointing album.

01-03-2008, 11:56 PM
I was originally just going to PM you with what I thought of this TK, but to give the thread a bump I'll post here instead.

I have probably listened to it a half dozen times now, and initially I wasn't too impressed. It is like that stock Pitchfork review where the guy says "This is music too grand to be appreciated on a car journey, it demands your full attention", probably with every second word thesaurus'd and probably about some awful album because BANDS WITH FANS ARE BAD. I don't even know if that made sense? Anyway, yeah, the first few times I listened to it I had been pretty involved in doing other things simultaneously so I couldn't give it decent attention. I wanted to give it a proper listen though because I wanted to tell you what I thought of it as some sort of payment for uploading it and also because I knew I could be massively losing out if I didn't. When I say give it proper attention though, I don't mean I sat for a half hour and only listened to this album, I was still playing solitaire or pissing around on wiki and whatever, but I was just more consciously tuning into the music too.

So, about an hour ago I played it through and man, I was hugely impressed. The first thing that hit me was the power of the songs, it isn't so much like a hairdryer as it is a jet engine. Man, and it's unrelenting. It's easy to fake stamina on a recording, I suppose, but if they're anything like as sustained live, well, they'd be pretty fantastic. There's no quiet tracks or even slow intros or outros, from one track to the next it's just non-stop.

Anyone can bang a drum for 27 minutes, but the actual tracks are fantastic too. Lyrically it's not particularly poignant or anything, but it's something you can dance to. On My Own is the standout for me, but start to finish this is great. Ghaghag it's superb.

All said though, I think I slightly prefer Total but, yeah, TBR are gr8.

01-04-2008, 12:02 AM
Upload them to sendspace so i can listen and see if i like them

01-06-2008, 07:21 AM
Actually I'm pretty sure I don't take orders from you, BlackOmen.

I honestly feel like there is so little difference between this and Total I can't really pick a favorite between them. I think of it as "Toal Pt. 2." Glad you continue to like the band, at any rate, Mossy.

01-06-2008, 12:48 PM
Actually I'm pretty sure I don't take orders from you, BlackOmen.

Check your sources man, I'm pretty sure we ALL take orders from BlackOmen.

Tidus 66
01-11-2008, 06:42 PM
It's a great album maybe even better than Total (altough Total had more stand out tracks), my favourite songs are Wasting Time, Pacemaker, and Bottlerocket, I'm also glad that they god rid of those mid-tempo Ray songs.

Also: Lemuria's LP comes out today right?

01-11-2008, 08:25 PM
It's already out. I'm eagerly awaiting its arrival

01-17-2008, 07:22 AM
<img src=>

Get Better is pretty good. I like the second side a lot more than the first one though as it contains more of the upbeat songs. I like slower Lemuria songs usually but I think they are not spaced out well enough here. The first one, Pants, is amazing (I think that "embarassed I'm the person who's controlling my mouth" is one of the best lyrics ever penned), and the other slower songs are good but not great. My favorite songs on the album so far are the ones I'd already heard on the myspace page, but that might just be because I know them.

Also for the record I am changing this to the general all-purpose "TK talks about good new music" thread.

01-19-2008, 07:03 AM
<a href=>Be Your Own Pet</a> has four songs from their new album on their myspace page now! They are SUPER GREAT. You're an idiot if you don't go listen to them immediately. I can't wait for March.

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
01-19-2008, 12:43 PM
Cool I'll check those out TK

I have liek one Teenage Bottlerocket CD. I like it, I only listened like once though :( I'm terrible, I give things a chance but even if I like it I still always whore my favorites and neglect new stuff a lot

Tidus 66
01-19-2008, 01:00 PM
I'm still waiting for my Lemuria LP, but I'm not that worried since I'm addicted to Warning Device.
I'm also going to order the Insub Fest CD/DVD and The Queers Tribute CD.

01-19-2008, 05:25 PM
Cool I'll check those out TK

I have liek one Teenage Bottlerocket CD. I like it, I only listened like once though :( I'm terrible, I give things a chance but even if I like it I still always whore my favorites and neglect new stuff a lot

I do that too to an extent actually. There's a lot of stuff I know I like but never listen to. I mean why not stick with your favorites.

Tidus, it will be interesting to see if you can spot me on the DVD (it is easy if you know where to look and what to look for... too easy. =/)

01-20-2008, 12:11 AM
Tidus, it will be interesting to see if you can spot me on the DVD (it is easy if you know where to look and what to look for... too easy. =/)

I spotted you. You were wearing a matching red and white stripey jumper and beanie and a pair of black, round framed glasses.

Top Cat
01-20-2008, 03:11 AM
hahahaha mossy

also i don't know about all these pop-punk bands, though i probably should, but british sea power have a new album out and it is fantastic

01-20-2008, 04:33 AM
also i don't know about all these pop-punk bands, though i probably should

not really, most of them are pretty niche

Lemuria isn't really pop punk though and BYOP definitely isn't

01-25-2008, 04:28 AM
New TK musical project, <a href=>No No Yes Yes</a>. It's just me and a friend but it's a lot of fun.