04-22-2002, 05:53 PM
Right any online FPS gamer knows that Counter-Strike is the biggest online game played. But what about the other games, Other games and mods like Unreal Tournament and Team Fortress Classic....What other games do you prefere?

I play Unreal
TeamFortress Classic
Half-Life teamplay
and I gotta say Team Fortress is defenatlly the best in these games. People say Counter-Strike takes skill, but how can skill match up to OGC cheats tha are out now? I even downloaded OGC to see what the whole different was, there is a lot, even the top clans wouldnt matchup to a bunch of OGC'ers. Whats the point, I like Counter-Strike and all but IMO it doesnt take much skill nowadays to run and shoot about 3 bullets for someone to die. Team Fortress on the other hand needs skill, like using grenades and concusions to your advantage like a concusion jump, rocket jump, mIRV grenades at the right time, how to change to the right class for to get into the enemy base and then get out past 2 HW's guys and a couple of snipers and soliders at the most being a scout (weakest but by far the fastest)
TF takes skill and plus it just a better game, in CS people just run in not even using teamwork and will take a couple of people down and then die, and then be a spectator for the rest of the round, in Team Fortress you NEED to use a team to win. what is any online gamers veiws on this?

Plus CS1.4 has been already been broken into and there are a couple of hacks even before its realised :O

Neo Xzhan
04-22-2002, 10:31 PM
I think that team fortress is better. I'm a big UT fan so that's why I like team fortress better.

Crazy Chocobo
04-23-2002, 12:27 AM
I like TFC better, but suck at it. However, my favorite HL mod is Day of Defeat, because I like bayoneting or shoveling people in the back and seeing their responses.

04-23-2002, 07:13 AM
Well... I haven't played a good amount of Counter Strike but I am a big fan of Unreal Tournament and the Quake series.

I used to play quite a bit of Rocket Arena for both... which I jumped off of to play some Fortress... and I kinda jumped all over the place with the mods and stuff.

My fave would have to be Team Fortress. Rocket anf Fortress are almost the same... but in someways isn't. But in any case, Fortress got my vote.

UT also had Tactical Ops which is a Counter-Strike like mod for UT. It plays kinda well but since I haven't played CS for quite awhile, I can't compare.

Crazy Chocobo
04-24-2002, 02:42 AM
Well, CS 1.4 comes out tommorrow if you're not on their Steam beta test service (DO NOT SIGN UP IF YOU DON'T LIKE SPAMMY MAIL. They send you dumb "your password is..." and "to delete your account, click the delete button"... gee... how hard is that?)

Server files are out tonight.

You can find me on CS 1.4 as Crazy Chocobo, look for me on the new tracker thing, but I don't play very much anymore.

Death Knight
04-24-2002, 04:11 AM
I bought HL CS but i did one upgrade and the next one didnt work so I never got to play it. But........CS Zero Effect is it? That looks good and its new so I'm gettin that.

Crazy Chocobo
04-24-2002, 04:59 AM
It's Condition Zero. Apparentally the release date was April 30th, but they bumped it back to August 15, 2002, so I haven't been able to get a hold of a beta a la Steam... dang it! If only they'd release a public beta...

04-24-2002, 06:25 PM
I have UT but I dont play it too much, its deffantaly the best DM game though, Quake - I dont play and dont have and dont want:)

Half-Life's TF is deff. the best Mod I have played :D DOD isnt too great I played it on a LAN but still good, CS is better than DOD though I have to say, I like CS but since my brother downloaded OGC I'm stuck with that and cant delete it and keep getting kicked:mad:

04-30-2002, 12:59 PM
Counter strike is better than team fortress! on team fortress there are to much cheater�s! ad counter strike are much more fun! Team :notgood: Fortress

Crazy Chocobo
05-02-2002, 12:09 AM
What do you mean TFC has more cheaters? CS has the most cheaters of any HL mod by far.

Corey Taylor
05-07-2002, 01:53 AM
Originally posted by Ryudo
Counter strike is better than team fortress! on team fortress there are to much cheater�s! ad counter strike are much more fun! Team :notgood: Fortress

then why is al lthe sites like about CS? and CSguard? and concontrate mroe on CS than anything as well....TF has hardly any cheaters because you cant really cheat in that game the way you can in CS. CS takes skill to play, TF needs even more skill because you have to learn everything about that class to know what to do and how to move stealthy/loud/fast/slow/bunny hopping/flag capping/defeding/offending/spying

05-13-2002, 05:31 AM
GO CS !!!!!

CS roks but TF is ok. I sorta play both :D

wTf:Ed | Great Warrior ^ RoG
05-13-2002, 11:46 PM
Counter strike is a much better game. It does take skill, UK2 has alot of anti cheat things and once a person is caught they are permently band off all the uk2 servers.

i don't mind ut its just that you run around shooting like hell. I perfer to hide and sneak. Dod is another good mod but its a bit outdated now with medal of honour.