12-25-2007, 12:27 AM
Beleive it or not, there IS a lost tracks Vol I (Though honestly, I'm not sure of its exact name, either way I haven't found a track list that matches up--yet). I've only found 1 reference to it (outside of the logical reasoning that before Vol II, comes Vol I). Its almost like it doesn't exist. Heres the only picture I could find of it:

While many of you may know the Green Vol 2 on the right side of the picture, the black one on the left IS the first volume. These were promotional CD's released only in Europe (German Specifically). The track list for the first CD is:

Disc 1

01 Prelude of Time 2:49
02 Kokiri 1:51
03 Song of the Merchants 2:12
04 Din, Nayru and Farore 1:59
05 Hyrule 5:17
06 Words of Wisdom 2:01
07 Bazar 1:41
08 Who's challenging (will) win 1:26
09 Garden of Love 1:29
10 Zeldas Lullaby 1:39
11 Epona Song 4:02
12 Kakariko 3:22
13 Goronia 2:40
14 Salias Song 1:15
15 Zora 2:52
16 Fairymagic 1:10
17 Spell of Witch 1:37
18 Hymn of Time 2:37
19 Fast, faster, Epona! 1:36
20 Basil 1:28
21 Kakariko (Orchestra Version) 2:51
22 Hymn of the Storm 1:37
23 Foresttemple 3:07
24 Firetemple 3:37
25 Watertemple 3:03
26 Shadowtemple 2:05
27 Gerudo 2:51
28 Ghosttemple 3:56
29 Killa Ohmaz 1:34
30 Final of the Endlessness 3:37
Disc length 73:21

Disc 1

01 Prelude der Zeit 2:49
02 Kokiri 1:51
03 Das Lied der H�ndler 2:12
04 Din, Nayru & Farore 1:59
05 Hyrule 5:17
06 Worte der Weisheit 2:01
07 Bazar 1:41
08 Wer wagt, gewinnt 1:26
09 Garten der Liebe 1:29
10 Zeldas Wiegenlied 1:39
11 Epona Lied 4:02
12 Kakariko 3:22
13 Goronia 2:40
14 Salias Lied 1:15
15 Zora 2:52
16 Feenzauber 1:10
17 Hexenzauber 1:37
18 Hymne der Zeit 2:37
19 Schnell, schneller, Epona! 1:36
20 Basil 1:28
21 Kakariko (Orchester Version) 2:51
22 Hymne des Sturm 1:37
23 Waldtempel 3:07
24 Feuertempel 3:37
25 Wassertempel 3:03
26 Schattentempel 2:05
27 Gerudo 2:51
28 Geistertempel 3:56
29 Killa Ohmaz 1:34
30 Finale der Unendlichkeit 3:37
Disc length 73:21

It was released in 1999.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, if Anyone has ANY information on this, like where I can download it, torrent it, or even buy it, PLEASE tell me. I have a fairly complete Nintendo Official Library, and this is one super rare one I just cannot find :(

Help me on my quest!!

12-26-2007, 09:31 AM
So I Finally Found it, its pretty much just the original soundtrack, German version. Found it here: e%3Doff%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official

01-03-2008, 11:14 PM
This album is available for trade (Thread 49374)