12-24-2007, 01:50 AM
I have been wondering exactly why they decided to make that story connection between the two games. I mean they both sold well sure but they didn't have to do it. Maybe the just want to keep the option open or what? What do the rest of you think

12-24-2007, 09:35 AM
Huh? There is a connection?

That's pretty lame. Like to know what it is tho.

12-24-2007, 09:45 AM
There's an explosion on the tv in the bar in VII with the word SIN written over it. Also, doesn't Shinra (in X-2) talk about drawing energy from the earth or some such?

Not that I'm giving any creedence to the connection, just that I know that there are things people are willing to take as hints in each game.

12-24-2007, 06:16 PM
You really have to be a raving fanboy to take those things as being some sort of deep and meaningful connection. I bet the people down at Square don't even remember putting those scenes/dialogue in two games that were created so far apart.

That said, as much as I like FFX, there is no other game in the series (apart from VII) that draws out the fanboys as much as that game, so the fact that these claims are seriously discussed does not surprise me.

12-24-2007, 07:52 PM
Thing number one: Someone from S-E said once "The world has been created for 12 times now, the 13th is being created now" or something like that I don`t remember, so the thing is that all FFs are somehow one thing, even though they all have different stories there is so much in common.
Thing number too: When Square were developing FFVII they didn`t even know how the FFX will be.

12-26-2007, 05:43 AM
Sin could have had any or no significances in it's one-word appearance in FFVII, and FFX is free to make all the FFVII references it wishes. That in no way denotes any connection between the two. As for potential prognostications... The FFX story probably existed in the minds of some of the Square developers by the time FFVII was made, but I doubt there was any conscious expression of it. The FFX Project was started in it's embyonic form about the same time FFVIII's development began.

A vulgar crossover, or a connective story between FFX and FFVII, however, is highly unlikely. That would fall into the category of, "I'll believe it when I see it." As things are, I seriously doubt it, the two franchises do well enough on their own, and are liked by two distinct fanbases. If they are comingled it will not necessarily have the anticipated results. Kingdom Hearts provides enough comingling to please the crowd who would enjoy it, so in that respect, the crossover has already happened.

12-28-2007, 11:41 PM
but from what I heard square enix said that they took place in the same world only Final Fantasy VII was in the future that the only reason I thought it could happen. (But I hope it doesn't)

12-30-2007, 08:03 PM
but from what I heard square enix said that they took place in the same world only Final Fantasy VII was in the future that the only reason I thought it could happen. (But I hope it doesn't)

This is utter bullshit. It won't happen.

01-01-2008, 03:20 AM
Slight spoilers:

Spira would have had to go through some serious geological changes to have become what it was out of FFVII's Gaia. Also, Hypello, Ronso, Guado, Al Bhed etc would have had to evolve. So we're talking millions of years in the future, and who's to say humans would have survived that long anyway? And of course, where was the Farplane in FFVII? Where did the souls of the dead go? If unsent (undead) could walk around freely in FFX, why the heck was everyone in FFVII afraid of a meteor?

The Gaia=Spira (just in the future) theory is even more ridiculous than the supposed mystical connection between Sin in FFX and its namesake's cameo appearance in FFVII.

01-01-2008, 09:42 PM
What Ceidwad says, the two worlds have incompatible cosmologies, and while they might-could exist in the same multiverse, they couldn't exist in the same universe.

01-02-2008, 02:10 AM
idk about X but i know in IX there is a bunch of dialogue about cloud.. In one of the cities (i forgot maybe Alexandria) if you go into the sword shop, there is a poster there of cloud, and if you examine it, it says something about cloud..

Just something to think about lol

01-02-2008, 05:14 PM
It's Dragoos' weapon shop in Lindblum. If you check out the weapons on display there, Zidane will mention 'someone with spiky hair who used to carry something similar'.

01-03-2008, 11:52 PM
That doesn't mean there's a connection between the world in FFIX and FFVII, it's just one of many, many references to previous games in FFIX.

01-04-2008, 01:15 AM
What are you talking about Sobye? Not only the world of FFIX has a connection with the one from FFVII, but also with Star Trek and Star Wars!

01-04-2008, 01:18 AM
forum search: "Could it be?"

It's for people who live forever and want cancer.

01-04-2008, 02:58 AM
That doesn't mean there's a connection between the world in FFIX and FFVII, it's just one of many, many references to previous games in FFIX.

Oh, I'm aware of that, it's just that the FFIX-FFVII Cloud connection is much more obvious than the supposed 'Sin' FFVII-FFX connection, which has very little to back it up.

01-04-2008, 07:24 PM
Oh, I'm aware of that, it's just that the FFIX-FFVII Cloud connection is much more obvious than the supposed 'Sin' FFVII-FFX connection, which has very little to back it up.

The comment was actually directed towards funnyboy4004. And I agree, the 'Sin' thing is utter bullshit, it's not like the word is unique to FFX.

01-05-2008, 11:38 PM
There were even some references to FF games in Parasite Eve... Are they connected too? No they are not. Square just loves to add some FF here and there. Always.

01-05-2008, 11:45 PM
It's called cameo appearances. Their little bits of eye candy meant to please the fans of other works. People who have already played other game, would get the references while those who haven't won't quite get them. Kinda like how Freddy Kruger's clawed glove appears over the doorway in one of the scenes in Evil Dead II, and Bruce Campbell has an appearance in all 3 Spiderman movies, but that doesn't Connect Freddy Kruger to the Evil Dead movies, or Spiderman.

01-06-2008, 01:29 AM
ha was just reading about this last night...anyways...

"In Final Fantasy X-2, a member of the Gullwings named "Shinra" proposes the concept of extracting the life energy from within the planet Spira. In the Final Fantasy X-2 Ultimania guidebook published by Square Enix, Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy X-2 scenario writer Kazushige Nojima stated that the character Shinra and his proposal are a deliberate nod to the Shinra Company of Final Fantasy VII, and also revealed that he envisioned the events of Final Fantasy X-2 as a prequel to those in Final Fantasy VII. This connection had previously been hinted toward by Kitase and lead Final Fantasy developer Yoshinori Kitase during an interview in the Final Fantasy X Ultimania Ω guidebook, and was again detailed in the Final Fantasy VII Ultimania Ω — two other official publications of Square Enix."


01-06-2008, 07:23 AM
Then Kazushige Nojima is a retard.

01-07-2008, 06:43 PM
Then Kazushige Nojima is a retard.

True, most definitely true.

01-08-2008, 11:34 PM
I mean seriously. "I imagine FFX-2 as a prequel to FFVII..." WTF? FFX-2 ruined FFX's story enough. Does it have to ruin FFVII as well? FFVII is plot holed enough as it is, if FFX-2 and FFVII got tangibly connected, I might just join the Prak Brigade.

01-09-2008, 12:37 AM
These are only developer's masturbation. The way both of these worlds work is different. There are no pireflies in FFVII and no farplane either.

Trying to see the 2 worlds as connected because some moron in FFX-2 is named Shinra is completely retarded.

If it was so, then almost every games in the series are connected together because there is a four-armed guy named Gilgamesh in nearly all titles.

01-10-2008, 12:05 AM
ha was just reading about this last night...anyways...

"In Final Fantasy X-2, a member of the Gullwings named "Shinra" proposes the concept of extracting the life energy from within the planet Spira. In the Final Fantasy X-2 Ultimania guidebook published by Square Enix, Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy X-2 scenario writer Kazushige Nojima stated that the character Shinra and his proposal are a deliberate nod to the Shinra Company of Final Fantasy VII, and also revealed that he envisioned the events of Final Fantasy X-2 as a prequel to those in Final Fantasy VII. This connection had previously been hinted toward by Kitase and lead Final Fantasy developer Yoshinori Kitase during an interview in the Final Fantasy X Ultimania Ω guidebook, and was again detailed in the Final Fantasy VII Ultimania Ω � two other official publications of Square Enix."

thats where I got it from yup

01-10-2008, 08:29 PM
ha was just reading about this last night...anyways...

"In Final Fantasy X-2, a member of the Gullwings named "Shinra" proposes the concept of extracting the life energy from within the planet Spira. In the Final Fantasy X-2 Ultimania guidebook published by Square Enix, Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy X-2 scenario writer Kazushige Nojima stated that the character Shinra and his proposal are a deliberate nod to the Shinra Company of Final Fantasy VII, and also revealed that he envisioned the events of Final Fantasy X-2 as a prequel to those in Final Fantasy VII. This connection had previously been hinted toward by Kitase and lead Final Fantasy developer Yoshinori Kitase during an interview in the Final Fantasy X Ultimania Ω guidebook, and was again detailed in the Final Fantasy VII Ultimania Ω � two other official publications of Square Enix."


I'll bet this was said while the SE guys were passing the joint around.

01-11-2008, 10:25 PM
yeah that and FFXII

01-12-2008, 03:31 PM
on the plus side if all this has come to fruition i'll eat my hat.

01-13-2008, 12:58 AM
I'm going to hold you to that (even though I don't expect a cross over) the cloud and tidus fans just don't seem to mix. aris and yuna sure rikku and tifa why not but cloud and tidus fans might be wanting to play two very different types of game (this is some thing I noticed just being around various FF sites)

01-13-2008, 04:46 AM
i hope they are not attempting to connect them because of the success financially of the two games. because to me, connecting the two just seems like a far stretch.

there's more depth of the subject here:


push control f and type: "Translations concerning the plot-related connection between FFVII and FFX/X-2"

i would post it, but there's a lot here.

and Hynad, there's a possibility the game is connected. please check previous posts before you post yours.

01-13-2008, 01:59 PM
I've already read everything there is to read about the subject.

And I've made my comments with full knowledge of the matter.

I stand by what I've said. Connecting the 2 universes is only the co-producer's masturbation. It was only mentioned as a way to "please" the fanboys of both games. But to actually have a definite answer to that, you'd have to ask Sakaguchi. And sadly (or thank god) he left. The more time passes, the more I start understanding why.

Just so you know, Sakaguchi said in an old interview (around the time he left S-E) that he was completely against doing a sequel to FF VII. To him, there couldn't be a possible sequel to FF VII. I'll let you guess why (the reason is actually quite obvious if you can track some old interviews with Sakaguchi).

Now, if you still think FF X is related to FF VII in any ways, then that's you. But in no way is there any evidence in the games that could point in that direction. I already mentioned how they COULDN'T possibly be linked (farplane, pireflies, etc...).

But be free to be a blind fanboy who eats S-E's phantasmic ejaculations if you wish.

01-13-2008, 08:59 PM
I've already read everything there is to read about the subject.

And I've made my comments with full knowledge of the matter.

I stand by what I've said. Connecting the 2 universes is only the co-producer's masturbation. It was only mentioned as a way to "please" the fanboys of both games. But to actually have a definite answer to that, you'd have to ask Sakaguchi. And sadly (or thank god) he left. The more time passes, the more I start understanding why.

Just so you know, Sakaguchi said in an old interview (around the time he left S-E) that he was completely against doing a sequel to FF VII. To him, there couldn't be a possible sequel to FF VII. I'll let you guess why (the reason is actually quite obvious if you can track some old interviews with Sakaguchi).

Now, if you still think FF X is related to FF VII in any ways, then that's you. But in no way is there any evidence in the games that could point in that direction. I already mentioned how they COULDN'T possibly be linked (farplane, pireflies, etc...).

But be free to be a blind fanboy who eats S-E's phantasmic ejaculations if you wish.

Q F Fucking T!!!

01-13-2008, 11:35 PM
haha. funny. as if i was stating that connecting the two universes was a good idea, or i actually thought there was a connection. but i wasn't. i was merely giving more light on the subject since there seems to be speculations from the director and writers that they is a connection. and i agree with you on the fact that it seems it was meant to please people who got boners from either game. and money seems to be the driving force to do so also. but when did i say they were connected? i said there's a possibility due to speculations from SE. and your post did sound like a rehash of what everyone was saying before i posted that. ha, fanboy. the anti-fanboys sound just as bad as the fanboys. i guess i'm a fanboy since i shed light on the possibility of a connection between FFVII & FFX. hilarious.

01-14-2008, 01:15 AM
My post is a rehash of what I had always said, nothing else.

And saying that "anti-fanboys" (Really stupid to call me that, really, for I really like FFVII --but not X-- But I wouldn't ask of you to know what you're talking about) sound just as bad as the fanboys, you're completely in the wrong there. Fanboys are blind to the truth most of the time. Anti-fanboys , as you call them, are there to enlighten the poor sheeps.

Whether you accept it or not.

01-14-2008, 08:28 AM
i meant your original post sounded like a rehash of what everyone else said. ha. fanboys and anti-fanboys are extremes. and people love to throw themselves in either instead of being their selves. "oh no. i can't like a Final Fantasy game because someone will make fun of me. =( oh dear. time to join the hate train." just as fake as a fanboy. or "i love this game because it was good and popular! yay! what? some said it sucks/has flaws for legitimate reasons? never!" blind to the truth. i suppose you're not. just sensed a lot of negativity, so that was my assumption.

01-14-2008, 09:49 AM
Sin could have had any or no significances in it's one-word appearance in FFVII, and FFX is free to make all the FFVII references it wishes. That in no way denotes any connection between the two. As for potential prognostications... The FFX story probably existed in the minds of some of the Square developers by the time FFVII was made, but I doubt there was any conscious expression of it. The FFX Project was started in it's embyonic form about the same time FFVIII's development began.

A vulgar crossover, or a connective story between FFX and FFVII, however, is highly unlikely. That would fall into the category of, "I'll believe it when I see it." As things are, I seriously doubt it, the two franchises do well enough on their own, and are liked by two distinct fanbases. If they are comingled it will not necessarily have the anticipated results. Kingdom Hearts provides enough comingling to please the crowd who would enjoy it, so in that respect, the crossover has already happened.

it would be really weired and probably about as intresting as looking at a wet fish

01-26-2008, 01:14 AM
That might be the day I quit Rpg's