12-21-2007, 04:17 PM

The graphics are looking pretty darn good for a PSP game but I'm still not sold on the genre of the actually game. I'd hate to think of this as another FF spin-off to just rake up some cash to make everything nice and even but I'm not very hopeful. I hope I'm proved wrong though. If this worked it could be a pretty neat idea.

12-22-2007, 09:58 PM

12-23-2007, 12:27 AM
Well, considering the remarkable past ventures of Square-Enix (Squaresoft at the time), I wouldn't be too worried.

The Bushido Blade and Tobal series were on par if not above any other fighters from their respective eras.

12-23-2007, 01:54 AM
In a few interviews about this game at the Jump Fiesta(sp?) 2008 where a playable demo was available with a few characters like WoL, Zidane etc.

The game would be applying similar Advent Children like feats with the use of reaction commands similiar to that of KH2 to gain access to new battle platforms or nearby impossible heights.

Using the environment to your advantage could possibly be done in this game. Some of these feats would include dashing up walls with the rules of gravity definitely not applying to the battlefield.

Perhaps this game may bring out something different to the fighting genre.