12-17-2007, 09:12 AM
MS Windows Vista has been out there for some time now, and there are no more patches being made for the newer windows or for higher resolutions.
Has anyone, yet tested the older patches on Vista??? Do they work???

If not please list the sources for the best, and latest sources for patches.

12-17-2007, 04:26 PM
Bzzt! Wrong section.

12-17-2007, 10:09 PM
I'm pretty sure this one is a bot...

12-18-2007, 10:58 AM
Wait a minute, no one's a bot. And no one's helping my case. Stop being such cock-ups and if you're viewing the thread, post something useful while you're at it.

12-18-2007, 12:41 PM
tthe only thing you can do is get the XP patch (http://www.sofotex.com/Final-Fantasy-VII-XP-Patch-download_L5052.html)

but idk if it will do anything..

You can also try getting the Geforce drivers if you have a Geforce video card, but i can't find em atm, so google it.

12-18-2007, 04:16 PM
hahaha newer and newer technology is available everyday and what do we do with it? We use it to play old games.

12-18-2007, 04:42 PM
Wait a minute, no one's a bot. And no one's helping my case. Stop being such cock-ups and if you're viewing the thread, post something useful while you're at it.But what I posted was useful. You just entered a land of rabid sharks; have lots of armour on and protect yourself, and you can do so in many ways, such as POSTING IN THE RIGHT SECTION.

12-19-2007, 03:47 AM
Wait a minute, no one's a bot. And no one's helping my case. Stop being such cock-ups and if you're viewing the thread, post something useful while you're at it.

Well, your nick looks like it was popped out of a random number generator, your post count was "1," and you posted in a forum that had nothing to do with technichal support, software, or operating systems, and said forum was not the main forum of the site. Statistically, the odds were 3 to 1, bot or noob. Well, seeing as you answered, you sound like a noob... or you could have been a heckler bot designed to give rude replies if someone calls you a bot. Either way, until you discuss FFVII in this FFVII forum, something in general in General Discussion(The forum that by some weird shit has a funny picture of a penguin instead of a name, as its title), or anything that is within the scope of the forum that it is in, I will not give you the satisfaction of an appropriate answer, because you have not given the effort to take your question to the right forum... And if you were polite in clarifying that you are not a bot, the mod of this forum would probably be willing to move this thread rather than close it. The appropriate forum for this thread does exist, and it has even been linked in this thread. So you can either repost this thread in the appropriate forum(or better yet Private Message the Moderater of this forum and politely request that the thread be moved to the appropriate forum), or you could just keep on yammering until people stop taking interst in the thread, or the Mod closes it.

If nothing else, take into consideration the people who you are asking. This is the Final Fantasy VII sub forum of Final Fantasy Shrine Forums. That means that the people who frequent this sub-forum here are going to know more about and be more interested in discussing Final Fantasy VII. So for someone to be able to help you in this forum, that person would have to be interested and knowledgeable about both Final Fantasy VII and Windows XP, whereas if you take this thread to the appropriate forum, you would only need the person to visit this thread be interested and knowledgable about Windows XP, easily broadening the number of prospective people who will answer your plea positively, for no other reason that you have removed a denominator. Consider it mathematically. Only so many people go to the Technical support forum. Divide the total number of active users by the number of people who go to the Technical support forum, then you will have the percentage of users who frequent it(Less than 10%). Then divide the total number of active users by the number of people who frequent the Final Fantasy VII forum. You will then have the percentage of users who frequent the Final Fantasy VII forum(Also Less than 10%). Okay, now if you multiply the portion of people who frequent the Technical support forum, which is less than 1/10, by the portion who frequent the Final Fantasy VII forum, which is also less than 1/10, then you will statistically have the likiehood, that less than 1/100 (probably closer to 1/250) of the users are intested and knowledgable about both Final Fantasy VII and Windows XP AND are frequenting both the Technical Support forum and the the Final Fantasy VII forum AND are willing to offer advice about said subject. (Consering that half the people who frequent The Technical Support forum run Linux, you can divide that figure by two.) You probably have a 1 in 500 chance of getting into a conversation with the person who can help you out... And he's actually shown up in this thread... And he's told you either to post this in the appropriate forum, or get the fuck out.

12-19-2007, 03:50 AM
...wow, just wow.


Neo Xzhan
12-19-2007, 10:20 AM
Zachron wins this thread, I'm gonna leave it at that.

There's also this neat thing called google.